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  • jjdinero22 March 2017
    Two things : 1) I really like Hallmark movies. 2) I also like movies about camping or wilderness related. :) So I maybe biased in this review.

    Story-wise, its the typical Hallmark family-oriented style with a romantic feel. Something that you would expect and not expect at the same time.

    Actors , I'd say the main characters did their parts very well. The leave-me-alone children, the over-protective parents, a little drama and the sparkle of romance.

    By the way, I wish that raccoon could have really been a bear - that it really tore the tent apart. And then Paul comes out to have protected them.

    I enjoyed this movie. And like I said, I like it! :)

    7 out of 10 stars for me.
  • While not being overly excited about the premise, which is typical Hallmark with a different setting, there were a number of Hallmark films from 2017 that did pleasantly surprise me. Paul Greene is always worth watching and while Danica McKellar is less consistent performances-wise and tends to be typecast and to a variable degree in success she is good when the material and such are good. The setting seemed really lovely and there was potential for a charming film.

    The charm comes in spurts but it to me didn't come consistently. 'Campfire Kiss' is watchable and is worth a one time watch, especially if you like the two leads, but it is nothing particularly special and doesn't have enough to make it stand out. As far as the 2017 Hallmark films go, 'Campfire Kiss' is not one of the best. But it is also not one of the worst. Very middle of the pack if anything and a rather mixed bag, with the good things being very good and the bad things being quite rough.

    'Campfire Kiss' is nicely made, the campfire setting is very nostalgic and picturesque with lovely scenery which the film makes the absolute most of. Complemented lovingly by the photography. Hallmark films can be intrusively and too constantly scored, especially in the Christmas output, it was not a problem here. While not memorable as such, it didn't jar and was pleasant enough.

    Greene is easy going and has a natural subtle charisma. The children are very charming and aren't cutesy or too bratty. Some very sweet scenes with them. The supporting cast do well with the little they have, Barbara Niven particularly. There are playful and sweet moments.

    McKellar however was less good. She does try her best, sometimes too much so, but she is undone by her character being so hard to like. Far too severe and her constant anger was too often irrational. There are glimpses of chemistry between her and Greene, but it lacks development from taking too long to go anywhere and generally is far too low key. Would have liked more development to the characters as well and with both lead characters being easy to root for rather than just one.

    Did find the script not always flowing and too heavy on the cheese or froth. It does try to have some depth with the ex, but as that subplot didn't work that attempt didn't either. The story is formulaic and could have had a tighter pace, the conflict is also not done well and comes over as too anaemic and shoe-horned in. Everything with the ex didn't feel necessary and the film does too little with it. The ending is too tidy, easily foreseeable and didn't feel earned.

    In summary, another watchable but little special film from Hallmark. 5/10.
  • SnoopyStyle28 April 2019
    Single mom school teacher Dana Henderson (Danica McKellar) is afraid of being disconnected from her son Arthur despite going to the same school. She takes him on a camping trip for the first time. She is pissed to find Steve Reynolds in the next tent after an initial bad meet. He's a divorced dad trying to reconnect with his bitter teen daughter Lacey. Arthur finds a masculine figure in Steve while Lacey learns to love math from Dana. As Dana and Steve get closer, his ex-wife shows up.

    Winnie Cooper is still adorable. It's cute how she is so dorky. The premise is predictable. It's a Hallmark romance and Danica has been doing a bunch of these. She is well suited for the genre. It's a standard romance but it's missing any bite or the needed humor. It's kinda bland but it is nice. That's all it's asked to do and that's what it delivers.
  • jewhitmer2522 July 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a good movie, it was entertaining. I will watch anything with Danica McKellar and Paul Greene separately or together in the cast.

    I know it's going to sound like I disliked this movie, but that's not true. It really is a decent movie, predictable like all Hallmark movies, but we obviously like the predictability or we wouldn't continue to watch them. It is nice to watch a movie where the characters have a chance at "happy ever after".

    Danica McKellar and Paul Greene definately had some chemistry, and they work well together. But Danica goes from angry to flirty to angry so fast it made my head spin and the things she was angry about were trivial to nonexistant. Seemed like the writers were really struggling to put in some sort of conflict that had to be resolved before they can get together.

    The plot was ok, kind of weak in spots. The ex-wife shows up out of the blue and they ask her to stay? Really? And Dana says her son can stay in a tent with man she doesn't know very well, and she is sharing a tent with a mother/daughter combo that she doesn't know very well. Really? The blurb on the box calls her a protecrtive mother, well, no protective mother would allow her teenage son to stay in a tent wth a virtual stranger in a day and age were children are being molested by people well-known to or even related to their families.

    While we're on the subject of the ex-wife, she reveals that Steve was terrified on the Ferris wheel because he was afraid of heights. His daughter says something about that being the reason he was afraid to ride the tall horse. However, afraid of heights Steve, climbed the rock wall and rappelled down with Arthur. Inconsistant plot device.

