User Reviews (118)

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  • An interesting movie for 2 main reasons: 1) it shows the fragilities of the Nazi Germany towards the end of the war, with many German soldiers deserting the army (something nobody talks about) and 2) it shows the depths of the human ego and the decadence of character when power is given arbitrarily
  • This is a surprising movie. Th is poorly advertised/promoted movie delivers good script, acting and the camera work is A1. The movie is based on a true story of a low ranking German soldier who assumes the rank of a Captain and goes on a murderous rampage enlisting similar rogues to help him achieve it. While the actual historic criminal acts of murder are depicted in the movie, the graphic nature of it is not really thrown in your face. You can fill in the blanks. In authenticity, this movie is way up there. Uniforms, weapons and vehicles are all in line with the era.

    When you see artillery and aerial bomb explosions in this movie, what is depicted is the same as actual artillery and aerial bombing of that time. They did a fine job replicating it..

    The movie draws you in and it is gripping to say the least. I give it a solid 8 stars.
  • This title is not like any other typical WWII film. There are no epic battles to witness and no glory for the viewer to hope for. Instead, the film takes a dark humanistic approach to explore the dynamics of power and authority. The quote "Power attracts the worst and worst, it corrupts the best" comes to mind when watching events unfold through many dialogue intensive scenes of the film. Others may see the movie dragging because of all the dialogue but for me, it's a chance to explore in depth the characters and their realistic reaction/behavior in the story. Although certain points of the plot can seem over dramatize which reminds me that the notion of this being based on a true story should be taken with a grain of salt. But overall, it feels authentic for the most part and it's refreshing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Greetings again from the darkness. It's mind-boggling how many fascinating stories - both large and small - continue to come from World War II, even 75 years later. Writer/director Robert Schwentke (RED, FLIGHTPLAN) abruptly opens his latest with a single soldier desperately running from a posse of Nazi soldiers who appear to be hunting him down. The soldier manages to escape, kicking off an incredible journey that we are informed occurred during the final two weeks of the war (April 1945).

    Max Hubacher stars as Willi Herold, the soldier we are to assume has deserted his military outfit and is now dirty, hungry and cold as he evades German patrols. Things change drastically for Herold when he stumbles on an abandoned suitcase neatly packed with a German Captain's coat and full uniform. We are left to wonder what happened to the officer, but do get to watch Willi's crazy next few days as he impersonates a German officer and assumes command of his situation.

    Circumstances result in "Captain" Herold gaining followers, each of whom are as lost or unwilling to continue fighting as himself. The ragtag group ends up at prison camp Aschendorfermoor ... a camp containing German deserters and looters. Herold has convinced those in charge that he has direct orders from Hitler to take command of the camp, and a horrific massacre of prisoners takes place over the next few days.

    While this is a stunning story ripped from historical documents, the film works even better as a psychological character study. Herold first employs his newfound power as a survival strategy, but he is soon corrupted by the power of his assumed position. We witness as some blindly follow orders, and we watch (dumbfounded) as Herold's thirst for power overtakes whatever integrity he might have had prior to the desperation injected by war.

    The film moves at a meticulous pace and at times feels redundant. It could have been a stellar short film, but director Schwentke uses the slow pace to allow our shock to grow as Herold evolves into a coy monster (with a fine performance from Mr. Hubacher). Filmed in stark black and white, it offers some beautiful shots from cinematographer Florian Ballhaus (THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA), the son of famed cinematographer and 3 time Oscar nominee Michael Ballhaus (GANGS OF NEW YORK). The elder Ballhaus passed away in 2017, and the son continues to build his own legacy. Set in Germany during April 1945, this blend of docudrama and black comedy is a collaboration of German, Poland and France, and as a true story, packs quite a punch.
  • The film revolves around authority, the trust we tend to have towards a person we endow with authority, official ranks, hierarchy, "Kameradschaft", the sense of belonging to a group, and (for me at least), egoism in general. It is also quite brutal and sadistic. The story itself, with the most improbable twists, is taken from a real life story at the end of the war. It is rare in war films to have the perspective of the criminal. We do not sympathise with him, but rather he impersonates the beast in every one of us. Another merit of the film is quite natural: German actors can of course impersonate German soldiers better than for example US ones, it also gives a realistic touch to the film as opposed to US war movies featuring evil nazis. The message of the film was for me clear and delivered with a great impression - I will not write it here as it would be flat in my words.
  • Germany, April 1945. WW2 in Europe is almost over, resulting in mass desertions and disorder in German ranks. One deserter, Willi Herold, is on the run when he comes across the abandoned uniform of a Luftwaffe captain. Impersonating a captain he gathers together a rag tag group who assume the role of an anti-deserter/looter task force. Things come to a head when he is given responsibility for a camp where deserters, looters etc are detained, with dire consequences.

