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  • I love Reddington as a character because he is so resilient, well-organized and calm in his demeanor. This makes the episodes in which he appears helpless even stronger, as it emphasizes the threat - the person responsible must be equally cunning to bring him to his knees.

    In this mystery-solving episode, Reddington has to retrace his steps to find out who poisoned him - who is going after him and his criminal empire. It is one of the better episodes, and an important tipping point in the season, working towards the revelation of the new adversary, following the trail of breadcrumbs left in the last few episodes.
  • Hitchcoc20 November 2022
    Red wakes up in a hospital setting and a doctor tells him he is dying and that he was poisoned. He can't remember anything about the night beforee but soon there are several suspects. Unfortunately, like the guy in the noir thriller D. O. A., he is getting weaker and more infirm while he tries to trace the type of poison and who administered it. This is a classic whodunnit and the FBI folks fall in line, even though he is not always trustworthy. A woman named Lou Lou is responsible for keeping him alive, even though he mistreated her. But when the most likely suspect is named, everything begins to unravel. Don't miss this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode begins with Red and Dembe, we see Red in a flash forward in a secret hospital Red has been poisoned and he is dying. The task force has to find a antidote for Red his poisoning, the new name on The Blacklist is The Apothecary. Red found a woman in the trunk of a car, she says that Red ubducted her. Red fell down in the grocery shop. Red found all the people who were present at John's in the kitchen. We see a flashback of the dinner, Red was poisoned when he drank the wine. Liz knocked The Apothecary down and Ressler arrested him. Again Red felt down he was brought to the hospital and the antidote was injected. Red escaped from the hospital to hear Marvin Gerard about his poisoning. The poison wasn't in the wine but in the scotch, Dembe betrayed and poisoned Red. Really amazing episode of The Blacklist Season 4, finally someone turns himself against Red. Action was the main thing this episode every moment on this episode something happened.