User Reviews (40)

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  • Despite Having 2 well know actors, I actually Really like, Dern and Lang! This was just SO MUCH SLOW and Stupid Garbage!!! I think these 2 seasoned actors either did someone a favor appearing in this, or were bored and just wanted something to do, Obviously Anything to do!!! Waste of their talents!!

    I gave it 2 points for the beautiful architecture of the Mid-century homes I am familiar with from my youth.

    But, Such a BAD and Boring SCRIPT!!! Could have been a decent movie with a Better script and much better actors, because I didn't recognize anyone and they were so emotionless and making constant stupid horror cliché choices! For a Doctor and Architect, I found the 2 leads (couple) to be Really lame! But I'll take that Thunderbird, Please!! ;D

    The houses and 50's style clothing and beautiful cars is NOT a good enough reason to WASTE almost 2 hours of your life on this Tripe!! You've been warned!
  • The first five minutes were the best. It had a great setup, amazing premise and potentially a cool idea, especially with reverse gender roles. Then, it just got goofy, and not in a good way. The writing is horrible, the pacing is off, you don't know who the main protagonist is and there aren't any jump scares. The scenes that were meant to be scary weren't. The mythology they're trying to build doesn't make sense. They use Latin folklore but Germanic runes as well? Maybe a different director could have salvaged it. It doesn't feel authentic at all. Did the pandemic really wipe out good talent and gave rise to incompetent writers and directors?
  • Two minutes into this movie, and already I couldn't stand either of the leads. Stephen Lang is one of my favorite character actors, and I have no idea what he's doing in this Lifetime Channel-esque mishmash of bad acting and worse screenwriting. Cliches and stereotypes abound, all the bad guys are white, everybody in the fifties drove a Thunderbird and lived like the Cleavers, etc. Don't bother with this one. Two stars because at least Stephen Lang appears from time to time to remind one why they might have mistakenly thought this movie might be good.
  • I had high hopes, believe it or not. The concept was clever enough. I like this emerging Airbnb gone awry genre, having enjoyed Gone in the Night and The Rental. I thought watching this with friends just before Halloween would be great. But boy, was I wrong.

    The first 30 minutes are your standard horror movie build. But then it just gets strange. There are flashbacks, ghosts, and a pseudo-psychedelic trip that makes no sense at all. The storyline falls apart.

    Our friends left halfway through.

    I kept watching but was so perplexed and confused after they revealed that what was happening was ghosts taking over the living. The living were acting out on the ghost's behalf. What?

    I turned if off with 15 minutes left. I couldn't care less how the story ended at that point.

    I hope our friends forgive us.
  • Honestly if the acting had been anymore wooden it would of been a puppet show. When the credits are still showing up 15 minutes into the movie they're just distracting. Lets be honest they're unnecessary as they will be repeated at the end and if you get there then I can't imagine you reading them. It's just awful.

    You want Stephen Lang then watch "Don't Breath" you want Bruce Dern then watch "The Burbs" because neither of them do very well here.
  • This movie was terrible. It often wasn't clear what was going on and as others have said, good actors gave some terrible performances, which speaks to the writing and directing.

    The film really intensely misunderstands architecture. It's also a movie that tries to center female characters, but was written by a man and lacks insight. It arguably also fails the Bechdel Test.

    You get a sense of what it was trying for, but it doesn't remotely achieve it.
  • jamosmonk24 June 2022
    This could've been a decent movie. But it is poorly written. You can see the flashes of a good movie. It is just disjointed sequences that have no narrative through line. Good actors good cinematography. It had the makings of a good thriller. Maybe a quality script doctor could've punched it up.
  • sradair-7826717 July 2022
    2 veteran actors of note (Dern & Lang), which drew me in

    Terrible storyline - difficult to follow, contrived and not well developed.

    Started with interesting potential then completely fizzled.