    Interesting WW2 drama, based on a true story. Quite novel in that it doesn't involve any confrontation with the enemy (well, except for one scene): the struggle is all internal. Also covers areas of WW2 that don't get much attention: the post-apocalyptic-like final days of Nazi Germany, the treatment of deserters etc and this series of events in particular.

    Plot is reasonably engaging, though a bit too drawn out. It could also have been more powerful: despite the events portrayed it really didn't feel that gritty or shocking. Everything just seems to happen, sometimes as if in slow motion. Maybe that's the effectiveness of the film: by the time you reach the critical moments you've become desensitised to all the killing, anarchy and atrocities. Still, it felt a bit flat to me.

    Great performance by Max Hubacher in the lead role. Solid supporting cast.

    Worth watching for a different angle on WW2. Not a must-see though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story told in "The Captain" really stretches credulity and yet it's true. A young deserter from the German army in the closing days of the War finds a captain's uniform and when he puts it on isn't just mistaken for a captain but becomes, in his own mind, a figure of great power; in fact, he becomes a mass murderer yet amazingly no-one in authority, or even the grunts he comes across, think to question his age. We are told at the end of the film that when he was charged with war crimes he was only 21 years old.

    This German made film looks at a shocking event in their recent history and it shows, without apology, the terrible things the Nazis did but, significantly, it doesn't condemn the German people; there are 'good' Germans here, too or rather Germans so sickened with what is happening they rebel in what little way they can. Things happen here that happen in many war films if perhaps in a more surreal fashion but fundamentally the real theme of Robert Schwentke's film is how, once an idea is planted in the mind, it ceases to be an idea and becomes a reality.

    Surely there must have been evidence that our young deserter, (Max Hubacher, terrific), was always a monster and putting on the uniform only gave credence to this but more significantly the uniform itself becomes a symbol of power to others. It's like those psychological experiments where simply saying something is fact makes it so, particularly if you have a prop, only in this case it was no experiment but quite possibly the very personification of evil. "The Captain" will chill you to the bone.
  • Kirpianuscus27 December 2018
    To me, it reminds Medieval stories about an accident changing everything. The man, the world as the best self definition. A film about fear. Its roots, its fruits, the absolute power covering all and the fragility of illegim position as source of cruel gestures and long chain of improvisations. The best point of film - the superb performance of Milan Peschel as Freytag. The simplicity of profound good man front to the high cruelty, knowing the truth, preserving respect, in the shell of a deep shock behind the gestures of young Herold. All is reflected by the great art of Peschel. The war becomes only pretext for the instincts of a falling world. The beautiful cinematography, the memories about similarities with films by Fellini or B>ergman, the veil of ash around each scene, the last words on screen about a private and his illusion of power , the predictable end of a story who is more real than reality .
  • Der Hauptmann was a fascinating watch. Watching, the young paratrooper Wili Herold get in over his head and essentially begin BSing his way to the top was as an entertaining watch for me as it was disturbing.

