User Reviews (21)

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  • ThomasDrufke12 October 2017
    It's really no surprise that Arrow quite easily was the best of the Arrowverse shows this week. While not fully living up to the emotional heights of the finale last season, (but really, how could they?) 'Fallout' proved to be another good start for the long-running superhero show, and just what the CW needed.

    Besides of course, the mostly dread season 4, Arrow has never had a problem with maintaining the same tone year-to-year but also having enough fresh faces to keep the show feeling new. We haven't met the big-bad or any new supporting faces yet, unless you count William, but this season already feels like a new vibe. Continuing with the long- running theme of fathers on the show, season 6 is undoubtedly about fatherhood. Just take a look at the steps made in the opening episode: Oliver (with Samantha now dead) is a fully (mostly) committed father to William, Lance is dealing with the ongoing Black Siren (daughter) situation, Rene is getting a second shot with Zoe, and of course Slade trying to find his son. Whether the theme continues to stay as a strong presence throughout the season is yet to be determined, but I found it to be compelling, especially if we get more scenes like the ones involving Ollie & Slade at the hospital, and Ollie & Quentin at the police graduation.

    The flashbacks were back this week as we got to see some of the aftermath from Chase blowing up Lian Yu. As it turns out, it wasn't just Samantha (expectedly) dying, Thea took quite the beating as well. We weren't made aware the extent of her injuries, but it sure seems like she's in a pretty bad coma. Knowing the producers said last year they don't think they will ever kill her off, I think she'll come out of this okay, but it didn't remove all the emotional weight. Especially seeing Slade come in there at the end to show his support for Ollie.

    Adding to the devastation from the island, was the reveal that Diggle isn't doing so hot either. He clearly suffered a major injury to his right side/upper arm/shoulder, and is lacking in the field because of it. I suspect this will be Diggle's main arc this season, overcoming his injury, but I wouldn't be completely shocked if this leads to a more extensive absence from Diggle. I don't necessarily think he's going to die, but maybe a retirement. Who knows, we've seen that before haven't we…

    Speaking of something we have seen before, Ollie was officially outed as the Green Arrow….again. I wish I kept count how many times this is that he's been under fire from law enforcement, but I guess we're going to have to go through it yet again. Maybe this time it will actually stick?

    A few other things worth noting...I dug Wild Dog's new suit. I sure hope those T-Sphere's don't become too powerful. Is the man that saved Black Siren, Richard Dragon? Welcome back Raisa! Love James Bamford's directing. I sure hope Slade sticks around for a while. Overall, this was a great return for Arrow.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well there we have it, week one of the 4 shows has finished. For me, Arrow had the best potential for the best season opener out of all the shows because of last seasons finale. And I felt like this episode, while not perfect, did not disappoint.

    We got somewhat of an explanation about what happened to everyone on the Island in the finale. And at this point it seems like Samantha is the only one dead, with Thea in a coma who will almost certainly wake up from that coma eventually. So I think having only Samantha die is a bit of an insult to how dominant Prometheus was as a villain last season. His plan was to kill everyone of Oliver's friends and families, which we now know was a failure. Which is really disappointing because S5 was such a great season with Prometheus being arguably the best villain Arrow has ever had. For so little to happen from Prometheus' grand genius plan, is a slap in the face. But anyway that was really the only major problem with this episode for me.

    In terms of the team. Wild-dog got a new outfit (which makes him look a bit like vigilante, no?), Dig has the yips for an unexplained reason that happened on the island (I'm sure we'll find out next week), Black Canary has gotten bada*s I loved her in this episode, while Quintin struggled to come to terms of what happened with him shooting and believing he killed Black Siren.

    Onto Black Siren, I have enjoyed her character ever since she appeared on Flash and very happy she's back as a potential season regular for this season. Her fight scenes with Dinah were really entertaining and I hope to see more of them as the season progresses.

    Oliver is struggling with his relationship with William, who blames him for his mother's death. I'm sure this will be a big plot point as the season goes on. And finally, wow...The Green Arrow unmasked????? Very interested to see the aftermath of that photo of Oliver in his suit with no mask.

