User Reviews (24)

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  • I made it for 30 minutes and decided I had seen enough.nothing wrong with a little god, or is it a big God, thrown in for good measure. But there comes a point when you have to wonder if it is all planned or is there any free will left, or is it Free Willy? Oh, that's a movie that was well written, sorry.

    People at 8:05AM, or was it 8:05PM, all happy and open for business. I am not even at work at 8:05AM, I'm usually stuck in traffic swearing at the slow, creep we are doing. Ah, to be in another world, a different reality

    The male lead has eyes that say how uninterested he is in the role, dark, mysterious and bland, like vanilla ice cream. No that was double dark-chocolate they had, or was it mocha-chocolate....oh never mind.

    If you like your movies covered in sugar or honey, then you will like this movie. Probably even love it. If your feet don't touch the clouds then you probably won't.

    Watch 'Vampire Strippers From Planet Q 2: The Big Bang' instead.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A guy is searching for the perfect woman, finds her and loses her.

    And in the end wins her back with a lot of tears.

    Ok, this has been done before in better ways so this movie is not really worth your time and very predictable.... If you believe in God than you will be pleased by the father who keeps talking about God and his will/ways.

    If you are a non-believer like me you will be irritated by the religious mamba-jamba coming out of the mouth of the father.

    In that case a goodadvice: skip this movie.
  • I enjoyed this movie until it got religious. The end out the movie was like listening to a sermon. I'm not against religion, I just think that it shouldn't be pushed on others. Started out strong, but it ended up a disappointment.
  • This movie was more like watching a sermon rather than watching a cheesy romance movie. It was so filled with religious dialogue that it was almost oppressive and uncomfortable. The dad character was just creepy with his "pastor" role.

    The acting and narrative weren't strong, but the leading actress was the highlight of the movie.

    Overall it's 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Don't waste your time.
  • Same old story with not so great acting and and Christian overtones through out . Should be shown at Sunday school.
  • abbiedupre22 June 2021
    This movie honestly was terrible. The acting was bad. The plot line was okay, but randomly mentioned God at the end. I'm all about religious movies, but this felt forced and random. All around, don't recommend. It gave me off brand Hallmark movie vibes.
  • gabifaldini10 October 2021
    Acting is horrific!

    Storyline is a joke!

    And the constant "Disney like" music in the background is horrendous!
  • This movie was so enjoyable, the way movies should be. Full of great characters, cute storyline and didn't need violence and profanity to make the movie work. I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
  • butravi8 July 2021
    Skipped through the whole movie in 10 minutes, even then was a torture.

    The producer/director should be made to watch this 5 times or quarantined for life from making any movie ever.
  • I really enjoyed the family dynamics and friendships this movie carries in addition to the romantic storyline. The best friend is hilarious!
  • This has a cute plot, but the acting was so bad, except the main character, Tom. A photographer is constantly set up with women by his meddling mother. Its your good vs bad choice between two women, one a rich author and the other a single mom and the ensuing drama.
  • Extremely sexist. It's like watching a movie written by a high school student with a dirty mind, very immature. It makes a lot of sexual innuendos assumptions that aren't true about the professional still photography and art business. Extremely cringe worthy.
  • dlt-1868425 February 2021
    This movie was enjoyable, funny, romantic and strong. The cast was great! It was a clean and loving movie. I say go see this movie!
  • lowejnl19 July 2021
    I know the reviews are mixed because of the religious part in it, but I loved the fact that they included morals and having a relationship with Jesus in the movie. It was funny, heart warming, and a good family movie.
  • This movie was funny, romantic and kept my interest. The cast was great! You should definitely watch this movie!
  • camdon-8691425 February 2021
    Lead characters were great. Nice story and good for the whole family to watch. Sometimes what your looking for is right in front of your face.
  • tkressin26 February 2021
    Thank you for this entertaining film. It has a positive message that stresses the importance of family values. This was such a refreshing alternative to the media options currently available!
  • beautifulat-3342726 February 2021
    What a great movie. Great story line. Great acting. I recommend it for the whole family was so touching had me crying.
  • I started this movie thinking it would be a typical romantic comedy. It was that and more. I liked the spiritual elements. Those were added in appropriate ways which were reflective of the people I know in real life. It did not come off preachy or super religious, but just realistically portrayed.

    Good acting. Nice music. Good plot.

    I liked this movie a lot.
  • About Hope is a movie that has balanced all its features to make a great movie. All the characters fit their roles and makes the plot come to life in way that is safe for the whole family. The soundtracks are a plus as they enhance the emotions and feelings of every story line. About Hope is, therefore, a movie worth watching!
  • About Hope is an outstanding Christian-oriented drama/comedy that was extremely well written, well directed and well performed. I have recommended this film to all friends, family and acquaintances. See it. You will be pleased.
  • Great movie. Kind of like a Hallmark romance, a predictable, therefore comforting, story journey. Lifts up Jesus without being preachy. I laughed and cried. The music throughout could have been more varied. Acting was great.

    Can we have MORE from this company!!??
  • janix7118 July 2021
    I love the actors , and a great ending. When God is brought into the picture it will turn out as God intended the relationship to be. Love forever more .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a great movie to watch a lot of laughter and teaches a lesson in what a person is looking in a future where a man and a woman meet date awhile then get married with God in the center of their family. Beginning of the movie guy paints a picture of the perfect woman and later in the movie the painter and camera professional was asked to paint a self portrait and guy sees his match.