User Reviews (51)

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  • To be seen, not just to be read. The novel by Aramburu is a masterpiece and this serie achives to show it on the screen. The atmosphere is exactly what it needs to be. The elements of the rain, the moving camera, the faces. Everything is well made.

    But above all else, what is important is the story. I won't tell anything about it, just that shows the terror of ETA, that hideous gangs of murderers that called themselves liberators and democrats. This is something that we, as a country, cannot forget. We can have different opinions on politics or which is really our nation. I don't care, we can't forget who was and is to blame. Remember always that nationalism is a cancer, specially the violent one.

    I whish a lot of people see this in other countries and know the reality of this so called "conflict".
  • All four principal actors of Patria are Basque-born. I'm really jealous of Spanish viewers for not having to ear-strain, with authentic localized Spanish - además - being treated to something so genuine and from the heart, even if I had to put the Volume onto almost Full to understand the often muffled dialogue (which annoyed the wife). So far the reserved intensity and candor of the first three episodes has been striking. If you can produce TV this good, why on earth do production teams spend so much of the rest of their time producing trash?
  • Terrible miniseries, adapted by Aitor Gabilondo from the book, which they say is very good, "Patria" by Fernando Aramburu.

    Two friendly families who later find themselves confronted by ETA terrorism, one because they kill the father of the family, a small businessman who refuses to pay the "revolutionary tax", the other because the eldest son is part of the command that murdered him. .

    In a coming and going of 2011 that is the present, with two broken families each in their own way and coping with their dramas and complexes, at the beginning of the 90s with the maelstrom of blood and terror in which the organization had embarked, with many Basques supporting the cause for an independent Euskadi ..

    The performances are impeccable (also the makeup work), Bittori (Elena Irureta) the widow dying of cancer, exiled from her own town for being the wife of an "exploitative oligarch" Txato the executed, her son Xabier who could never remake his Life or smile and Nerea, the daughter with bad choices of a partner who can't wait to move and leave everything behind. On the other hand, the Garmendias, Miren (excellent Ane Gabarain) the mother who is invested in the Basque cause, who defends her son above all else; Joxian the somewhat cowardly husband, Joxe Mari the imprisoned ETA member who participated in the attack and it is not known until the last if he was the one who fired, Arantxa married to an anti-ETA and who to top it off suffers a stroke and remains bedridden in wheelchairs and Gorka the gay younger brother.

    In 8 episodes it is enough to show those two sides of the same coin, the same Basque society divided between those who wanted independence at all costs, even if it were killing left and right, and those who did not agree, at least in the methods. The other side is also shown, that of the torture of the security forces who were also no saints, even after being imprisoned with that policy of deliberately sending them to prisons far from their villages.