    Though the film is incredible in its presentation and acting, it still has its flaws. Upon finishing the film packed full of war crimes and human disparity, I left it feeling like I had taken nothing from it after its shocking scenes. The Captain has essentially no moral or messages to showcase beyond just telling a story of a power-hungry monster and the overtones of Nazi cruelty. It didn't feel like there was any methodology to the madness. If thats what people are looking for when watching this movie then by all means. However for me, I feel like there are plenty more substantial films that do what The Captain sets out to and better, with some greater substance.
  • You can compare this WWO2 movie with the style of Dunkirk. That means that the movie is not for everyone, but if you can appreciate this kind of movies, it's magnificent. The movie doesn't want to be a hollywood blazing brainless action movie, but wants to portrait the germans on an individual level. Like @barta-46978 says, the movie is about authority and gives yourself an insight in what it must have been at the time, and even how you would react in the given circumstances. The movie is explicit and kind of shocking. It really intrigued me, we need more movies like this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The most interesting and crazy part of Der Hauptmann is that it is based on a true story. Crazy as you can witness how quickly the hunted can be come the hunter. You could say he only tried to survive but the truth is that Willi Herold quickly became the person he was fleeing from and that he took some sadistic pleasure in it. Max Hubacher did a great job playing Willi Herold. Black and white movies are normally not really my thing but in this case it perfectly worked. Only one color shot was made towards the end. There are some disturbing scenes in The Captain but then again it's a war movie about Nazis so no surprise there. All the actors did a great job playing their characters, from victims to butchers. There are some satirical moments that did work in this context. An interesting but most of the time cruel story well shot.
  • An interesting piece of cinema filmed in B&W about a private who takes on the role of a captain. I enjoyed the way his role played out and thought he was a great choice to play the part of the captain. I won't say much about the plot, but as a war movie fan, this rates in the top ten for me.
  • It's beautifully lit and shot movie. Greatly edited. Boldly directed. Yet somehow empty. Brings to my mind great "Ravenous" by Katherine Bigelow - the same, bit weird, grotesque, satirical tone of the story, the same kind of director's interest in evil within any of us. But - from staging and casting, trough costumes, props, locations, acting, cinematography, to editing, and the role of music and color - "The Captain" is much much much better, more consistent and more determined in terms of aesthetics than Bigelow's vision. And, in the same time, much much much more misleading in terms of its identity. You really can't tell WHAT kind of movie this is exactly - a bit thriller, a bit war cinema, a bit western, a bit drama, a bit dark comedy, a bit fairy-tale, a bit noir, even a bit horror and poetry.... It's refreshing to see WWII topic being treated with such a nonchalant attitude (Tarantino does not count - he is just a separate ligue of his own, and his aims with "Glorious Bestards" are just completely different in my opinion), but on the other hand "The Captain" seems bit immature, bit comic-like, bit 'form-over-substance' kind of thing. But... on the other hand again - the grotesque immaturity of depiction corresponds with grotesque immaturity of the very young main character who's real-life doings were the core of the story. On the other hand though... end credits add another layer of interpretation to the mix. And so on, and so on.

    Very thought provoking movie - if you like to think about cinema's language and purpose, or the reasons behind every evil (or even about a role of ego in those two areas respectively). Not so much if you want to explore REAL dilemmas and REAL tragedies of WWII - here, those are SURREAL rather.

    Summing up - definitely worth watching, as a somehow different approach to an already very well covered subject.
  • BestBenedikt19 October 2018
    Considering Robert Schwentke's previous movies, I don't think he was the right director for this film. I didn't particularly like his past work, and DER HAUPTMANN makes no difference. It is obviously a story worth being told, since the script is based on true events and Willi Herold did in fact exist and commit all those crimes depicted here, but the movie is extremely inconsistent and doesn't know what it wants to be.

    The first scene right away felt very odd, with the "Feldgendarmerie" (basically military police) chasing Herold, simultaneously shooting, shouting and playing a trumpet. The depiction of events continues like that, in some scenes deadly serious and in others very grotesque and satirical, and it doesn't match well. Schwentke should have just sticked to one tone and went with it. Especially in the last act, when the main event is already over, the story goes completely nuts, with the main characters partying and apparently forgetting the war surrounding them.

    You also never get an authentic feeling of World War II being in its last phase. I can't even specify what exactly I felt offputting, but the film just doesn't convey an authentic atmosphere. Especially the first part of the movie felt quite cheap and "acted".

    This leads me to my biggest problem, which was the depiction of Herold's character, whose motivation remained very unclear and whose decisions just didn't make a whole lot of sense. I know that the core story here actually happened, but the portrayal of the main character's actions in the film just isn't consequent. At first he obviously just wants to escape death when dressing up as a captain, then he suddenly turns into a complete psychopath within a day or so. At least that's what his horrific actions are depicted as: the actions of a psychopath, who suddenly has full command. But Max Hubacher's acting just doesn't convey that. I don't know if the problem lies in the script or in his acting to be honest, probably a little of both.

