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  • I've never taken the time to review a movie before. But don't trust the low scores! It's a decent crime/comedy movie with good acting
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In the bonus track of the DVD of "Most Likely to Murder," the filmmakers confessed that they made a film that was loosely based on their own memories of high school, based on such character types as the bully, the victim, the dork, the clown, and other generic persona. The protagonist is the high school superstar Billy, who was known as "The King of Valley Stream." But the comedy-murder mystery ultimately exposes Billy for what he truly is, namely, "a creep-freak-weirdo."

    The raunchy screenplay has some clever lines and moments, as Billy returns home to Valley Stream after a lackluster stint in Las Vegas as a bathroom attendant. His parents are moving out of the family home in Suffolk County, preparing to relocate to Santa Fe. The homecoming for Billy reunites him with his high school classmates. One character observes that "everyone in town is so quick to change." But, in fact, the former high school kids are no more than adolescents trapped in adult bodies. Nothing has changed.

    After Billy had chosen to break off ties with his high school girlfriend, Kara Jade Doblowski, he now seeks a rekindle the past romance. But Kara has now taken up with the high school dork, Lowell Bernard Shapiro, who has become the town pharmacist.

    It is at this point, that the film makes a wrong turn by trying to recycle the "Ace Ventura" films, turning the narrative into a farcical murder mystery. Billy's attempt to frame Lowell for the murder of his mother never engages, other than to make Billy look more and more ridiculous.

    The best part of the script is the depiction of the superficial side of high school with the various students maintaining a facade to hide their own deficiencies and insecurities. The superstar Billy is unmasked as a phony in one of the most poignant moments when he is thumbing threw his belongings and comes across a stack of Cliffs Notes. Like the other kids, Billy never grew up, and, in his case, never even took school seriously. And the way he cut corners comes into focus when he makes the admission, "I have two copies of 'Death of a Salesman' Cliffs Notes!"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In high school Billy (Adam Pally) was "The King of Valley Steam" the coolest and funniest guy to be around. In Vegas he is a restroom attendant, a job he over pitches to the folks back home. He has returned home being gone since 2012 to limited fanfare. He suspects Lowell, his neighbor, who he bullied, killed his mother and he is out to prove it. Lowell (Vincent Kartheiser) is dating or close to his ex-girlfriend Kara (Rachel Bloom).

    The film had its humorous moments. The writing, while good, falls short of great, but was above totally dull. If you are into quirky comedies and can watch it free, might be worth the time.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • Adam Pally stars here as Billy, who's returning to his hometown of Valley Stream, Long Island, after a number of years away for Thanksgiving and to pack his things, as his parents are selling the house and moving to Sante Fe. When he was in high school there he was extremely popular, but also a prankster and a bully, even known as the King of Valley Stream.

    However, Billy soon finds out that his schtick of the past has worn thin and his friends have matured for the most part and moved on with their lives. The plot will mostly center on Billy's suspicions that he's seen his neighbor (Vincent Kartheiser), who's now dating Billy's ex-girlfriend (Rachel Bloom) ,commit a murder.

    Although this movie received rather glowing reviews from pro critics, I really was hard pressed to find the humor here, and I wondered if we all watched the same film. To me, the humor just fell flat or was just mean-spirited or even cringe inducing at times.

    All in all, maybe this is a demographic thing as others may have thought it was funny but I was happy when it finally ended.
  • I was just seeing if Rachel Bloom had been in anything besides Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and found this movie. I didn't see a lot of enthusiasm for it, but I have a special fondness for comedic murder mysteries so I couldn't resist.

    The movie is about a guy, Billy who was a popular douche in high school and is now an unsuccessful douche in the real world. He goes back to his hometown where he finds the ex-girlfriend he dumped then never got over is dating the guy he used to torture in high school. After that guy's mother dies, he develops the idea that it was MURDER!

    The main character is an awful person, but he's amusing in his awfulness, and I laughed at things like him tooling around town on a scooter. The story itself does a good job of keeping just enough mystery going while never losing sight of the ridiculousness of the protagonist. There are some great bits, like a cop's pregnant wife who flirts blatantly with Billy while screaming at her husband about the smell of pears, and the last, most frenetic moments of the film almost reach hilarious.

