User Reviews (23)

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  • "Mafia Inc" is a well crafted crime film chronicling the rise and fall of the Montreal mafia featuring stellar lead performances. . In this crime drama set in 1990s Montreal, when the Paternò crime family disowns one of their key men after a monstrous act, war begins. . Walking into "Mafia Inc." I didn't know what to expect; would this be a melodramatic take on mobsters, would the facts be flaky or would this be a solid crime drama. "Mafia Inc." exceeded my expectations. The film wastes no time getting down to the nitty gritty and the cast is spectacular. Italian actor Sergio Castellitto as the head of the family is a masterwork. Calm and collected yet brutally vicious, with every shot he's in, Castellitto takes command of his role. Marc-André Grondin proves yet again he one of Quebec's finest actors and can take on any role thrown at him. "Mafia Inc." is a crime drama with a slow burn taking you through the highs and lows of the Canadian mafia.
  • It does look like it does though, doesn't it? And for some it does - a lot. Now if you see that from the "outside", you do want in. You want to be part of it - well if "you" in that case would be in this movie of course.

    If you have seen something like the Godfather, you will kind of know where this is going. And it has quite the ups and downs. A lot of characters and unlike the classic different spoken languages. But it all makes sense - and while there is violence throughout, it is especially one particular action scene towards the end that stands out.

    Other than that it is the well known, do not trust anyone. Well maybe yourself ... but even that is something to carefully (re)consider. Good actors, strong solid story and quite a few twists and turns included.
  • I love gangster movies . Without a doubt it's my favourite genre of films and TV.

    Mafia Inc is a pretty good example of the genre without it actually pulling up too many trees .

    The Gamache, tailors from father to son, have been dressing the Mafia family Paternò for three generation. Vince works on behalf of Frank the godfather with his eldest son Giaco. Vince seeks to earn his stripes by impressing the godfather.

    This has more of the feel of a TV drama rather than a film. That's not a big criticism as there are some brilliant foreign language gangster tv shows such as Subbura and Gomorrah and this can definitely sit along side those .

    It has a mixture of languages. Italian , French , Spanish and English and that does get a little bit annoying at times. I'm not sure what they didn't just do it all in Italian .

    The storyline is really good but with one flaw .

    The person who is portrayed as the hero figure , Vince , does something so despicable at the start of the film , I found it impossible to side with him. So you end up wanting them all to get what's coming to them . Maybe that was the plan ?

    I think this would have benefited from having half an hour shaved off or it being a made into a series instead but I have to say I found it entertaining and very well acted .
  • Vindelander12 March 2021
    Well made with usual mafia plot ie killing lots of people. Entertaining though with strong cast and not too far short of the Godfather.
  • The last time I saw any crime movie involving Montreal was Die Hart 2, where the bad guys take their gold to Montreal across the border from the U. S. I have been to Montreal in winter but I never knew that winters in Montreal could be so dreary. Streets are empty. Everything is covered with snow. People look cold. It would be depressing to live in Montreal. Why would anyone want to join organized crime in Montreal? Mafias in NY or LA at least have some panache. But a Mafia in Montreal doesn't have the same look. The only thing going for the godfather is his ring with which he taps tables. The Italian-American community protested the production of Godfather 1. I never heard that the Italian-Canadian community protested the making of this movie -- perhaps because they weren't interested in the subject matter. The public isn't interested in the subject matter. So why should the Italian-Canadians be?
  • I would say GOOD FELLAS instead of Francis Coppola's masterpiece, because of the biopic and vintage elements involved, with musics of the period which this film talks about. It remains excellent, gritty, bloody and very well acted too. I guess this is one of the best Canadian crime film ever; just guess because I don't know the film industry from Quebec. Anyway, it could hardly have been better.
  • gabrielauclair11 March 2020
    This movie is incredible. I was a bit disapointed because i tought it would be more realistic like the book. By using real names and real stories. Even if it obvious thats Vince Gamache is inspired by Raynald Desjardins. But im gonna give it a 10 because its a crazy movie and we dont have a lot of good crime movies coming out of Quebec.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I understand that the bar set by Coppola masterpiece is too high but at least some maffia movies were entertaining or at least interesting. It is not the case here.

    The dialogues mix in bad English and worse Quebecian require subtitles to understand and are mostly a lot of words without much sense. The family drama is on bad soap opera level and acting (aside from a few character actors on brief roles) is unconvincing to say it mildly. Setting guy that kills 25 innocent kids removes their organs and use their bodies to smuggle heroin in Canada, as the main character; could be a good start for an horror movie; but in this kind of drama is unpleasant. Even worse trying to generate empathy for the monster; particularly when the actor is not charismatic nor scaring enough. The GODFATHER is played by Sergio Castellitto; a big Italian movie star that is completely miscast here. His parliaments part French, part Italian and part bad English are long and umberables. It is impossible to believe a person with such lack of charisma can be the BIG CAPO.

    To make matter worse; the movie is almost two hours and a half long; but the story that could have been told in half the time and perhaps even less.

