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  • Most people won't get bored watching L'Empereur de Paris. The performances are good, the Parisian settings are fantastic ... the film looks a million dollars. The action sequences are exciting.The prologue was really intriguing, especially considering the movie's claims about it being a "true story". I was keen to find out more about Francois Vidocq (Vincent Cassel), of whom I'd never previously heard anything about whatsoever. This former criminal apparently became the founder and first director of the crime-detection Sûreté Nationale as well as the head of the first known private detective agency. Vidocq is considered to be the father of modern criminology and of the French police department. He is also regarded as the first private detective. Sounds like the basis for a hell of a story. Unfortunately The Emperor ... doesn't really come close to telling it.

    Instead, after the above-mentioned introduction it decides to tell a tale of Vidocq, officially a wanted man, but unofficially obstinately attempting to seek an amnesty from authorities. To this end, he becomes like a free-lance vigilante contractor for police, using his past experience with underworld figures, to bring villains to justice, or execute them in the process. Regrettably we see virtually none of the skills that were going to set him apart as a criminalist. We do see some finely-choreographed action set-pieces and we do see Vidocq being aided and abetted on occasions, by both police and some of his former associates.But the story-line continually obfuscates, when it should be clarifying events. Allies become enemies and enemies become allies with little exposition. Vidocq gains an ill-fated companion in Annette and has a confusingly, enigmatic relationship, that I still can't figure out, with a baroness played by Olga Kurylenko. The conclusion infers that he is going to lead the Surete.

    Indeed this film almost seems like a Gallic attempt at a franchise - starter, which I doubt will occur. I think director Jean-François Richet would have been better advised to concentrate on telling a broader, more factual story about Vidocq, whose historical exploits give much credence to the oft-repeated statement, regarding truth, being stranger than fiction.
  • A missed opportunity, if you know Vidocq's 'real' story (itself probably half-fiction), his skill at disguises and undercover work for instance. As it is, we end up with a period action drama which gleefully ignores how long it took to load period pistols to allow a number of Western style shoot-outs and various hand to hand combat, as well as at least two beautiful women to add romance. The result is somewhere between "The Count of Monte Christo" and "Cartouche", with hints of early nineteenth century political intrigue scattered all through it. There are felicities - the opening promises an earthy brutality which quickly disappears, and the views of period Paris seem well-researched. It's also a surprise to discover Olga Kurylenko, whom many Bond fans will know, but whom I last saw playing a beautiful Cuban dancer in "Magic City" as a sulphorous baronne (speaking perfect French). I hadn't seen Lucchini for decades, so was taken aback by his age. A fun film in many ways, but not really a film I would have watched had I known it was going to so blithely ignore the source material.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    To begin with the good, "L'Empereur de Paris" contains splendid special effects, especially with regard to the architectural evocation of Paris during the Napoleonic era. The props, costumes and locations are remarkable too. More generally, the movie does a good job of evoking the wider historical context. During the time period between, say, 1780 and 1840, France went through a dazzling array of regimes, most of which did not hesitate to use violence and propaganda. This must have caused wide-spread political and societal dislocation, resulting in thousands upon thousands of troubled, demoralized and alienated citizens. This also must have turned the country into a hugely dangerous and volatile place, where people could kill (or be killed) over details such as a hairstyle, an accent, a family name. The various characters evolving within "L'Empereur" drip with violence, lawlessness and cynicism, but these qualities didn't come out of nowhere ; on the contrary, these characters are immediate products of their time.

    To continue with the positive, "L'Empereur" also contains a number of impressively choreographed fights.

    However, the movie falls down badly with regard to the story being told ; it could have used more heart, focus, unity. It also could have used more clarity. The movie tends to disintegrate in a series of separate incidents where people kill, help, threaten, spare, save, intimidate or seduce each other : the overarching reason behind these various actions often remains a mystery. François Vidocq, the central character, too remains a riddle and a cipher, in spite of a fine performance by actor Vincent Cassel. As a viewer, you don't know where the man is coming from, what he's really thinking and where his true objectives lie. (For instance, he seems to be blessed with formidable powers of escape, but it's unclear how he discovered and honed these abilities.)