    To sum it up, this film was a mess tonally as well as story-wise. I know what Schwentke was trying to do, showing the problematic nature of power relations and the exploitation of those. But the result just felt weird and, most importantly for a story like that, it just didn't feel authentic and hence doesn't do the real victims of Herold justice.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I put off watching this film as it was advertised as 4h long on Prime. It is actually only 2 hours long and shown as two versions - 1 black and white and the repeated in colour.

    The way the film portrayed the chaotic end to the nazi regime as well as the brutality of the people involved is excellent. It shows the impact the nazis had on the young impressionable German people and their pursuit of power. Haubacher's cool and menacing performance shows that even at the end of the war people still believed they were in the right and continued with their ruthless bureaucracy in the killing of those they considered undesirables.
  • Well maybe "knew it" would be better ... but that would not be as close to the song as I had in mind. Just a little nugget/hint/joke I like to make with my summary lines. Not that this is a comedy - most German movies are either known as romantic comedies/dramas or have the second world war as a topic - this obviously being the latter.

    This has an intersting twist with a character assuming a position and power grab, that will run throughout the movie. War is not a game and what it does with people (especially when they get into a position of power) is shown here very vividly. Very well played and acted (mostly in black and white nonetheless). If you don't have issues with the subject matter and the symbols shown, the movie might be something you want to watch. Interesting take to say the least.
  • ... I couldn't help feel there was something missing. I couldn't pinpoint what, but the film just felt incomplete. Perhaps it was character development, as you don't find out much at all about those that tag along with the captain. Worth a watch, but don't expect anything of 'Downdall' quality.
  • I'd like to make it very clear that I seldom rate any film a 10. IMDB is awash with 10's that have little originality and are complete nonsense ratings. 10 should ALWAYS be reserved for films which are unique and outstanding. Now I know that is rather a vague definition but for me, at the end of the day a '10' has got to be reserved in order to maintain some modicum of rating integrity.

    This film took me on a quite unexpected journey; From an apparantly innocent private just trying to etch out some degree of respite and dignity from the chaos of war, to a shakespearean like or perhaps more fittingly Conrad-like descent into the depths of desperation, depravity and moral absence. The film has so many layers and aspects of what human beings are capable of under extreme conditions; The man who chooses to take his own life, immediately juxtaposed by his friend who proceeds to take the lives of others in the hope of extending his own until the next appalling moral dilemma is presented. (too many to go into here). There is so much I could say about this film but will just end on one particularly high impact scene that at least for me, represented both the darkness of nature, and that of human nature: Towards the end of the film, the protagonist comes across skeletal remains in a forest. One particular artistic cinematic shot renders the remains in such a way that they appear to have oozed out, or been thrown out, by the dark mouth of the forest, the forest clearly being a metaphor for the dark power of nature that has no moral measure; it just, is.
  • A disturbing film for sensitive people. Some actors are very good, others less good. The story is true. Horrors committed at the end of World War II. But the whole history of "humanity" tells us that man is the most vile species.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In 2018, Robert Schwentke, a German-born filmmaker trained in America, wrote and directed 'Der Hauptmann' (or 'The Captain' in English), a film that takes a unique perspective on the Nazi era. Schwentke's intention was to focus primarily on the perpetrators themselves, departing from the usual portrayal of a "good German" character in most German films about Nazis.

    The story revolves around 19-year-old Luftwaffe paratrooper, Willi Herold, seemingly a deserter in the last weeks of World War II, being pursued by military police commandoes. Schwentke cleverly elicits initial sympathy for Herold as he escapes the MPs and avoids being shot as a deserter. By chance, Herold discovers a German captain's uniform in an abandoned car, and with the support of a soldier named Freytag, who pledges allegiance to him, he decides to impersonate a Wehrmacht captain.

    As Herold travels, other stragglers join his newly formed unit named Kampfgruppe Herold. In contrast to the seemingly decent Freytag, Kapinski, a sadistic drunk, is driven to prove his own capability for extreme violence. Herold cunningly escalates his sadism to outdo Kapinski. They arrive at a prison camp for German Army deserters, where the bulk of the film's action takes place. Schwentke effectively portrays the internal power struggles and bureaucratic games played by the Nazis.

