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  • lopezc-7174614 January 2021
    I love Jenni Rivera. She's a goddess!! But this series kinda sucks :/ some of the acting is ok but dam n at the beginning of the series there's a lot of kissing. Like they are obsessed with kissing. It gets kind of annoying. Everything else is ok.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I didn't know much of Jenni Rivera and wasn't a fan but became obsessed with wanting to know more. Throughout the whole show I kept fast forwarding the flashbacks because there is a lot of fluff. Finally after all these episodes I made it to episode 91. They did a horrible job of changing the kid actors all of a sudden and rushed to finish the ending. I thought we would see the burial/funeral, her families reactions and what happened to the children after. Even a memorial in writing to everyone who passed. But it ended at the snap of a finger when they could have skipped out all that fluff in every episode to make the ending truly count. For the true Jenni fans, this will anger you!
  • Jenni Rivera 's life was very well portrayed in this " novela". My only criticism is the end, not everyone knows what happened to the Mariposa de Barrio after boarding that plane. The dialogues were very repetitive what gave a very slow pace to this series but otherwise, quite touching .
  • Delilah8704142 February 2021
    I didn't know much about Jenni Rivera or her music before watching this show, I am truly addicted.
  • lriojas-9895117 January 2021
    If you are a true fan of novelas and you want to know more about this lovely lady you must watch. If you think they're over acting...well you must not know novelas. It's just perfect! This is a great series that touches on all of Jenni Riveras ups and downs in her life. She suffered and triumphed tremendously with her family's unwavering love and support. A must watch!
  • yptdbsbkj3 January 2021
    This story is well played by the actors chosen. I can relate to it to so much as I was also a teen mother in an abusive relationship. Many people might be able to learn a thing or two. I highly recommended. Well done
  • I was so excited to see this series anddddd lowkey disappointed. The storyline, setting, and direction was great but honestly the acting of some of these actors is horrible. Too much overacting and reading lines so stale. You will see within the first five minutes when you see Uriel de toro act you will most definitely want to switch the tv off and regret the free moments of life you won't get back! Surprisingly the younger cast is decent but this really is a good show would be great if they spent more money and got real actors. Acting is reading lines but true performance is connecting with the lines.
  • Mariposa de barrio is a story or series based on the life of the singer Jeni Rivera, from the same perspective as the family, something that I find interesting and at the same time a little controversial, since we will not know how true or realistic that reality may be.

    In my personal opinion, it is a series that attracts women more than men, specifically because of the type of content it has and that often becomes more repetitive drama than anything specific.

    Rescuing at the same time that it has some episodes that promise a lot and they only stay at that, because being a series that has a certain argument or concepts related to a character that has a particular market, it will not totally catch everyone who is looking for something more. Or learn a little of its mystery.

    I recommend seeing it with a medium or low level of expectation, because although it has many performances I feel that personally I don't get caught up in everything.
  • Such an Amazing series, on Netflix trending right now as well. Recommend it 100%. Intense , passionate , unique and transformative. Also unexpected. Perfect Cast , Wow! Acting is highly expressive. Jenni Rivera such a strong courageous, incredibly beautiful , in and out Woman. I love the wardrobe make up hair , the script is so captivating , seamless , Consistently Outstanding. Seen it many times all my friends and family as well. Relatable , real , must watch you guys ! You won't regret it. Unique.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    1. Too repetitive, it was to long 2. She wasn't tough, it portrait instead a low self esteem woman that can't live without sex and alcohol no matter what.

    3. I am more angry and frustrated at them. So I guess this review is for all their actions and also 4. There was a bad acting from the adult Jennie.

    5. Also bad production in general because: 6. The story just went on a loop in most of the episodes.

    7. Some parts of the story and takes jump and leave lakes.

    8. The same BGM it sicks me.

    9. About the family: WOMAN enough is cand console yourself in other forms.

    10. I don't know why she is being idolized... ella fue como toda latina emprendedora que hay muchas por ahi but she was also machista...thinking " I do this because my family". Even tho she then did not take care well those kids.

    11. Overall that family was plain machistas and this series put it like is normal and you got to deal with it if you are a Mex.

    12. Did I mention that it was frustrating?

    13. The kids change...I did not like it either.

    14. They mill a lot the Rosie situation almost like it became her serie.


  • sylviaokpon18 February 2021
    I do not speak Spanish, but I binged watch this entire show by reading the subtitles lol. I have a new love for Jenni Rivera after watching! Truly an inspiration. 91 episodes is a lot, but I loved every bit!
  • Wow the trials and tribulations of the Rivera family begening in the 80s never a dull moment I'd have to say, based on true events that's what got my attention as far as my Spanish goes I'm an ametuer enthusiast, pero estoy aprendiendo! Until recently I was not famillar with Jenni Rivera I watch Spanish language novelas/series from time to time for me it's the best show since Reyna del Flow wich I would recommend also.
  • Lizarita8 February 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    For a Novella it's good drama. I felt like I was watching Groundhog Day though. Every episode is her fighting with her ex. We get it already. There are no side stories to speak of even though there are tons of family members. I'm watching out of boredom but don't know how much more I could take.
  • First of all, I will say that I'm sure that Jenni Rivera herself went through a lot. It's not easy escaping an abusive relationship and then accomplish what she has. I will say though that I used to watch this when I was maybe 18-20 I think? From my recollection it featured a lot of crying and drama which gets very repetitive and very tiresome. I'm not completely sure if it portrays Jenni's story perfectly.

    It's hard to watch not just because of the subject matter, but also because it didn't interest me that much as a telenovela.

    (Jenni Rivera will forever be an artist that is remembered for her work and for helping others.)