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  • Warning: Spoilers
    There was nothing special or original about this episode, but I actually laughed a bunch of times throughout, which is not always a given when it comes to this show.

    The Penny and Sheldon dynamic is usually the best this show has so when we got a lot of that tonight it wisely made for an enjoyable episode.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well, I came to TBBT late - didn't start watching until it was in syndication - but am definitely a fan. I may have written a few reviews years ago, not sure, but felt the need to write one here. Partly to put my 2¢ worth in and partly to reply to all those giving 1's for their ratings in many of season 10 & 11 episodes.

    First, I agree that the show is not as good as it was in the early years and I find myself giving fewer 8, 9's and 10's and more 6's than in the first six or seven seasons. Next, I would also agree there is much more predictability in recent years, too. There is still good humor, Leonard usually comes in with a great deadpan zinger, and the bantering between Sheldon and Amy is usually good for a few yucks.

    Finally, as for this episode, we see Amy and Leonard together - ehhh, it's OK, like average - and we see Raj and Wolowitz doing their band-thing - again, nothing too new nor exciting, tho with a few funny lines. But when Penny brings pizza to Sheldon while he is working on string theory....hahahahaa, it is hysterical to see Penny working with him as he is at his white board! So, what would have been a 5 rating, I raise it up to a 7 because of Penny and Sheldon.

    Peace out, scouts!
  • Can we stop with the "This show isn't what it used to be"? It's a waste of time. Review the episode. There were some fun things in this episode. There is the unique interaction of Sheldon and Penny as they discover things about string theory. Penny is quite funny, playing off each other. We also have the rock band that brings in Bert and his goofy boulder song.
  • This one doesn't do too many broad new things. It has a nerdy song. It has Penny and Sheldon together helping and confusing one another. But both of those things are things that made me like the show in the first place. Plus the material of them working together plus the song and Sheldon and Penny's meeting was different in certain ways. Any and Lenerd also have fun doing old kiddie science stuff m. Overall it's quite good.