    Hard pass on this one.
  • Stupid movie terrible acting. Just plain bad. Do not waste your time like I did. Really doesn't make any sense at all..what.. not enuf letters yet ? Nothing to say here.
  • Normally I don't pay attention to other people's reviews but they're all spot on. The intro credits literally go on for 15 minutes, I double checked someone else's review and they were right. The movie is well into the beginning but the credits just keep coming. The whole movie doesn't make sense. The acting is actually terrible. Doesn't even do a good job of bashing us white men which is the hot topic these days. Movies and shows ain't woke if they don't attack us. I don't even care about that. What's truly sad to me is I couldn't even finish the movie. I made it to an hour and just couldn't do it anymore. I love movies, even the cheap low budget B listed actors but this is literally the worst movie I've ever seen and the bad reviews are actually correct. What's the dudes name Tom? Not the old guy but the husband of the soon to be Dr? I recognize him from other stuff and no matter what role he does he talks exactly the same. I felt like I was still watching Salem which is a great show that he stars in. Hey there ya go skip wasting your time on this movie and watch the TV show Salem which is actually really good.
  • Had potential-Started off intriguing-Than a mess.. Honestly will keep it short,as to not further bore you. Lol.

    So the husband & wife are on a vacation,but she leaves to work.. He discovers various things at rental,but instead of leaving stays.

    Why did he use the rotary phones instead of his cell,when calling the police?

    There was plotholes & clichés,which made the storyline more stupid.. Can't even be classified artsy or twilight zone-ish,was just low-quality overall.

    Actors to the acting wasn't great,cinematography seemed ok.

    The wife seemed to be always bothered by something-her guy-employers,was this relevant plot wise? Not really!

    Just skip this & watch something more worthy,unless you regardless like the genre or actors.
  • If you're not a horror fan, then I think this might not be for you, but if you are

    It had so many elements to like. The nostalgia of the mid 20th century. The occult tie-ins. The spirit world. An evil antagonist, and his evil henchmen. Historical architectural subtext. The rift between the two lovers that could go either way. The sound track fit the mood perfectly. The camera work was spot on. Even the somewhat corny acting from Lang an Dern was refreshing. Sonja O'Hara really pulled these elements together.

    The script, although not all that original, carried the storytelling pretty well, even if it was a bit cornball.

    Overall: It's been quite awhile since I've enjoyed a horror flick this much. It had all the tropes of a classic horror film.
  • DanzWMe6 January 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Who TF signed off on this bullshi! Don't bother with this one! It's slow beyond tolerance, boring, unfocused, ridiculous, senseless dribble. No build up or insight into why the villain was the way he was. Why? Why? Why is what I kept asking throughout this ordeal & how? How did he come back to life, how did he do that if he was dead, how did she do that if she was dead, why did she come back & no one else. Why & How!

    The plot has more holes than swiss cheese. No back story, no character buildup, no origin story, no nothing! Then they want to throw in a frigging occult at the end to try to wrap up multiple killings! Really, no buildup throughout this flustercuck regarding the occult.

    I'm done with this shi! So I'm ending this review. It's not even worth it!y.
  • But not the worst it was a 1 out of 10 and that's being nice , I mean really we had to pay to watch this . Don't take your date to see this . Not something I would recommend or watch a second time.
  • essamalhamdani17 June 2022
    If I had made the movie, I would have made it better than this movie, so bad. It was better to give the money that was spent on this ridiculous movie.
  • Well that's a few hours that I'll never get back..

    Awful, truly the worst movie I have ever seen...and I've seen a LOT!

