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  • mrashtastic8912 December 2021
    Alexa and Katie is perfectly enjoyable for all ages.

    A bit too melodramatic but I don't really care.

    The characters are perfect, Alexa's older brother is incredible, I love him.

    Netflix gave us a great show here.
  • Fantastic family show, good mixed of silly humour with empathy for a variety of struggles younger people can face particularly around illness. Great themes explored as well as good friendships modelled. Nice and clean as well as hilarious and entertaining. Just waiting for the next season now!
  • alliekittycatlove31 March 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I just finished the first season of this show and I think it's really cute. It could be a little more realistic. I know Alexa is pretty healthy despite the cancer, but at some points it's like she doesn't have it at all. I felt like I was waiting for something terrible to happen, not because I wanted it to, but because it felt like it would make sense. Maybe they'll be more of that in season 2. Otherwise the show is adorable and I love the friendship between the girls. Katie shaving her head for Alexa was a beautiful gesture and something only a true best friend would do.
  • This is a fantastic show for kids- better than Disney because the kids aren't disrespectful and rude to adults. It shows great friendships and the challenges of dealing with a disease. It is not realistic - it is not a documentary... but as a mom of a child who has significant health issues, I appreciated the way the girls deal with those challenges and found myself wishing the hospitals and doctors acted a bit more like the people on the show and tried to make awful stays more fun and interactive. It is a NICE show and they're aren't many of those around anymore. TV can take you out of your sad or depressing trials and this does exactly that.
  • I'm 44 years old and I have been through so much since the age of 7 being back and fourth in the children hospital and beating cancer. Cancer is an illness that people think of as the death illness. I was glad to have someone in my life that made me laugh and have fun with despite my ordeal. I've learned to walk and made it through this. Yes I've seen the worse side of it and people unless you know as a cancer patient you don't know what someone is feeling on the inside. Sometimes the only thing a person needs is a feeling of love and laughter instead of remorse and guilt and friends and family that only see the down side of it. They want their lives to be normal despite cancer. To the creators of this show great job. Having a great friend through this is great someone whose their to make you laugh when you want to cry someone whose there when you want to give up. So once again if you don't have it you shouldn't comment negative on this. Until you live the life you don't know anything.
  • ts-000017 March 2020
    Binged watched it via Netflix,in two days. Kept my attention,good storylines & characters. Worth checking out,if you haven't yet.
  • My teenage daughter had cancer, and she is almost one year post treatment. This show is funny, and has some great things about it, but it doesn't accurately show what it's like for a kid to have cancer. For instance, a cancer patient has a port, they don't get iv's Every time they receive chemo. They have to wear a mask when they go out into crowded places because their immune system is so low. They are very weak from the chemo. Too weak to run around, jump up and down, attend school with as much energy as Alexa, etc. they don't need to be told to take naps. They beg to take naps. My daughter carried a blanket around with her at all times and laid down every chance she could. Cancer patients require blood transfusions, hospital stays because of infections, constant doctors visits, and lots of sleep. This show makes it look easy. My daughter tried to watch it and she couldn't even finish the season because it bothered her so much. All of her "friends" left her. She couldn't go to school. And she has no energy at all. Her experience was the total opposite of this. I just wish tv shows and movies would actually get it right.
  • PROS:

    -A really mature premise. The story focuses on Alexa. She has cancer, and we will be watching how this affects to this girl and her family.

    -The emotional moments are golden. I found myself crying into half of the episodes of each season. It's simply amazing, and it really opens a conversation.

    -It's entertaining and short. Every episode it feels like the plot is moving forward. I mean, every season take place a year on the girls lives.


    -Sitcom laughs that makes you feel like the show is forcing you to laugh to jokes that aren't that funny. It's essentially a Disney show with a mature thematic.

    -May not appeal to boys.

    -Some jokes aren't really funny and sometimes it's very corny.
  • The show definitely has it moments. The jokes are predictive and sometimes a little "childish" but it is a kids/teenshow after all. You could easily catch something similar on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel but i did find myself enjoying the show after a few episodes. The acting isn't bad, the actors do their job very well. I would say: give this show a try on a lazy Sunday when you're caught up with all your other tv shows. You might just like it, who knows?
  • kristiford4 April 2018
    News flash people..this is not a reality show!! Maybe it's not entirely accurate but that would be depressing and somewhat scary not a cute sitcom for young people which it is!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First and foremost, people seem to forget this is a kids show. You're not going to get the same amount of realism that you would from a cable medical drama or an in depth documentary. This show isn't supposed to be 100% realistic. It's a standard kids show with a unique twist in that it also features a girl with cancer.

