User Reviews (8)

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  • Irena_Spa21 February 2019
    It is a simple story what usually happens with those who are going to USA, without green card, without any connection, without enough money and the picture what all of them are ready to do just to stay there.
  • geneim28 April 2019
    I don't know why this film isn't been watched/reviewed by much. Brilliant depiction of characters. Not much time identifying things, so it takes you deep enough. Occasionally amateurish acting, But the dialogues are to the core. Very few scenes are dramatic. It made my heart heavy at the end. Life goes on fighting, till the end, for a few. I strongly recommend this film.
  • I've watched this great movie at "Les filmes de Cannes a Bucharest", the Romanian Cannes retrospective and I have to say, I am pleased to see that a subject like immigration in an era where this illness is spreading very quickly, is so sincere discussed on a screen. And when I say sincerely... there are lots of things to pay attention to, lines, characters or image.

    We watch the story of Mara, a Romanian immigrant who is trying to offer to her child the best life possible, in America.

    Only that there is a lot more to this image of America that America itself struggled to make us believe into. And the adventure of Mara becomes very quick since here arriving in America, a lot more dramatic than it was and could possibly have been... in her birth country.

    This is a solid script that has some comic inside built also strong dramatic plots. The acting is high and that helps a lot the audience to believe that this can happen in real life as well.

    The cinematography tho is so well crafted that you forget you are watching the work of a man who was handling the camera and keeps you there for the entire experience.

    This is Ioana Uricaru's future movie debut and I for one looking forward for more great and sincere storytelling coming from a great cinematic mind.
  • The rationalization of the immigration officer is the lowest ethics I could expect. The integrity of the main character is close to the utopian Asgardi Iranian director's characters. The script is terse but the directing makes much of the vacuum. The child is quite good too. It amazes me how naive people can be. Balkans and now Ukraine: I understand why they look for UK and usa But an EU citizen ( Romania) opting to immigrate in North America instead north EU is really beyond any reason imho. They already speak English ok, but how difficult is it for a Romanian to learn Italian?

    The film is quite realistic and should be food for thought. Bias declared: feel right for my decision to not seek a green card myself, back then I could not leave USA for at least 1 year, probably they need proof you can forget your family. Sad policy for the 21st century.
  • cristidumitr25 October 2018
    This film's main goal is to generate emotions, but it tries to do that based on flat characters, poor and predictable action. The characters have no depth, they are unidimensional and complexity has nothing in common with this production.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Beautiful and meaningful ending. How starts the movie the protagonist with a lack of opportunities and comparing with the ending is simpling satisfactory
  • Just as you get to know the characters and are rooting for some and waiting for justice for abruptly ends, credits start to roll. P.S. Montreal is a poor stand-in for any US city
  • AdrianaAry25 April 2019
    Malina Manovici and the kid are great actors.Other than not much about this movie. Is a movie about America, that wasn t even filmed in the USA. It's filmed in Canada. All the other actors are not even american. The husband is canadian, the US Immigration official speaks english with a very heavy accent, him being from Croatia and is a terrible actor. The movie is not even credible.Is literally too much ,american flags everywhere, trying so hard to make a point , so obvious,the cop is colombian, ....aaaa hhh.Just no...