    Overall I think Arrow had the strongest season opener of all the shows (as it should have after last seasons finale), although I think it did tarnish Prometheus' reputation from S5. But because this is a season 6 episode, I won't let it affect my rating too much. 8.7/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Out of all the Arrowverse show, this is the one that I love the most and the one that have been going for the longest time. I have always loved the many ways they have taken this character, and I have been supporting this show for so long. That said, I am not going to pretend that everything about this show is great, because there have been some really bad things done with it. Season 3 started the spiral down with a very disappointing and uneven second half, while Season 4 changed from something quite good to something very disappointing at the halftime mark. There were good things about those respective seasons, but it wasn't until Season 5 that the magic really returned to "Arrow," and I was reminded that these are awesome characters. And I have to say that I think Season 6 started out very well, and have some really great momentum going forward. This is by far the best of the season premieres that aired this week, as the show proves that it has both much better writing and more interesting characters than the other shows. The writers have never disappointed in giving some interesting openings, and get us hyped for what to come. They started out this season with a cool action scene and then went right into the story. I loved how easy they just went into what they had planned, without letting the Season 5 finale hold them back, and they slowly revealed which characters had survived and which had not. This episode had some great character development for every single character, as this thing that happened on Lian Yu had consequences all around. Even if some of them didn't die, they were definitely scared by these events, and that came as a very positive surprise. I was afraid that they would go with the easy way out there, but they didn't. They introduced some difficulties that I think will have a huge part to play in the rest of the season. I can't wait to see more from these characters and what the show has to offer them. Let's just hope they keep up that level of writing. In this episode, we got the return of Laurel-2 who also survived Lian Yu. I have always been lukewarm when it comes to Katie Cassidy in this show, but as Laurel-2, she has shown a different side of her and a very different kind of presence that she never showed before. I really enjoy her as this character, and I love the relationship that the writers are setting up between her and Dinah. They are given this sort of rival coupling, which I think is great, and I can't wait to see future battles between them. I also love the fact that Manu Bennett is back in a more pivotal role than in the last season. Their relationship during the first two seasons was great during the time when they ran, and if the last season was any indication, they are going to be just as awesome this time around. Now, this episode isn't perfect because there are some weaknesses. One of them is a big glaring one with the name of William. Not only is the actor they got to play him not that good, but the writing for him is terrible. This kid is about 10 years old, but he talks like he is five. He is literally saying things like "the bad man," that normal kids in that age would never say. I hope they create a way to make this character seem more relevant for the future, or just give him some better dialogue and an acting coach. If not, then just drop that storyline completely and get him away. It also seemed like they were going to repeat a specific story beat that they have used in almost all the previous seasons. I don't know if they are planning to go ahead with that repeat, but I do hope with all my heart that they don't. It has worked in the past, but at this point, it is overused. They should just forget about that beat and find something new and fresh.
  • They left off on the best episode and cliffhanger, as far as I'm concerned, ever! This was the worst way they could have done it! NO ONE IMPORTANT DIED! I MEAN AT LEAST KILL LIKE DINAH OR CURTIS/RENE! BLACK SIREN DIDN'T EVEN DIE! THEY HAVE TURNED QUENTIN LANCE INTO A SICKLY LITTLE WEAKLING. I am truly sorry Paul Blackthorne.
  • j_forbesy12 October 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    There was no debate last season, Arrow season 5 was the best DC TV had to offer last season, and if this season goes anywhere like this episode, Arrow will be topping the list yet again.

    I loved this episode, not just as a premiere episode but as an episode overall. Out of all the premiere episodes, this one by far had the most meat to chew on. Without going deep into them we got the William/Oliver relationship, Diggle and his PTSD, the Black Siren/Lance situation, Thea, Slade finding his son and the reveal of Oliver as the Green Arrow.

    Most of these things will be plot lines that I think will go through majority of the first half of the season and I'm excited for that. I really like when we have situations that deal with a mental side of a person and I think those things is going to play on our characters mental side.

    As always, the action in this episode was spot on. No matter the overall quality of the episode, the action sequences are always flawless and this episode was no different.

    To touch on the flash backs, I really liked how they used them to go back to the island. I know they are going to be trying something different this season with the flash backs and so far I like what they have done with them. I'm sure they can't be on the island the whole time so it will be interesting to see if they just follow what happened in those 5 months.

    Something I want to talk about is a complaint I know a lot of people will have and this is that no one died except for Williams mum. To be honest, I never really expected any of our main character to die on the island and if someone was going it, my money was going to be on Thea. I think this season going forward they are going to play around with Thea's life for a bit before she eventually dies or decides to move away.