    Overall it's a pretty minor movie, but if you like comedy mysteries, which is a very underserved sub-genre in the modern day, I would definitely recommend this.

    Blooms part, by the way, is quite small so I wouldn't watch it just for her. But I'm glad her name lead me to it.
  • ...honestly, it's neither. Really, there's not a funny joke in the movie. There's a lot of angst, a guy down on his luck, with honestly no redeeming qualities, the acting is lousy, the jokes aren't funny, and the mystery isn't the least bit intriguing. It left me feeling cheated, and I watched it for free. Avoid this at all costs.
  • I gave this a 7 because it is a cute movie that gave me consistent chuckles throughout and kept my attention. The protagonist is a guy you love to hate. It has a good cast of quirky characters that were well-played. The murder story line also had some good twists. Was it "I laughed so hard I cried" funny? No. But it is an amusing movie overall & worth a watch.
  • sherif44426 February 2019
    Bad movie, bad acting, bad jokes, I'm not sure what is the comedy about it.

    Total waste of time, and that is coming from someone who enjoys cheap B movies most of time.
  • Rachel Bloom doesn't belong in a movie this mediocre. And Adam Pally plays such an unlikable protagonist.
  • I first came across Adam Pally from his time on, "The Mindy Project" and thought he was hilarious. Fortunately, he brought his slapstick comedy A game to this movie as well! Rachel Bloom is a powerhouse in any role and perfectly captures the personality of a jaded high school sweetheart. I also find her mannerisms in this movie especially funny.

    It's a light hearted, often cringey (in a good way) comedy, with a simple message about post-high school personal growth. I look forward to more Dan Gregor movies in the future!!
  • jdn00003 November 2018
    I tried watching this film because I am a fan of the actors. All of whom are talented and captivating. The bummer here is the story and pace of the film. The murder is only the facade of a plot used to show a high school reunion story that just wasn't filmed at a banquet hall. I love Adam Pally and Didi Conn is 100% charming. Those two are the only reason this zero got three stars.
  • I literally created an account to rate this dumpster fire of a movie. Just don't watch it, trust me.
  • The point is that the protagonist is a garbage person. So many reviews saying "Adam Pally is so unlikable" that's the point. It's not boring, it's funny enough, it's less than 2 hours long. It does its job of being a comedy murder mystery, and you really don't get that genre at all, so give it a try
  • I randomly saw an ad for this movie on Instagram and liking Adam Pally (but not actually knowing his name) definitely wanted to check it out. He of course was hilarious as the down to earth and, to me, likeable Billy. Much of the supporting cast I was previously unfamiliar with, but thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone's performance definitely added to this quirky comedic take on a murder mystery. I sincerely recommend checking out this film.
  • This movie is absolutely perfect. Any review under 10 stars simply must have missed the boat. I have now watched this film 6 times and everyone I have recommended it to has freakin loved it. Perhaps it's so regionally specific and relatable to me being class of '03 from the N.Y./N.J. area, but I find this movie to be spot on through its cleverly campy storytelling. This is the tale of someone in their early 30s coming to grips with their failures and lost connections, while discovering who they thought they were isn't who they need to become. There aren't nearly enough stories out there representing this weird time in our lives, and Adam Pally seriously nails it. The writing is great. The cast is spectacular. The story is hilarious, endearing, smart, well written and totally unexpected. Please give this movie the credit it so deserves!!
  • Fun, light movie. Well cast. If you're looking for something easy to watch, give this a go. I enjoyed the Ace Ventura references.
  • This is just a delight of a movie. Had me laughing the whole time (a few seriously big laughs that I'm gonna be thinking about for a while). But also the mystery was surprisingly smart and engaging, with a plot that kept me guessing. Adam Pally was hilarious and Rachel Bloom is just the best in everything she does.
  • taedirish7 November 2020
    First, how are there two movies with the same title starring the same guy? Is this a series? This movie was dotted with recognizable actors, most in just cameos, but still... Overall the movie was just okay...nothing new or original but it was entertaining in a time when there aren't many choices. I didn't understand the main characters obsession with his ex gf. She came across more like a soccer mom than someone you'd pine over. Definitely a film for adults with teenage humor, not appropriate for kids and don't expect any sophistication, more like fart jokes.