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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Good idea and somewhat entertaining, I'm a huge Method Man/ Wu-Tang Clan fan and want to see him have success.

    But the lame beat-boxing has gotta go! It is so very distracting, annoying and repetitive that I can't even enjoy the contestants.

    It is annoying as &%$%!

    They seriously need to have a make-over and lose the beat-boxing dude and get a DJ that can spin some tunes that are enjoyable as a "backdrop" without taking over the show and the contestants.
  • Apart from the ugly basic premise of getting 2 celebrities to insult each other to score points against people they don't have any grudge or objection to for our entertainment this show absolutely fails in its staging. Obviously these people are not making this stuff up as they go along. It's plainly script written and not well at all. Add to that the insult to the genre and you've got one unpleasant, idiotic, poorly thought through mess. The people who think this passes for 'good-natured entertainment' are what's driving civilization into the ground. Thanks for taking it down a few more notches, please change your career path.
  • This is so stupid. Please take this show off the air. It's not bad enough that the commercials are annoying, but the show itself can only be described as awful. The show reuses the same people and way too similar songs over and over and pretends like each episode is some grand, new, original, masterpiece. Now listen, I like rap, I like rappers, I like celebrities, but this show is so fake and repetitive I feel violently aggressive towards everyone on screen when I see this show. I really tried to watch this crap but since watching 3 episodes featuring my favorite celebrities, I can't get to the remote fast enough when this show comes on. The commercials that come on remind me of the lost time I will never recover. I'm not sure I can really express how deeply I despise this show. Please do not watch this show, let it die. Don't give them even a single view to improve their ratings. Thank you for your time.
  • They dropped the celebrities and had people off the street

    they find people who would be talented give there backstories and all that for each contestant, they have it tournament style and each week they have a new battle leading up to the finale and they do this for every season, and they have actual rappers judge the rappers,

    that's my pitch what do you think
  • Celebrities poorly delivering pre-written childish school yard "insults" that sometimes rhyme.... it's cringey, it's unfunny, it's hard to watch and it's just all around pathetic. What is the point of this travesty?
  • Okay, this isn't something I'd allow young kids to watch or learn from obviously. However, it's fun to see the raw tension from the lyrics. It's no different from "roasting" a person, except there's a beat to it and I like it a lot. It's a show for grown ups who understand this is all just fun and game, not for kids who could end up becoming a bully at the end of the day.
  • tlbp26 November 2017
    In a world where people are cruel to one another and where violence is commonplace, WHY does anyone think we need a show that revolves around insulting one another for sport? How is that entertainment? What does this teach children and teens? The sooner this show disappears, the better for society!
  • Didn't think this show would work, but 90% of it is absolutely great
  • I honestly do not care if they write their own raps or not, this one star review is based solely on how unfunny and awkward this mess actually is. Insult humor can be very entertaining (see Don Rickles), this was clearly written by complete simpletons, and it is painfully obvious there are some simpletons out there in TV land who consider this entertainment. If this is TV of the future, I think it is time to bring back Tom Green.
  • brianbatop11 June 2018
    This has to be the worse garbage on air. Probably paid people in the audience don't nothing in the darker areas while a few idiots in camera view sway to pre-written insults. Not original in any way and the white fat guy wears sweaters on a hot tv set?! Lol Sad to see that any trash can make onto tv. Hollywood is running out of creative ideas..
  • mollydominick26 December 2018
    This has to be the worst thing I've ever seen. Even the commercials are horrible. You can feel that it's scripted, it's not funny, and it's so forced it's so incredibly awkward to watch
  • This show is awful. Yes some of it is very funny, but also very cruel. If I was one of the contenders, I'd go home and cry! Although they know it's all in fun,This crap hits deep and personal! Not entertainment, just plain ole hurtful comments! For shame
  • This show is obviously meant for some lighthearted laughs and on that mark it delivers. A refreshing break from all the political hate spewing from every other pore of pop culture. All these negative reviewers need to lighten up. It's okay to just enjoy things for what they are sometimes. No need to over complicate it. I hope this show never goes away.
  • mrnole26 December 2018
    TBS used to be a great channel. Now it is just trash and this is the trash leader, Drop the mike. Why not make it "more real"? Set the loser on fire and have playoffs each week to determine the "winner" Start with samantha B and snoop dog
  • We know they don't write the lyrics, but many of the professional don't write their material either. I love the battles!
  • B/has-been celebrities "battling" each other with lame ghost-written insults, isn't entertaining on any level. If this is the best idea James Corden has, he needs a new gig.
  • zt65019 December 2017
    I HATE RAP,because it is not real is bull**and every respectable musician knows it...let this show DIE..what a horrible premise for a show..please take this abortion of a show off the air!!!
  • amystar14 January 2019
    It's sad to see someone as talented as Method Man associated with something as moronic as this show. I get rap battles, I love them actually, when they are done by rappers,not by.....whatever you want to call this mess. Obviously the raps are scripted which takes away from what real rap battles are, off the cuff and playing off what the other has said. The commercials are constantly on which is horrible, and if I have to look at hailey "beiber's" stupid facial expressions, like those comebacks were so good, one more time I'm going to punch Justin Bieber in the nuts. Not like anyone actually needs a reason to do that.
  • bjarrell-067785 January 2019
    TV has run out of ideas. At least anything worth watching. Can't believe anyone would watch this crap.
  • noharm528 February 2019
    Take it easy and laugh a little about yourself and celebrities. Its especially funny when freinds and co workers do it :) Go James Cordon!
  • The "celebrities" that are on this show are so obscure. They belong on a new episode of "Big Brother, Who the F is this?"