    Overall, I loved this episode. It set us up extremely well for the season ahead and laying a solid foundation for the season to build off. By far the best premiere of the CW DC shows.

  • jimsgem-6970214 March 2019
    I can't seem to get enough of the show and have been binge-watching it since I've discovered it on Netflix. I did like the earlier team than I do the latest (I'm up to Season 5) team, but I thought that the replacement for Laurel is working out just fine. They always keep their plots new and exciting. And that Stephen Amell is not hard to look at I can tell you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thought that this was a great season 6 premier. It has a lot of surprises such as Quinten shooting Laurel, Thea barely survived the explosion and Samantha dying (well I expected her to die but not like that). The fight scenes were unbelievable. Dinah vs Laurel was really cool and Oliver fighting thugs. I loved how they incorporated the scenes from the island. I'm really glad that they gave Diggle some more screen time and he deserved it. In season 5, it didn't feel like he was there, Don't get me wrong, I loved season 5. I'm also glad that Felicity didn't have much scenes or lines. I hate her. This episode was great but one problem I had was William. The actor didn't show much emotion in his role, but the story line with him and Oliver seems interesting. I hope they do this season justice like season 5.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Out of all the Arrowverse show, this is the one that I love the most and the one that have been going for the longest time. I have always loved the many ways they have taken this character, and I have been supporting this show for so long. That said, I am not going to pretend that everything about this show is great, because there have been some really bad things done with it. Season 3 started the spiral down with a very disappointing and uneven second half, while Season 4 changed from something quite good to something very disappointing at the halftime mark. There were good things about those respective seasons, but it wasn't until Season 5 that the magic really returned to "Arrow," and I was reminded that these are awesome characters. And I have to say that I think Season 6 started out very well, and have some really great momentum going forward. This is by far the best of the season premieres that aired this week, as the show proves that it has both much better writing and more interesting characters than the other shows. The writers have never disappointed in giving some interesting openings, and get us hyped for what to come. They started out this season with a cool action scene and then went right into the story. I loved how easy they just went into what they had planned, without letting the Season 5 finale hold them back, and they slowly revealed which characters had survived and which had not. This episode had some great character development for every single character, as this thing that happened on Lian Yu had consequences all around. Even if some of them didn't die, they were definitely scared by these events, and that came as a very positive surprise. I was afraid that they would go with the easy way out there, but they didn't. They introduced some difficulties that I think will have a huge part to play in the rest of the season. I can't wait to see more from these characters and what the show has to offer them. Let's just hope they keep up that level of writing. In this episode, we got the return of Laurel-2 who also survived Lian Yu. I have always been lukewarm when it comes to Katie Cassidy in this show, but as Laurel-2, she has shown a different side of her and a very different kind of presence that she never showed before. I really enjoy her as this character, and I love the relationship that the writers are setting up between her and Dinah. They are given this sort of rival coupling, which I think is great, and I can't wait to see future battles between them. I also love the fact that Manu Bennett is back in a more pivotal role than in the last season. Their relationship during the first two seasons was great during the time when they ran, and if the last season was any indication, they are going to be just as awesome this time around. Now, this episode isn't perfect because there are some weaknesses. One of them is a big glaring one with the name of William. Not only is the actor they got to play him not that good, but the writing for him is terrible. This kid is about 10 years old, but he talks like he is five. He is literally saying things like "the bad man," that normal kids in that age would never say. I hope they create a way to make this character seem more relevant for the future, or just give him some better dialogue and an acting coach. If not, then just drop that storyline completely and get him away. It also seemed like they were going to repeat a specific story beat that they have used in almost all the previous seasons. I don't know if they are planning to go ahead with that repeat, but I do hope with all my heart that they don't. It has worked in the past, but at this point, it is overused. They should just forget about that beat and find something new and fresh.
  • Abdulxoxo12 October 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    After the massive cliffhanger of the last season's finale, I was expecting more from this episode I thought It'd pick up right where it left from the last finale but they decided to do it in a more anticlimactic way, with the redundant flashbacks. I thought we were done with flashbacks after the "five years in hell" story arc ended in the S5. I hope there won't be many flashbacks this season, and that they'll keep a more linear storyline.