    Hard, with an accompanying photograph that never changes the shade of gray, added to a constant rain that apparently is a registered trademark of the area, all filmed in the town of Elgoibar, Guipúzcoa in the heart of the Basque Country. A production that shows hopes, fears, bitterness and the pain of the weight of decisions, an obligatory appointment with history ... another full of HBO.
  • I'm Spanish and I lived this as a kid, just as it was ending. Never saw the true horrors as I was about three at the time and my parents didn't want me to watch the news and see what was happening in Pais Vasco, but I remember the gruesome stories people told back then. I know that a lot of people won't appreciate or understand the importance of this series, but to me and to the younger generations who might not even know about this, it's a piece of history that should never be forgotten. That said, I have loved seeing these stories unfold and all of their points of view. I've learned a lot about my own country.
  • jeanphillippes18 November 2020
    This series is a landmark in Television, having as much to say about Northern Ireland and Cataluña as the Basque Countries. It speaks so eloquently about the iniquity of violent separatism that would see countrymen, neighbours, even friends sacrificed to petty vendettas in that precarious slope from idealism to complete moral bankruptcy. The series focuses on senseless death of Txato, a countryman, innocent, brave and beloved. The killing scene is revisited several times but always from different perspectives, always in the rain, but each time shedding just a little more light, in a discovery-trip to a well-reasoned but explosive climax. A production of true genius, a must-watch. Embarrassed to be just the 23nd reviewer here.
  • nicolas-0830527 September 2020
    Amazing series on a harrowing subject...the fact that I lived in Bilbao a few years before the central part of the story happens affects me of course, but the acting, the drama and the characters as well as the cinematography is deeply authentic and hugely moving...
  • It begins slow... but later takes off and gets deeper. I guess the book is better, but the miniseries does not disappoint; I must confess it gets to my nerves how this violent act happens. The consequences. Anyway, I strongly recommend the series and implore patience to let the story to be developed at its pace.
  • I swear I wanted to go to sleep early yesterday... But this series is just too good. It shows that there's always two (ot three, or four...) Sides of a story. It's naked of all the clasdic American ornamentation of drama. Barely any music, just plane great acting and directing. It puts you on the skin of the characters in every second... It should b shown in highschools...
  • katarinakwaysser3 November 2020
    Basque country is my favorite part of Europe, and altough I visit it often, I didn't know enough about their past. Deeply moving, a series that everybody should see! Amazing team of actors, all of them played their role very authentically. A story, that could be universal, wherever there is a political conflict, these situations happen, as someone who was born in Yugoslavia, I can safely say we had "our own Patria". I just got the book too. I haven't seen such an amazing series for years.
  • Kirpianuscus1 February 2021
    A chain of questions , provocative ones. That is the message for me. About motherhood, patriotism becoming nationalism, death, hate, silence, falls and abyses. A great serie for remind the basic truths defining us.
  • The story is compelling and allowed me to learn about a culture and its recent history of which I had no prior knowledge. It's just ruined by the English dubbing - the dubbed voices are without the proper emotion; seems like someone just reading a script, does not match the actors' emotions. This detracts from the overall quality of the series.
  • A deeply moving story. A must see. Great actors and direction. It's not a pretty story as it explores the darkest sides of ordinary people: the cowardice, the moral misery bound by hatred and fanaticism. But at the same time, ordinary people with love and hopes. It perfectly describes one of the worst moments of the Basque society. Is it good to remove that or forget it forever? Perhaps when you see "Patria", you will be better informed to answer that question by yourself that at the end, it appears many times in the story of humanity.
  • kkinard25 November 2021
    I'm not in the industry but the foley in the background is so distracting. The cat purring is as loud as the dialogue, for example. The daughter's quivering mouth is pretty melodramatic, seriously over the top. It's an interesting story and it sheds some light as to the ongoing conflict in that region.
  • This series is slow moving to the point of being a "snoozefest". Molasses runs uphill faster than the pace of this Novela. There are varying timelines that require the viewer to hop back and forth, and the story can get too confusing. It really is of interest to a niche audience, and one with stamina to sit through a very boring tale. The scenes drag a lot of time with minimal dialog and a lot of intense staring at others and out to space. It's not for everyone!
  • Homeland (Patria) the book is an extraordinary exploration of terrorism and community. The HBO series has captured the mood and impact of the book with great effect. An excellent cast and terrific direction and film craft have combined to a create a brooding, emotionally claustophobic atmosphere in which all sides are depicted with sympathy and depth. For Spanish and Basque people, Patria is an emotional and possibly cathartic experience in which all lose.

    This is not a series for viewers who like stuff to happen quickly and the plot to gallop on. For viewers who relish depth and development: this is for you

    So, I have reached the end of the series. We have sat down together each week and watched this series and discussed afterwards. What we have discussed: that the story is driven by the women. More than anything this is a series about women: about their resolve, their passions, their commitment and the role they play. The men, by contrast, are not cyphers but shades. The extraordinary silences: in the culture, in the family and how these are represented and enacted in different ways. How spoken words are rarely answered or heard, how we are cut off in our dialogue.

    In its final resolution we see both the power of silence and the power of gesture.

    Thank you HBO for this series.
  • Visually, it's the Basque Country exactly as I remember it, so it felt like I was really there.

    The divided narration makes the whole story more compelling than it could be, it shows you both perspectives without really judging them.

    Acting is awesome, special kudos to the girl who played Arantxa, but basically everyone was so natural as if you watched your neighbours.

    But these are just technicalities and this show is so much more than that. After each episode my face was wet with tears, I dreamt it, I started crying when I thought about it, my eyes have filled with tears even now as I'm writing it. This story gets to you and becomes personal even if you have nothing to do with it. It's universal. There's no taking sides. It's about people who become victims of the times they got to live in.
  • diegoschreibvogel25 October 2020
    I'm not usually a huge fan of Spanish TV but lately some amazing shows have surprised me, as is the case with this one.