    Dana's rant over getting lost while geocaching was out-of-the-blue and frankly not believable.

    Also, about the middle school dance where teachers are concerned about the kids dancing to close together and watching were they put their hands on each other. Enter the chaperone (Dana) and the father (Steve) who not only dance too close but also kiss in front of the students. Completely inappropriate. The old cliche, do as I say not as I do, comes to mind.

    One more thing, Dana tells her son, who plays the guitar, to play the song with the chords. What does that even mean? Don't all songs have chords?

    I always love to see Barbara Niven, too bad she was underused in this movie. The two kids were good and the friendly relationship developing between them is believable.

    OOPS: Dana tells her son there will be canoeing on their trip, Steve donates a canoe to the camp, and it's Spring Break, Snow covered ground, it's snowing in some scenes, and everyone is in wintercoats, knit caps, mittens/gloves and scarves. Does anyone really think there will be canoeing? And since it was spring break that would be March or April in Colorado, and we know it is Colorado because they live in Denver.

    All this being said, I did enjoy the movie in spite of the low points. Which were mostly the fault of the script. Danica and Paul are always good.

    My advice: it's a decent movie and well worth at least one viewing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Campfire Kiss brings back the Hallmark regular Danica McKellar in its usual mundane and harmless way. After what I would call a disappointing Christmas Movie last year for Danica I was hoping for a better movie. This movie, while very watchable, is very forgettable and after being seen once will not make you want to rewind to see it again.

    Of the many general themes of Hallmark movies one of the least desirable to me is when one of both of the leads kids play matchmaker. It is used often, and sometimes works but often does not and gets a little creepy. Here it works okay but still kind of leaving you wanting say to them mind your own business. Secondly, the "conflict" in the romance in this movie was especially weak and in my opinion not really a conflict at all. It just left you wanting to say call him/her and straiten it out.

    All that being said why this movie rates an above average review is all the actors were good in their roles. The dialogue was not as trite as many of these movies. Having his ex-wife show up was a nice twist. The romance seemed believable.

    If you like these movies and have not seen it you will want to do so.
  • Ok ladies, I know these reviews and movie audiences are normally thought of as a female only spaces, but I'm afraid there's a whole chunk of middle aged gay men in those viewing figures as well, and to the straight guys who secretly or openly like these films, I applaud you, you have proven that your masculinity is not fragile. - right got that out the way let's start talking about this movie.

    Firstly like a lot of you I'm here for the wholesome guy / girl next door outfits, fresh from a magazine spread interior designs and instagram worthy backdrops and this movie is being awarded some points for that straight away. This is Stepford Wives go glamping. It's aspirational perfection under canvas.

    The story is always a bit of a sideline in these films really, we all know the plot within 30 seconds of viewing. It's the charisma of the actors that seals the deal. Can they splurt out those cheesy lines without sounding like a half hearted greeting card? In this case - hmmmmm kinda. Paul is fantastic at 'fun n jokey' and 'kinda crushing on you' but not so good at 'pep talk dad buddy'. Danica great at 'nervous blabbering' and 'emotionally vulnerable' not so much in 'I'll show you' mode.

    There's a bit too much parents bonding with kids in the plot and an over obvious a boy needs a dad and a girl needs a mum idea push, but it moves the story along and the kids playing them are likeable and harmless.

    Over all it's an easy way to pass less than two hours. Its fuel for your outfit / home decor ideas with romance sprinkled on top. I can vouch for the male lead having a crush worthy charisma and a tight enough T-shirt and if you're a sophisticated stoner a little 420 before viewing will make those cheesy lines bearable and the imagery much more cozy.

    On a side note, what a stunning location - where is this camp, those mountains are beautiful!
  • marciaoh1 May 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    There is no cohesive story or conflict developed in Campfire Kiss therefore, it is difficult for the audience to stay interested. The main characters have zero chemistry. Danica McKellar, Dana, who has some talent as an actress, in this movie, comes across as unlikable and irritating. There is no justification for her anger at Steve (Paul Green) throughout most of the film. We're suppose to believe that because Steve, the owner of a sporting goods store, was talking to his daughter on his cell phone when Danica, a customer, wanted his attention, then playfully teased her, that this brief encounter justifies Dana's irrational anger at this man for the entire first part of the film. Throughout the rest of her encounters with Steve, Dana goes in and out of adolescent flirtation to unexplained rage. Even the usual, spectacular Hallmark scenery is not remarkable in Campfire Kiss. Avoid spending two hours watching this unappealing, lack of romance mess.
  • BurberryGal20 August 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Campfire Kiss shows more real life situations then other Hallmark movies. For example, it shows a divorced dad successfully co-parenting with his former spouse. Shows Children's experiences overcoming obstacles inside and outside of school. Characters are much more multi-dimensional making them easier to relate to. Love when Hallmark Movies are more authentic like this one. Paul Greene and Danica McKellar do a pretty good job together acting in Campfire Kiss. Would love them to do more collaborations soon. Possibly a sequel to this one.
  • The overall set up/plot, location and secondary characters are fine but the main four roles are too whingey and annoying. For a teacher, the lead female is irritatingly out of touch with kids / teaching - and seems to have no concept of her son's age at all. Plus it would be great if teachers really could plan lessons up to retirement, however that's impossible in the modern constantly changing world/curriculum. Danica McKeller and Paul Greene are ok together - try 'Perfect Match' movie if you want to see them paired again.
  • vriddheeg20 March 2017
    It is a hallmark movie.I like their movies. I was looking forward to this movie, for Danica McKellar and Paul Greene, I have liked their previous pairing. The movie is funny and sweet.
  • studioAT29 March 2020
    Hallmark films can be a bit hit/miss, but this one is certainly in the 'hit' category.