    Having said that, it does have some emotional moments. Having Katie shave her head in solidarity with Alexa is touching. Seeing that Alexa's family struggles with how to cope with a family member with cancer is poignant, albeit a little hokey at times. The acting can be a little cheesy and the plot is a little formulaic, but overall entertaining. Kudos to the writers/producers for attempting to tackle a difficult subject in a kids show. My daughter started watching only recently and has had some fairly adult questions after viewing, which is somewhat refreshing to see from what kids normally watch.
  • I love that this show takes something like cancer that is so hard on families and shows how someone can still be strong and happy despite what she is going through. The character Alexa is written wonderfully. They have a great balance between the teenage drama and the sick patient. Katie provides great comic relief. As someone who has lost a few close friends to cancer and other ailments its nice to see shows that show positive characters just doing their best to survive and make the best our of bad circumstances, even throwing in the struggle of a single mom. This show definitely takes the motto "live, love, laugh" to heart.
  • The reason I like this show is because of Katie. She really understands the awkwardness of high school. She's very likable and her antics are great! Also I like Alexa's mom, I think Tiffany does a great job portraying the worried mom.

    The other characters COULD be likable but just need some depth. The worst of the bunch is Alexa's dad and Katie's mom. They come across as uncaring about anything but sports. Alexa's brother and Katie's brother seem to have no relationship with their sisters. AGAIN if they can work on the character developments I think it has the potential to be amazing!
  • kirastanley28 March 2018
    I am 16, got diagnosed with brain cancer about 5 months ago, find this show to be insulting. There is nothing realistic about this show and undermines the actual trouble cancer patients go through.This show not only misrepresents cancer but suggests that cancer patients only act in lashes of anger and are in constant need of distraction. Tv producers should stick to what they know. I don't think they thought cancer patients would be well enough to actually watch this show looking for something to relate to. instead of finding something to relate to I find myself yet again misunderstood and being mocked by girls in bald caps.
  • This show was amazing it really inspired children to really think more about cancer 10/10 great job but there is a cliffhanger at the end and I can't wait to watch it!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this show around the time the last season was out, early on in the pandemic. It was exactly what I needed at that time.

    I do understand the negative reviews from this who unfortunately has or have cancer, especially childhood cancer. However this isn't a documentary, and it's not a network evening show based on reality. Yes, it's about a girl that gets cancer, but it's not claiming to show every single aspect. Just as a show that has a bully and someone bullied doesn't have all aspects of how the victim feels. I don't think this show even advertised itself to be that.

    First, the casting is fantastic. My first thought was wait Henry from Gilmore Girls is married to Kelly from SBTB - given the extreme year difference in which these actors played high school students I was surprised but it works and they are lovable. The two leads are phenomenal. Katie has gone on to star in the Yellowstone prequels (in 1883 ans the narrator in the just released 1923) and is phenomenal. Alexa has a role in this years hit Do Revenge, but I'd love to see more of her.

    It was cutesy and fun and yes some bad things happen and we see true friends rally around each other and it's feel good and wholesome and some times that's what we need. Yea it's a show for teens but I'm a 38 year old single woman with no kids and I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • The show has its moments. The actors are great.

    But as someone who knew a cancer patient, it left some realistic elements out.

    Like fatigue to the point of being bed ridden. Memory loss. Meeting others that were like herself. I understand that this is suppose to be from a teens POV but even then a real opinion would have been great to have to base the show off of.

    I'm hoping that the episodes get better.
  • in-imdb-11 January 2020
    There are some interesting things in the show, that I would summarize by saying that if you removed the main actress you would actually end up with a good show. This alleged cancer girl is annoying at all levels, including when she sings during the credits. She is loud and stupid and brings nothing good to the show. On the other hand, all the rest of the cast is quite good and funny to watch.
  • Alexa and Katie is a Netflix series but it reminded me of Disney. I had my doubts after watching the first trailer, but I gave it a chance because I've seen movies and series of Paris Berelc and Jack Griffo.

    The series is about a girl recovering from cancer that lives her life at the most positive way along with her best friend and her really supportive family. It's a great comedy despite the main topic.