    I'm from Spain and although ETA (pro-independence Basque terrorist organization that killed over 800 people and terrorized the country for decades) was still active when I was born, it disbanded when I was young. I had read up on the conflict but it never learned about it in school, so I didn't know that much. This show counts on you knowing certain things, as it is not a story on ETA but the pain that the conflict caused on Basque society. If you're not familiar with the history you should read up on it before watching so you understand the show better, but it is completely worth it.

    Not wanting to get into spoilers, the show tells the story from the perspective of two women who used to be friends and find themselves in different sides of the conflict. The acting is impecable, deeply moving, and gut wrenching. Everything about this show is a masterpiece.

    Reading other reviews with low scores, some people mention that the show is biased or political, when that couldn't be further from the truth. The show doesn't get into politics whatsoever, instead chooses to show the pain and divide that the conflict caused, on both sides. Of course it doesn't paint ETA in a good way, after all they were terrorists, but it doesn't minimize the pain of the families of ETA members.

    I would recommend this show to everyone, it is beautifully made show that shines a light on how much pain conflict causes.
  • Understanding and feeling with empathy both sides of the story is how a conflict can be started to be really solved from its root. It's not easy, but apart of yours you have to understand your "enemy's" truth, pain and past. And Patria / Homeland shows this way of thinking showing the cause of the feelings of each character of any ideological party. As Basque born and raised guy I feel satisfied and happy of this work.

    Zorionak Aitor zuri eta talde guztiari serie hau posible izateagatik.
  • Beautifully paced, wonderfully acted & genuinely moving drama of the highest quality. The two lead actresses give performances worthy of all the awards & the supporting cast is brilliant also. Yet another gem of a television series from Spain.
  • ... Unless you've read the book and then the difference, as usual, is huge. Anyway, performances are accurate and idiosyncratic as actors are Basque and don't need to pretend being one of them. Both women help giving strength and drama to their portraits. Scenery is perfect as well.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well made and well produced series, but what does not contribute anything. The actors are good and it shows that money has been invested, but it is a series that draws a lot of emotion (it is normal in these cases, but we already knew that), that does not finish contextualizing or explaining many things and that does not arrive very at the end of the story (it is not known if the lady dies of cancer or if Jose Mari gets out of jail, nor who the traitor is, etc). It also puts quite ridiculous elements that seek to give a twist, such as a girl in a wheelchair or pretending to tell the story in 2 families that Justo are related to each other. It does not seem so bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thoroughly enjoyed the book and I have also enjoyed the series... but less.

    I really doubt that the purpose of the author was to discuss the Basque conflict. To me, this is not a story about ETA, it is a story about families living amidst the conflict, and having to suffer the unwanted consequences of the conflict.

    In a way, I believe this is a tribute to the strength of women, Basque women. Both Bittori and Miren are very strong characters and the pillars of their families. Arantxa, despite her disability, is instrumental in the story's outcome. Even in the last episode, Bittori passes the "baton" to her daughter.

    Perhaps, I would argue that it was not necessary to treat so many topics at a time. I am not sure that some of the parallel plots add value to the story, and what was the intention of the author. For instance, it appears that the author implies that being homosexual saved Gorka from radicalization; and similarly, that Arantxa's stroke is a divine punishment to the family derived from the brother's sins.

    The cast is mainly Basque, and that provides the series a lot of credibility. However, it is not credible that they vastly speak in Spanish, and Basque language is basically not heard. Still regarding credibility, the series succeeds in transporting the viewer to the locations and decades.

    Overall, a worth-watching show. For those who don't know much about these very sad decades of Euskal Herria and Spain, it might trigger an interest to learn more.
  • marcia-giella7 August 2022
    I watched series in two days. I didn't know the history of the conflict and appreciated learning from this film. Very well acted. The damage of politics and human suffering portrayed sensitively.
  • gnogue7 March 2021
    The reallity was worst than this fiction. Parcial vision from another bad Spanish tv show.
  • Such a great series. Patria combines history with fiction in a brilliant way. Very good drama!
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