    With lovely central performances from the reuniting Danica McKellar (who seems to be carving out quite a niche for this type of film) and Paul Greene.

    As ever with Hallmark films, there's a healthy dose of life affirming messages along the way, but on the whole I thought this was a quality 84 mins of entertainments and I'd thoroughly recommend the film.
  • I know these movies can be pretty corny but this one is one of the worst. It's just bad. Story line is fine but the main female lead character is annoying and rude.. the meet cute is really badly done, at least the male lead and the kids aren't too bad. I will definitely not be rewatching this one.
  • Danica McKellar's producing influence is obvious not just in her character's career as a math instructor but in the multiple sermons she preaches on how awesome math is. While I don't mind the sentiment, it's a bit blatant. Her overprotective mother role is ridiculously off-putting and has little attraction unless the man likes rescuing damsels in distress, even annoying damsels.
  • This was a cute movie but would've liked to see more rustic camping and without kids. That of course, is my personal preference. I liked the main couple and their chemistry. I gave this a lower score than my normal Hallmark movie but I thought the end kinda fell flat after the camping trip.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    7.6 stars.

    This is one of the most basic plots you'll ever see in a Hallmark movie. It's about two families. The first is a woman named Dana (McKellar) and her 8th grade son. The second is a man named Steve (Greene) and his Freshman daughter. Both parents decide they need to bond closer with their children so they book a week at family camp. Coincidentally, Dana and Steve already met on pretty bad terms, he was rude to her at his sporting goods store, so she left in a huff and went shopping for camping gear elsewhere. They end up in neighboring tents at the campsite. Things improve as time goes on, the families bond, the adults share kisses, happy ending (with some ups and downs).

    There are a few dating and early relationship gems to be had in this film, so if you gain nothing else from watching, maybe those tidbits can help you or a friend in the dating arena.

    Why is 'Campfire Kiss' not an 8.0 or higher? I mean it has all the great stuff such as chemistry between the leads, and the supporting actors (mainly the two kids) are really good in their roles. What is missing is more depth of plot, maybe a bit more drama, but the primary factor that affects my rating is my usual disapproval of Greene as an actor. He rubs me the wrong way for some reason, not sure what it is, but reminds me of a man, or men I knew in the past, very standoffish, holier-than-thou types, and for real. These were not facades I'm mentioning, these were full blown jerks. He has that aura about him, that's all. Is his acting good? Sure, maybe, but something about him is off. Whether his acting is too "needy" in one role, or too "standoffish" in another, it all comes down to my slight disdain for his presentation.
  • LtlHippo26 March 2017
    Loved the scenery. Not the female lead. She always looks so sad and pouty. She came across as not very likable. Liked the male lead and the kids were fine. Not my favorite, not the worst I've seen. Would love to see more movies with Alicia Witt.I also would love to see some Christmas movies during the summer.
  • But the two leads were not convincing. When the female lead is closer to 50 in real life, and playing a coy 30 something in the film, then credibility goes out of the window. Equally the two children involved needed my Mother around to instil the clearly needed.discipline !
  • Another unrealistic movie about a moronic, helpless woman, brought to you by the Hallmark agenda to demean women by portraying them as incapable of dealing with their personal lives by themselves. Hey Hallmark, we don't want to watch idiots who raise weak, whiny and pouty (and often miserable) children. The teenage girl has an attitude that wouldn't be tolerated in the real world, so the audience simply finds her horrible.

    The female protagonist acts like a 13 yr old pouty brat with fears up the shoot, instead of a mature woman and parent in her thirties. She is so stupid. There is NOTHING likable about her. She teaches grade 8, but knows nothing about teenagers? Idiotic. Both protagonists are not real, but she is annoying and completely miscast against the male lead. Their attempt at humour fell flat; not funny. It just made them look even more stupid.

    Awful; Hallmark people need to get out in the real world before they write more rubbish.