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  • The game have his issues(like the excessive fan service or the really bad beginning) but if you have the enough patience in the beginning you will find a masterclass in terms of Story,Music,Gameplay,Characters and one of the BEST endings that I ever have with one game

    I hope that someone who read this give the game a chance to enjoy it.
  • Weap0n19 September 2022

    Xenoblade 2 takes place at the same time of Xenoblade 1 but in different universes. Worry not, the storyline will explain everything and will make perfect sense. Takahashi is the writer behind it so expect great plot twists and religious references. Where XB1 was a story about revenge in XB2 we go deeper in the emotional spectrum and the main theme is way more adult despite being sold in a shonen coat. The plot is about finding a place in this world, a meaning and someone to create memories with and, in the end, departure without remorses. This concept makes XB2 and his DLC, Torna The Golden Company, Monolith's biggest scope plot since Xenogears. Rex is the main character this time around, a kind-hearted boy that will find himself in a conflict between Aegises, entities with great powers, capable of destroying entire Titans. Yes, because in XB2 there is no more earth to step in...something that will be revealed during the story and people need to live on Titans...much more generic ones than the Mechonis and the Bionis from XB1. Each member of the cast has a peculiar anime personality. This on the outside...because the more you know them in the hours of cut-scenes and their now notorious heart-to-heart system the more you will realize that they are in fact complex characters with well written backstories. There is also plenty of anime humour and harem kind of content between Rex and the many sexualized female characters and seems like they tried to use this factor as secondary selling point and I don't find it a bad choice as XB1's design scared plenty of people and they changed it in the remake. XB2 story will be more impactful based on your age and maturity as some references and subjects will be basically ignored by a younger audience that will probably try to rush through the over 50 hours of gameplay just for the main campaign.


    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 changed completely his gameplay from the first interaction. This is what I have heard from other reviews and forums. Truth is that it's a simplified version of the first two Xenoblades...oh, you can't exploit the chain attacks anymore like everyone did in 1 and X. Monolith removed most of the buffs/debuffs system; every weapon is free and we pay just for the material upgrade, the same for every kind of weapon; accessories are our only gear and we have 2 of them; we also went from 8 arts to 3 blade arts and 1 special art for a total of 4. In XB2 our party members are accompanied from a maximum of 3 Blades, characters with elemental type and combat style (Attacker, Healer and Tank) and it works in a way similar to Persona but with fixed arts. We can open core cristals to find new Blades using a classic gacha system to find common and Rare ones, these have unique design, arts and abilities. I'm not contrary to this system if not for the fact that the game auto-saves right before opening these cristals which is something so evil from the developers I still don't understand the reason. Each Blade has his own field skill which is needed to jump or open various doors in the game world. They are upgraded trough a grid system that is pretty addictive with various tasks to complete, all easy to do but hugely time-consuming. Chain attacks are back but the system is simplified from XBX. In all honesty the tutorial is so bad explained it doesn't even let you test the stuff properly and you cannot read it again I had to watch online how to do and works amazingly. We just chain different elemental skills and the last combo of each set gives the enemy a corresponding elemental sphere. Once we press the chain attack button our whole party can attack for as many spheres we have. The damage we can deal is insane even without prep.


    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is not at the same level as X but knows how to excite the player thanks to his shonen epic scenes and the OST is so fitting with his heroic themes. Some easy examples are Counterattack and Incoming!. I can't say the same about the dubbing. I live in UK and I actually like their british accent but something about Rex's voice actor just doesn't work and kills the mood in more than one scene. Despite this most of the other actors did a pretty good job and the humour scenes are quite fun and well acted in english.


    XB2 is probably a step back from both XB1 and XBX. It doesn't have many big areas like 1 did and it's clearly not open world like X. There are loads of corridors which are locked by different field skills especially in the advanced areas so I suggest to grind a bit. For the first time in the series I haven't found the art direction particularly inspired. It is a very generic fantasy JRPG.

    .Torna ~ The Golden Country / dlc content

    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 did something many more JRPG should do instead of selling just sexy skins. Do you have a spectacular cast of secondary characters? Do a 20 hours spin-off set 500 years before the main game! Torna is set during the Aegis War between Malos and Mythra. The main characters are Lora and Jin and their dialogues are so well written that this DLC easily outclasses the main games in storytelling because of how dense the events are. Lora, Jin, Addam, Mythra are all astonishing characters anyway and I guess it was pretty easy to make a grand emotional and epic conclusion to the Xenoblade 2 storyline. Gameplay-wise it is also more interesting and dynamic thanks to an healing system based on swapping Driver and Blade together with less Blades to choose from and an even easier system to chain attacks.