    Anyways, in the aftermath of the big event, it seemed like Diggle was injured, Thea in coma, and Samantha death and that's it. I was a bit disappointed 'cause I expect something more to happen and even dare to say, expect some characters to die but they decided to play safe and keep most, if not, all of the relevant characters. There's no explanation about Evelyn Sharp, Talia, Nyssa, etc and how they escaped or whether or not they are alive.
  • CastleofGlass198726 October 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Okay so after the season 5 finale went out with a bang literally i was thinking season 6 could bring Arrow back up to a great level and hell i was wrong. What a disapointment seriously i wont say no more.
  • Coming off its best episode ever, "Lian Yu", and a great redemption season, Arrow had a very good chance of bettering itself in the sixth season. Unfortunately, "Fallout" does not capitalize on the Season 5 cliffhanger and does not take any risks. Consequences are scarce and the story felt bland. The episode is saved by great performances and slick action sequences and a hope that Season 6 will be as good as the last one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I made a promise to myself after last season's finale - If nobody die in that blast I will never watch this TV-show again.

    Remember amazing first season's ending when they blast half of city and kill one of the main heroes (Tommy). Nope. Apparently we don't need that anymore. All we need is introducing more and more characters.

    Guess what happened in the first 5 minutes, I saw everyone who was on that island. And after watching that horrible flashback, when Felicity run in one direction, and than oops, "you should run in that direction", and than oops, she fell, and than bombs just began to blast in couple of meters from her... I turned this thing off! OMG, what am I watching, what a garbage...

    So, goodbye arrow. I will never watch you again.
  • The Arrow writers allowing the Black Siren to walk by Quentin Lance's drawn gun was the ridiculous scenario again for Arrow! Black Siren just murdered 9 fellow police officers and destroyed the Police Station, then attacked the Arrow's bunker shooting to kill all. How does Officer Quentin allow such murder and mayhem of the past and then let it to continue for another time by not just shooting to wound....ridiculous!
  • dineshpalety12 October 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    I waited way too long for this season premier and I am so disappointed that they come up with this pile of turd for the first episode of season 6. My God this was so lazy. Writing was lazy, editing was basic, the acting in this show was also lazy. The fight scenes were laughable. This was a boring episode with story lines they have already used before. The new story lines have cliché development. Yeah, this was horrible. Now I wish the show ended last season.

    Fingers crossed that this will get better.

    One more note: Y'all are seriously milking the "Oliver is the Green Arrow" story. How many times will they deny this? I bet the citizens of Star City are tired of this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am so disappointed... they ended this season with a huge cliffhanger just to reveal nobody important died... just stupid all this stupid characters i don't care about they could all die and i would not even cry a bit... (becide Oliver queen, Deathstroke and John) why do they create retarded new characters instead bringing back arsenal all these new superheros are just bad and i really hoped they would all die on the island and create our mad and brutal arrow from season 1 again... but instead we see Curtis throwing his stupid ball or this unbelievable fake canary and the characters being in situations they should die over and over again but they don't... its predictable and i cant continue watching. season 5 was actually good after season 4 and i really liked the villain but why ... why the final had so much potential
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was so disappointed in the total lack of vision for the new season. The writers could have taken the show in so many new directions, but they just retread over well trampled ground. Thea on life support – again! Bett Rickards serving as a dress up Barbie that talks. She walks on in a desperately inappropriate outfit, looks up something on her tablet, announces her findings, then walks off, looking totally unnecessary to the plot, except to feed the frenzy of the fashion groupies. She wears a different 'hooker's' outfit in every scene. She looks terrible. I was hoping that she was one of the fatalities from last season's finale and that Samantha would survive. At least that dynamic would be different, and poor woman, her death scene was embarrassing. Guilt, guilty, Quentin is again staring at shot glasses. We've been here so many times before. How can he not know that the person he shot was NOT Lauren? The writers make him so clueless. And, this again: OMG, The Green Arrow has been identified! The ONLY decent scene was between Slade and Oliver: "You and I walk between two worlds. But we can only do that for so long." The writers let too many people survive and now the emotional connections are a mile wide and an inch thick. The story is trying to go in too many directions and the fight scenes are not well choreographed. I can't believe this got renewed.
  • God, I tried watching Arrow again, and I wish I didn't. Ever since season 5 they got boring and unlikable characters on their cast. I was easily bored after ten minutes. I still dislike Dinah Drake as the new canary, she lacks the greatness that Laurel Lance had as Black Canary. Plus, why can't the writers just get rid of Felicity? I'm sorry, but Arrow hasn't changed. It's still surrounded by unreal and unintelligent writing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a big fan of Arrow, I, like many people thoroughly enjoyed Season 5's return to form. As spectacular cliffhanger raised the question - is Team Arrow dead?