    Moreover, some of the characters serve little purpose. Our bad girl baroness, for instance, seems to exist mainly in order a) to provide some additional female beauty and b) to promise a potential sequel. ("Watch L'Empereur II, in which our hero goes on to spy for his country in Milan !")

    A number of missed opportunities, here.
  • It has many virtues. Vincent Cassel is the first. It has a huge potential , not real used in fair manner. And that reduced all to the clothes, fights and locations. The story is the lead victim because it is a too long film and, in same measure, all is reduced at sketches. But it works in decent way and, in essence , this is the important thing. A not awful kick to discover the real story of Vidocq. And that is all. .
  • L'Empereur de Paris is a nice movie that takes us back to the times of France under the rule of Napoleon. The great performing Vincent Cassel plays Francois Vidocq, an ex-con who hunts down the most notorious criminals of the Parisian underworld to get a pardon in return for his services. Fantastic settings and costumes and a very good cast take us back in time and give us a relatively close authentic portrait of the era of Napoleon. Directed by Jean-François Richet (known for a broader audience for Blood Father with Mel Gibson, and the remake of Assault on Precinct 13 from 2005) The Emperor of Paris is a fine movie if you like to watch movies/stories like Les Misérables, The Count of Monte Cristo, Oliver Twist, The Duelists, Gangs of New York, and of course the Vidocq movie with Gérard Depardieu (2001).
  • Jean-François Richet's THE EMPEROR OF PARIS is a highly fictionalised and highly romanticised retelling of the early life of one Eugène François Vidocq- the notorious real life career criminal who survived the infamous "Reign of Terror" of the early 1790s to become the virtual "founding father" of France's first National Police Force.

    The film's cast is excellent, with many of the heavyweights of modern European cinema (Vincent Cassel, August Diehl, Olga Kurylenko etc...) joining together with a younger generation of rising European stars (Freya Mavor, Némo Schiffman etc...) to breath real life into their characters with fiery, passionate performances. The characters themselves are mostly excellent: Vincent Cassel's Jean ValBond, August Diehl's sinister Nathanaël de Wenger (a role with clear shades of Diehl's scene-stealing turn in 2009's INGLORIOUS Bs as the monstrous SS Major Hellstrom) and James Thiérrée's Duc de Neufchâteau- swaggering into (and promptly stealing) each scene he's in whilst cutting a bloody path throughout the film with his hussar's sabre! The attention to set detail (though a large portion of the film's background environment is sadly digitally-mastered) and action choreography both make THE EMPEROR OF PARIS one heck of an entertaining ride! The film's only major problems are its pacing and its script.

    You're never really allowed to get bored during this film, as Cassel's morally ambidextrous Vidocq grabs you by the scruff of the neck and drags you down into a murky Parisian underworld of thieves, burglars, cutthroats, killers and renegades. However, any significant character development is promptly sacrificed in the process and when several leading characters are killed off during the film's final act, it produces no real emotional reaction from the viewer. A shame really, especially considering the acting talent on display.

    This film's other main problem is its script. The trailer portrayed a very different kind of film to the one we actually got: a former chain gang member-turned detective hunting a killer through the backstreets of Napoleonic Paris and dipping his toes into a ruthless criminal underworld. That's sort of what we got... but on a much smaller, simpler scale. The anti-hero (who very quickly becomes just an ordinary "good guy") goes straight from A to B and despite having a few genuinely thrilling twists and turns, the film has him arrive at his destination with very little deviation.