    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 did it again...and if the main campain doesn't quite get there...they do one year later thanks to the release of Torna, the prequel DLC. Monolith nailed it and shows again they are top class developers for the genre. The anime design might not be for everyone but under it these characters have a grown and deep soul that have lot to say. If you like dramatic and intense tones that elaborates on themes such as existentialism, the value of our memories and the bond we connect with mankind...then Xenoblade 2 will touch your heart.
  • blickhahnzoo9 October 2020
    The game is fantastic, I love the story and the characters. However can we talk about the uncomfortable shots of female body parts and why do some of the characters have unreasonably large breasts? Seriously, it really is disturbing!
  • This is quite possibly my favorite game of all time. Every single part of this game is so good and awesome, that it drowns out the very few and minute negatives.

    + The Story: the story is nothing short of phenomenal. I won't spoil anything here because it deserves to be played through blind. Its full of twists, as you would expect from a Xenoblade game, and they are all really good.

    + The Characters: Unlike the previous 2 games, every character stays relevant up until the end in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. They all develop really well, and are all endlessly like able. The Blades mostly all have great personalities and most are really useful in battle, and while most don't factor into the story, the ones that do are used exemplary well.

    + The Villains: so good that they needed an extra point. Yes, they fall under characters, but they need to be singled out and mentioned. They are all really really good. All of them are likable, and all of them are sympathetic villains, with a good chunk of the game related to them and their backstories.

    + The World: The areas are drop dead gorgeous, and really varied too. Uraya and Gormott or breathtaking, but are completely contrasted by the Industrial Wasteland of Mor Ardain. This continues throughout the game, with a great many unique and gorgeous area, which are all a joy to explore and find secrets in.

    + The Combat: I won't go to in depth about it here, because its quite complicated. The combat is easy to understand but difficult to master. You have to use arts to charge up special attacks. creating a combo with these specials results in an elemental orb surrounding the enemy, which you can smash during a chain attack to wrack up huge amounts of damage. Its a really unique and well implemented combat system.

    + Most of the Sidequests: I really enjoyed playing through most of the blade quests and quest chains and they all have quite interesting side stories that excellently build up and give lore about the phenomenal world.

    + The Music: Every single track on this OST is incredible - every single one. It is the single best video game soundtrack I have ever heard.

    • The Map System: It was largely fixed in a patch, but the map is still a bit confusing - mostly notable during the quest 'Riddle on the Wall'

    • A Small Percentage of Quests: Some of these are what you expect, collect this, kill that. There are less in this game than in X and 1, but its still unwelcome after some of the more interesting sidequests. Also one Blade Quest is complete hell to do. if you have played through the game, you know exactly which one I'm talking about.

    Conclusion- This game is unbelievably amazing and I would recommend it to anyone, whether they are a fan of JRPGs or not.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an interesting subject to tackle. It is an epic story to rival its predecessor and will surely be engaging for most fans of the genre. That being said, it is not without flaws.

    For starters, the story is incredibly convoluted, even by average JRPG standards. For some reason, JRPGs never seem satisfied until they throw in 17 nonsensical plot twists and over-complications, and XBC2 is no exception. On top of that, the fanservice is pretty cringey and excessive, and often distracts from what would otherwise be very emotionally poignant moments. Finally, the main antagonist is hellishly irritating and unlikeable (enough to rival Seymour from Final Fantasy X), and any scene he was in had me nearly clawing my eyes out and ears off.

    And yet, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is fantastic in so many other ways. The soundtrack is absolutely brilliant, and is perfectly matched to the gorgeous landscapes throughout the entire game. The world-exploration in particular felt noticeably improved from the first game, as I noticed that I spent much less time walking through empty spaces in my 72-hour play-through. The combat system is less clunky and gameplay in general feels more fluid. The characters seem very well fleshed-out for the most part, and despite some cheesy dialogue here and there, a good balance between levity and seriousness kept me very invested in the story and protagonists.

    Ultimately, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a great, if not quite as awe-inspiring, follow-up to the original. Yes, it commits some of the typical JRPG tropes (i.e. Excessive fanservice, annoying villains with idiotic motivations, and an unnecessarily complicated plot), but if one looks past these flaws, a truly enjoyable and rewarding adventure is to be found. Just be prepared to hear the same battle-dialogue lines a good 7000 times.
  • I love the first one. The gameplay, history, chars, music... This one try to do the same but doesn't have the weith. It's very disappointing
  • daisukereds8 November 2023
    Tedious, long and reductively simplistic.

    I would love to see more of the Japanese script, because I have the impression the English script and VA work just made it all worse. That still doesn't take away from the excessive and utterly pointless fan service (on top of an unnecessary Gacha system), dull combat mechanics you'd expect to see in a PS1 game back in the 2000s, generally bad cutscenes, awful pacing, empty world "exploration" and forgettable/cliché storytelling.. there are no redeeming qualities! Specially not when characters cannot shut up during a fight.

    To think a team of people got together and made this on purpose is mind bending!