    Absolutely positively bad bad bad Do NOT waste your time...I lost mine.
  • Garbage from the trash....if you want to waste almost 2 hours of your life you can watch this. I have never seen such bad acting, plot, everything was just terrible! Don't waste your time.
  • The story is straight forward and entertaining. Then it becomes all over the place as this one and that one possess whomever. It ultimately makes little sense as you watch trying to work out what the hell is going on. It starts with some nice classic cars and a nice 1950s neighbourhood. It's a movie that loses track of the story it's telling. There is nothing wrong with the story, but it's not told with clarity and precision. This makes for frustrating viewing. Bruce Dern is hardly even in this film even though he's billed as one of the main cast. That's either good or bad depending on what you think of his performances. Personally I don't like him much but it's more that he's got little presence on screen in whatever he does. It's a well made film but it falls apart in an obvious way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Chilling opening scene. The movie kicks off in the 1960s with Stephen Lang as a smooth architect (serial?) killer. I'm all in. Off to a good start. Stephen Lang brought me into this movie in the first place. After the first few minutes, the 1960s and Stephen Lang are gone and it turns into 2020 or 2021 with Shane West (I always liked him) and his whiny medical doctor or nurse Wife who exists to remind us of the C19 pandemic, how being a pretty young woman in the workplace is such a drag and how the neighborhood would not have welcomed her non-White Grandmother back in the day. Who cares?! I just want to watch a horror movie. A random dude, who's not Stephen Lang, stabs a random Uber driver dude. I'm assuming this will be Lang's son because movies like this tend to be predictable. Back to the Wife. She's talking to her co-worker who whines about having lupus and not wanting kids with her Husband. As this point, I exited the movie. More soap then horror.
  • Worst movie I've seen in a long time, only finished it to see how bad of a ending it could possibly have. Usually like Shane West's movies but this one was probably his worst ever. If you want to watch something really dumb then watch this otherwise don't bother. Hopefully this wasn't an expensive movie to make. Terrible acting from all ends. Terrible special effects and a lot of the movie didn't make much sense considering it kept going back and forth in the years. This is a movie that should have never been released and I don't usually give such a bad review even on the dumbest movies ever but this movie is really bad.
  • First of all I must admit that I'm not a huge horror fan. That being said, this film had me hooked from start to finish with its gorgeous cinematography, stunning set design and unique and captivating story telling.

    Stephen Lang, Bruce Dern and Shane West all were brilliant as expected but I was really impressed by the performances of Chelsea Gilligan and Mike Stern. They both breathed a lot of life into this movie and it was as beautiful as it was creepy.

    I'd say it's more of a thriller than a horror but very creative in any case and I'd recommend it to anyone. Hitchcock-y but in a modern way..
  • This is nonsense.

    DVR'd to skip commercials but preferred commercials. It has no direction. Hodge podge of different movies. Terrible writing. I dont see what the positive reviewers see in this movie but To each their own. If this was a sci fi channel produced movie it would have been more fun to make fun of the cheesy effects. By the time they use the effects I was just wanting the movie to end. The characters were not likable. There was no reason to be invested in anything that happens to them. Sorry to ramble but : Very hard to write a review that requires a minimum character count with no spoilers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with a woman doing daily chore, and a man went out from his car scene! As turnout, this film is about a husband ghost "Tom" need to defeat a villain ghost "Frederick" to save his wife! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the smoking scene, overuse of the song playing at the background scene, overuse of the blackout scene, overuse of the long angle scenery scene, overuse of the copulate scene, overuse of the talking on the phone scene, overuse of the reading scene, overuse of the flashbacks scene, and overuse of the interrogate scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, Frederick been killed, the wife of Tom been saved! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
  • wrigco7 September 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    The reviews are spot on about this one. I watched to the end, I'm a glutton for punishment.

    It started off with a promising concept and then it just turned into a dismal dire hot mess. What a convoluted mishmash of rubbish. Some were alive, then they were dead, oh no, wait they're alive after all!!! Hmm, no actually they were dead all along, just alive in somebody else's body or something. Such tripe, the acting was as bad as the script.

    Bruce Dern appears in it for about 2 seconds and I bet he regretted even that.

    The heroine survives in the end after defeating all the monsters. But you knew that all along.
  • A couple rent a vacation home haunted by the spirits of the architect who built it and his two wives, as well as their deranged, living son.

    A very poor film.

    Badly acted which was surprising as the actors involved have proved to be good in previous films Alice the Doctor was good but the rest of them are very wooden, its kinda embarrassing how bad in some scenes. Stephen Lang was particularly odd....what was he doing? Did he forget how to act or something? Favour for a friend by doing this film? I see he was a producer. Not sure why he thought this would be a good film to invest in. The story looks as if making up as go along and the part about the Dr and her relationship was tacked on. I just didn't care.

    The story makes very little sense at all. The characters relationship was confusing. One minute lived uo, next minute arguing ten loved up again.

    The same Lazy oooo a person has walked quickly past the camera jump scares used so many times it was boring to see and totally ineffective.

    I really was disappointed and struggled to get through the film and eventually turned it off 3/4 way through. And i very rareoy stop a film once started. Found myself scrolling on mobile. I think this must have been a first time directing job.
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