    Herold orchestrates the execution of many prisoners at the camp, with Kapinski carrying out his orders. The film does not shy away from violence, but Schwentke tactfully uses long shots and suggestive scenes to convey the atrocities without excessive gore. The only one who objects to Herold's brutal actions is the camp commandant, who is ultimately overruled by an official from the Justice Department.

    As the narrative progresses, Herold's true monstrous nature emerges, defying any initial sympathies the audience might have had. Schwentke skillfully exposes the depravity of the characters and their complicity in sadistic acts. The film climaxes with a disturbing party scene, where Herold and his men indulge in debauchery and violence, highlighting the dark depths of their cruelty.

    Throughout the film, Schwentke makes it clear that there will be no "good Germans" inserted to counterbalance the Nazis' actions, challenging the traditional portrayal of the Nazi era in German cinema. He successfully brings to light the horrifying reality of the perpetrators and their lack of remorse for their actions.

    As the film reaches its conclusion, it is revealed that 'Der Hauptmann' is based on a true story, adding a chilling dimension to the narrative. Herold's eventual fate is revealed in his court martial, where he is sentenced to execution by the British after being captured.

    Max Hubacher delivers a remarkable performance as Willi Herold, effectively conveying his character's infatuation with power and sadism. Schwentke's direction powerfully exposes the dark side of prior German cinema's portrayal of the Nazi era, challenging the myth of the Wehrmacht's "dignity" and revealing the disturbing truth of civilian complicity in sadistic acts.

    In 'Der Hauptmann,' Schwentke's bold and unapologetic approach to portraying the perpetrators sheds light on the horrors of the Nazi era and leaves a haunting impression on the audience.
  • Recommended, it's sometimes a little slow - at the beginning, sometimes harrowing, sometimes even light hearted but always interesting. Beautifully shot in Germany and the lead is icily menacing. Definitely worth a watch for a very different view than usual war films.
  • At first i thought oh another ww2 movie from the perspective of one individual that will show the last year of the german nazi regime. But then as the movie started i got into captains head. It was like a clear presentation of an very inteligent pragmatic that at firat tried to survive as an deserter, but got into a role of someone else. His determination, inteligence, leadership, authority and discipline in playing his new role impacted on every other character through out the film. After a while i was shocked that this movie was based on real events. From survival to horror, despair and even theater and hedonism. Back and forth. Trully a remarkable movie.
  • Thanos_Alfie3 January 2019
    "The Captain" is a History - War movie in which we are two weeks before the end of World War II and we watch a young German soldier trying to survive when he finds a Nazi captain's uniform. He pretends to be a captain and his behavior changes very much making the same monstrous mistakes that his perpetrators did before him and he was trying to escape from.

    I liked this movie very much because it had a very interesting plot and many good scenes. I liked the direction which was made by Robert Schwentke who is also the writer and I believe he did a great job on it. He combined very some historical events with his story and also showed us the cruelty of Nazi and what they did or what they were capable of doing. Another thing that I believe it's very important is the evolve of his main character, he started as a young frightened boy and in the end, he had courage, pride, and honor. It reminded me of the movie "Das Experiment" which was also presented very well what can happen if power is given to the wrong people. Regarding the interpretations, I liked the interpretation of Max Hubacher who played as Willi Herold and he was very good at his role, Frederick Lau who played as Kipinski and Milan Peschel who played as Freytag.

    In conclusion, I have to say that "The Captain" is a nice movie with an interesting plot, some very good interpretations, and a very good direction. I recommend everyone to watch this movie because I am sure that you are going to enjoy it and I also believe that if you are a fan of war movies then you really have to watch this movie since it presents the true face of war.
  • billcr1217 January 2019
    The Captain is based on a true story taking place near the end of WWII. A deserter comes upon a car with a captain's uniform and assumes the role of the officer. He hoodwinks his fellow Nazi's at a camp and orders the executions of them without any trial. The film is in black and white and reminded me of the TV series "Hogan's Heroes." It is dark and depressing film with good acting but I just could not get into it. I am surprised at the high numerical rating. The two hour running time certainly feels long and unending. I was relieved when it finally ended.
  • I get the B&W but what was with the single color shot? Good biopic but the 2 hour length felt much longer with the slow pace and long shots. This film should've been edited down to 90 mins max. Otherwise, the directing and cinematography were great, and the acting on point. Not a bad foreign film, but I think it could have been better. It's a 7/10 from me
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