    With a title like 'Fallout', fans will go into this episode expecting to see misery and mourning as fan-favourites turn up dead.

    They should not.

    To give it credit, Fallout does gives us some interesting plot lines, however, these plot lines are heavily outweighed by the atrocious editing, acting, choreography and dialogue. It's like they should these scenes in one take and thought, 'That'll do it!'

    There are many times in this episode where, for example, a bomb will go off and a police officer will react late to the blast. In fight scenes, enemies will be flipped over by just their hand.

    In one scene, the editing makes it almost appear as if Diggle has shot Wild Dog during a fight (they are teammate's) but he had not. In fact, the bad guy in front had shotgunned Wild Dog.

    What's worse is that Wild Dog shot is wearing amour and so whilst the shot might hurt, it would not kill. What happens is that Wild Dog stumbles backs for a few seconds, UP A RAMP and then starts to fall to his death.

    Later on, Curtis actually disappears during a scene.(He wasn't supposed to.) A bad guy actually runs right past where he should be standing and the camera follows the bad guy as we see him get taken out by Diggle. (Who also runs past where Curtis was supposed to be.)

    Earlier on, you can see Felicity drop to the ground as she is trying to outrun an explosion. This has to be the worst trip in TV history. I think they forgot to edit out a whole second or something. You can see the actress just drop to the ground and not trip over anything.

    Stupid things that are annoying: Curtis's T-Sphere's can hack anything, despite them being tennis ball size. Re-Use of the 'Green Arrow revealed' storyline.

    Oh, and the fact that after a massive cliffhanger, where a whole island exploded with everyone but Green Arrow himself on - not one important character died.

    Sure, in-universe it might be a good thing. They wouldn't be saying this either. Samantha is dead, so William loses his mother. (But this has no emotional impact because of shitty writing.)

    Thea, a fan favourite character is actually in a coma. However, this is only because the actress has requested a 14 episode contract, and so will wake up and be in the back half of the season.

    The pacing was incredibly off. There were certain times where dialogue should have been re-spoken because it was almost The Room bad.

    If anyone who works in any capacity at the CW sees this, I hope you find out who directed this god-awful episode, which team edited and tell management to fire them.

    I would say fire the writers, but we've wanted that since season 3.

    Even though I said this was the worst episode of TV history, I give it a five because Stephen Ammel and Manu Bennet were brilliant as always and there seem to be some exciting plot lines in the future.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Do the writers really think they are earning their salaries? They should be arrested for stealing.

    Are the cops really that inept? So inept that they just stand by and let a band of, what, five or six intruders carrying automatic weapons into the station and start killing officers?

    And about Felicity, wearing a very tight off the shoulder V-necked top that shows half her chest in the bunker, or war room, or whatever they call it. Really? Is she supposed to be a member of a. *ahem*, crime fighting team or eye candy for the viewers (and the team).

    speaking of the so-called bunker, security could use a major upgrade. Looks like any and all villains can just saunter in and start blowing things up.

    At least there is still some good action in the show and hasn't deteriorated into a useless soap opera like the flash, but it's not much better.
  • danb198226 September 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Not much really happened during this episode. We find out all of the team survived, but how? I guess we'll find out how in flashbacks.

    Read some of the other reviews and agree that the editing for this episode was poor. At one point I thought Diggle had shot Rene (thankfully he hadn't)

    They really need to up security for the bunker, how many times has it been breached now?!

    One positive is that Oliver and Slade are back on the same page, whether or not we'll see Slade again I don't know. Another positive is that Laurel/Black Siren is back as a series regular.

    Dinah however, has yet to convince me that she's worthy of being the new Black Canary.

    Here's hoping season six gets better.
  • tmntandsoccer2 April 2019
    Bad premiere to the 5th season promietheus what a great actional scenes. But too much olicity and William taking over Oliver's life.