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  • I am painfully aware this is simply a small (tiny) fan-fic flick, and burning it to the ground isn't necessary. I have given it a "2" for effort. As far as fans are concerned, if I were rating their appreciation of Harley Quinn alone, They'd get a pretty high score from me. But that's not what IMDb is.

    First, it's totally obvious no one here is an established actor, director, camera operator, or anything else that would pass as someone who could be part of a professional film crew. Because of that fact, wrangling all these people together for this attempt is actually somewhat impressive.

    That being said, the lack-luster performances, horrible dialogue, ridiculously bad accents, and jaw-droppingly terrible "sets" (come on, you couldn't find anything with a little production value in an entire city??) removes anything close to tepid praise for this YouTube turd.

    Jacqui Verdura, who plays Harley, has a string of video "shorts" she has performed in, as well as bit parts (mostly non-speaking rolls) in a couple of low rent TV shows since 2010. She's just starting out in the business, and frankly, I wish her luck. It's not easy. I know from experience. Not as an actor (because, why?), but as the relative of a well-established casting director.

    Jacqui has some charm, the camera likes her, and it's also apparent she has had a little fight training (karate lessons at the Y?) - heck, maybe more fight training than actual acting lessons. However, it's truly the production that let her down. The director let her down. Her acting coach let her down. She doesn't have a ton of natural ability, and could use a year of Strasberg, at least.

    I refuse to comment on the rest of the "cast". They are simply props to Jacqui's Harley.

    I'm not going to say skip this one. It's free, easily accessible on YouTube, and what the hell, it's 8 minutes. But just know that if you DO make it to the end, not only will there be no surprises, but even though it's only 8 minutes, you will feel you actually lost 8 minutes of your life. That's how bad it is. You'll think, "you know, I could have taken out the trash or done the dishes, dammit!"

    One final thing: I HAVE NO IDEA WHY IT IS AMONG THE NEW RELEASE TRAILERS ON IMBb!!!! DID SOMEONE LOSE A BET?? WAS IMDb HACKED?? Whatever. That's just weird. After being a member 12 years (seven with this profile), I've never seen that.