    It didn't have anything bad for me. I loved it, I watched all the episodes at once.
  • lilleingvild3 January 2019
    Feel good for young teenagers. A bit predictable. Good if you nerd cheering up.
  • coleymae26 March 2018
    This is a really good family show. The writers really did a great job on hooking me. I can't wait until season 2.
  • This show tries it's best to be funny and meaningful but as you watch you can feel the awkwardness and lack of energy from the actors and the "audience." The show tries to follow positive messaging which is hit or miss depending on your experience related to such messages. The two stars are alright with their acting skills but even then it's quite sub par to the older sitcoms that came before. Boy Meets World, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, Sam and Kat, Liv and Maddie you name it those shows are far and away better than this one. Supporting actors are extremely forgettable or stupid aka the males in this show so there's that issue also.
  • naomi-192093 April 2018
    I was a little skeptical at first, but Alexa and Katie is an amazing tv show! For someone who has never had cancer, or been close to anyone who has had to deal with long term cancer, I found it really helpful in understanding that kind of life. It also helped me see that having cancer doesn't change someone, and that they are still normal people. I loved the characters, and although there were some very stereotypical, overused traits and scenes, but all in all they added to the shows quality, and made me love it even more. Amazing tv show, and I hope that there is a season 2! (Also Alexa is the one with cancer, not Katie @amanda2332332)
  • As I watch the "Alexa & Katie" tv show I was highly disappointed. I having been through childhood cancer in my past. So I was more than excited to watch this and I kept watching hoping to see the episodes when they bright light to the real situations of cancer... but every episode further I just kept being let down. When do they show that Katie can't eat foods like normal because her taste will change? When does Katie have the worst symptoms from her Chemo therapy? When does Katie get chronic fatigue? When does Katie get to go to cancer for kid events? When does Katie become bed ridden? When does Katie have a friend in the Hospital possibly not make it? When does Katie have memory problems? When, when, when!?

    I was so upset and left unsatisfied, I was waiting for those real moments and the heart connecting monologues. Instead we got excuses why Katie is so normal... and why she never shows being sick through her cancer and treatment. It can still be comic relief and light hearted, we just need a realistic story to relate too. I can't relate to this at all and I had Leukemia as a child in middle school and recovering in high school. I've seen a co-worker go to work with chronic Leukemia.

    To me it feels who ever is writing this and directing this, has not one single clue or idea about cancer and how kids go through it and I am left so unsatisfied. I thought maybe for once someone could show others how to understand those who went threw cancer... instead they covered it up with a false understanding and that hurts the cancer community and those going threw it. Now a days too many people base understandings threw shows and movies, so stop and rewind and fix this please if you are making a season 2.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I actually quite like this show. I heard about it but all I saw was the cheesy, typical, sitcom-set and I expected a laughing track (which I hate). But one day I was bored enough and I gave it a chance. At first, it was what I expected. Laughing track, character breathes extra hard when getting frustrated, and all that sitcom jazz. But as It went on, I noticed something else, no "aww" track or "ooh, wooh!" Which I dislike even more than the laughing, so I was quite pleased.

    It's got a great storyline and the best part of it is, there is no romanticization of the character Alexa's cancer. Matter of fact, they really make sure the delve into the negative things she goes through, without it being a downer. Which is why I say this show is a great way to educate children on different conditions and issues that happen in life without it taking over the good parts of the show and creating fear in your child.

    I appreciate how they showed the different mental issues, such as Alexa having PTSD and fear any time she was the center of a conversation about her condition, and with Spencer who she didn't want to get close to at first because of not wanting to be reminded. How Alexa and Katie had bald heads and they embraced it, instead of the show covering that up and just making them conventionally attractive for the whole show. The way that they portrayed Katie's anxiety was very realistic and her going through the denial stage at first. The panic attack was very realistic in nature so much that I had to skip it because it was a bit triggering if you suffer from bouts of nervousness. So definitely keep that in mind she has 2 panic attacks throughout the show and just be sure if you or your child want to see that before going on through the show.

    I like how not everyone on this show is rich and how Katie's mom is single and struggles with money. It's refreshing to see real life portrayed in a show. You must be warned, the relationships are slightly cheesy at times. Ryan and Katie's to be specific. But as to not give too many spoilers, I'll just leave that there. So far great show and I would recommend 10 to 16 year olds watch this show. Any younger and some things they wouldn't understand, such as the money struggles, anxiety issues and etc, but any older and it may be a 17-18 year old watching a kid's show they might be embarrassed about. But as someone in between, I thoroughly enjoyed all 4 seasons.
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