    In brief; boring, not decent acting and uninteresting story; this movie harm the genre instead of adding anything new to it.
  • Was surprised how good this was , thought it was going to be run of the mill gangster flick but it's much more than that ,great acting , great characters, good story it's hard to like any characters in this film as they've all got bad intentions, but I guess that's who they are and how they're made ,normally your rooting for the lead character in the movie but not in this case he's a real bad ass and you'll realise that in the first 10 minutes of the movie after he does a despicable act that's hard to watch , but don't be put off this is a great movie.
  • a-laplante6 May 2020
    Disappointment! I'm a French quebecor and quite ashamed! They tried to copy Dernier chapitre which was amazing! This is B rated.
  • If you want a Brilliant Mafia film and don't mind subtitles, this is as good as the Godfather, and I did not know there was Mafia in Canada? and the lead played by the Brilliant Sergio Castellitto is up there with Brando. This is much more Gritty and actually more Violent.
  • I enjoyed every minute of this film. From the great cast to the soundtrack, the director is able to balance so much with that artsy Montreal flare.
  • Yep, same and different version of the godfather. But just bad.
  • Mafia Inc is an epic gangster drama from Quebec that is partially based upon true events. It tells the story of a tailor's son who got rejected by his father and his dying mother and becomes a member of a mafia family in Montreal because he is friends with one of the godfather's sons. The protagonist is seen as an adoptive son and soon climbs the ranks. However, his ambitions quickly cause some tension and he ultimately becomes a liability. Things get even more complicated when his sister starts dating one of the godfather's sons. The tension reaches its height when the police gets involved.

    This epic gangster drama convinces on many levels. The settings bring the early nineties in and around Montreal to life in a realistic way. Some scenes take place in Italy and Venezuela and add some diversity.

    The characters in this film are quite intriguing even though they are very antipathic. The ambitious protagonist who is getting more relentless in every scene, his young sister that changes drastically throughout the story, his helpless father who finally decides to stand his ground and the charismatic godfather who can be gentle in one moment and pitiless in the next one are certainly outstanding. The acting performances go along with this as the performers become one with their roles.

    The storytelling in this film is quite balanced. It introduces the characters properly, adds a few flashbacks here and there and finds the perfect balance between meaningful dialogues and quite violent scenes. The movie never idolizes criminal organizations and portrays how ruthless that kind of illegal business is.

    There are very few things to criticize about this movie. The story is obviously not exactly new. Several scenes are therefore a little bit predictable.

    However, fans of gangster films such as The Godfather, Once Upon a Time in America and The Untouchables should certainly appreciate this dynamic, profound and realistic movie. The characters, settings and stories are so interesting that one might soon expect one or two sequels. It's certainly an interesting alternative to the overlong The Irishman.
  • When I saw the rating as 7.1 on here,I thought to myself "wow I'll give this a go".That was a big mistake...20 mins in I realised this was a gangster film aimed at 13yo with some of the worst acting I've ever seen,and whoever did the casting does not deserve to work in the industry again. I really don't even want to waste anymore time writing about this film because after wasting 2hrs 30 mins of my one day off on this I'm just kicking myself on why I didn't just turn off after 20 mins... How people on here are rating this a 10 makes me question humanity If you are tempted to watch this,one word...don't!!!
  • Is like three blooming cloughs in the mafias flowerpots on the graveyard. grou has really done his deeds in this crime drama about the branches of canadianfrench mafia, the ndrangheta, the siccilian mafia, in their fight for domain, and their eagerness to finance and milk money on the toll road out of the planned built messina bridge between calabria italy and sicillia in the early 90's. its a stern and bloody flick about a mob faction thats been overshadowed by their southern cousins.

    the actors are just phenomenal, a 10 to them. the production and filmography are brilliant with a few exceptions when the cam is shoulderborn. there are some retrospective looks that may confuse the ignorant and uninterested viewer, but its like a godfather 4 in my eyes. editing are neat, and the score has originality and are very effectful at strategic point in the story.

    do have a look at this one , and every newbie in the filmbusiness could learn alot from this production. its a strong 9 in the grumpy old mans eyes, recommended
  • Canadian, not Brazilian trilingual, with a decently performing cast, and with a plausible storyline in which a family with ties to the old country attemps to invest in the building of a bridge between Calabria and Sicilia, that is expected to become enough of a goldmine to be able to go legit. And contrairy to the review as published on the mainpage, with no affliliations, or even an attempt to try to copy The Godfather, at all.
  • rigo2222 September 2023
    This movie, Mafia inc, which is all over the place is really boring and too long for the story it's trying to tell.

    A mixture of Romeo and Juliette mixed with The Godfather minus the good story and drama!

    Set in Montreal, the Paternos are the Italian family who run the Montreal mafia and deal with drug and big money. They take in Vincent, the son of tailor Gamache, who has been kicked out by his family. Tailor Gamache (Vince's father) has been crafting suits for the Paternos for three generations and Sophie, Vince's sister in engaged to the Paternos son. That's about all the story there is to this movie. Ok acting, lots of gratuitous violence, especially in the opening scenes.

    Don't bother.
  • This film is a must see for every film buff. Trust me, this film DOES NOT disappoint!
  • mlynch518711 December 2021
    I had few expectations for this film since it is rated a 6.9. But wow was I blown away! This has to be one of the best Mafia movies out there, and one of the best Canadian movies ever made. The plot, the script, the acting...everything is excellent!
  • joaosamarques3 February 2021
    A very good film with no sleepy moments.

    I was susprised that a movie like this comes from canadá and lots of canadian actors.

    worth to watch and doesn´t fell behind american blockbusters , but with quality and original ideas .
  • salahrifai-382744 February 2021
    Accent is lovely story is nice was hoping to put " women " more pretty in it
  • arashchoobchian11 February 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    That's Amazing,Acting & Cinematography Is Perfect, Screen Play Is Perfect ,In Results:That's Amazing Movie 👍👍👍😊