    To me, it just feels like the film could've explored the world it was trying to create in a much deeper, broader way: prioritising the role of Maillard's underworld and Vidocq's hunt for a killer. What we got instead was a bog-standard action-adventure romp... which was perfectly fine! But (in my opinion) the film settles for far less than the story was actually capable of achieving.
  • bnessi22 April 2019
    Cassel always takes the lead, good content and story with few good wording of French litterature
  • erikstuborn14 September 2019
    A historical film well done in aesthetics but with a script full of clichés and with a mediocre direction. Vincent Cassel, the main actor, badly directed, bases his interpretation on shouts and grim looks, in his character there are no nuances or low voice, everything seems to be said by hitting the table, with what ends up being the caricature of a tough guy. The best interpretation is that of Fabrice Luchini (an actor I didn't know) in the brief role of Minister Fouché, tense, cynical and transmitting true authority without screaming. The best of the film are undoubtedly the digital effects, especially the architecture of the city and the interiors, really achieved. It's a pity that the result is like this because Vidocq's historical character deserved a splendid updated revision and what he has received is a film to forget the next minute to be seen.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wanted to go to cinema, but none of the movies playing were up my alley. So I came to imdb to see the reviews on this movie, because I was not able to decide to see it, just by seeing the trailer. There were 2 reviews, one saying that it's the worst movie ever. We'll it is not. Trailer does not give it justice. But it is not the Hollywood production. Fights do not give you headache due to shaky camera, no smirky oneliners, no happily ever after ending, lot of plotting. It is entertaining and I recommend.
  • nvovgm19 June 2019
    It was quite hard to watch it till the end. All decorations, costumes, details are magnificent. But that's all. Characters are dull, acting is lifeless. Better watch Vidocq (2001) one more time.
  • chouby00721 April 2019
    Boring, stay home. no endearing characters, history is absent, no character is developed. I heard that it was a true story .. unfortunately to export this film it would have been interesting to tell us a little more about who is Vidoc .. I was bored from beginning to end. I should have chose tranguay le retour insted
  • Warning: Spoilers
    You deal here with a powerful, awesome, brutal French blockbuster, far from the stuff that a guy like Jean Pierre Jeunet could have made. Because the kind of topic and production desigh of the whole movie, may remind the kind of material which Jeunet usually gives us. Here, I repeat, you have plenty of action, drama, tragedy and a little romance. But that remains really bleak, dark and some kind of depressing piece of work. A bloody piece of work, for all audiences but certainly not for the whole family. The best of the movie, for my opinion, are the supporting characters. You have not plenty, but far enough to glue you to this unusual movie, if you watch it closely. No happy ending in this gruesome French movie, the kind Hollywood industry will NEVER make. NEVER.
  • The expectation was high but you can feel the boredom and emptiness creeping up just after the first couple of scenes. Characters are poorly introduced, the plot rushed and caricatural, the acting average at most, and Cassel not at all convincing. A major waste of time.
  • French period pieces always have a "je ne sais quoi", French artisans can produce great costumes that dress beautiful ladies, grand palaces splendor all lighted up, lighted up to give you a feast for the eyes,

    Unfortunately here, the ears are in for an exercise in excruciating pain tolerance! The storytelling, the characters and the acting by Monsieur Cassel are so bad, you keep looking at your watch. As always Monsieur Luchini brings in a nice Master Class of acting with some decent lines with all the pompous demeanor he is adored for,

    Just bring some earphones and enjoy the eye candy and you might survive this paint by number dismal script.
  • I thought I would give this movie a chance to impress me and it most definitely did. An outstanding plot that kept you till the last moment , great atmosphere and some very interesting acting . I would recommend it to anyone .
  • It may have been a true story but it should have been shortened and more time invested in character development. The acting, action and dialogue was mediocre.

    Costumes and sets were ok but it really was a very average movie. The score attempted to make it more dramatic and heroic but it really wasn't.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The production values are high, but the onscreen bludgeoning of a tame rat in the opening shot was too much for this snowflake and it coloured my attitude to all that came after. Which for me is a loss; Cassel has been a favourite performer since SUR MES LEVRES and the prospect of a reunion with MESRINE director Richet was an enticing one.
  • It was a really nice movie with great acting. Vincent Cassel was astonishing, as always!!!! However, as it was a real story and Francois Vidocq was a person that existed in real life, it would have been better if we were given further information about him at the end of the movie, that he finally accepted to be the leader of security police of Paris, he founded the 1st detective agency and he is considered to be the father of modern criminology.
  • How I wish I never saw this ugly, gratuitously bloody mess. From the first close-up of an animal being killed--

    It's my fault. I just wish this film came with a warning.

    There is nothing, from beginning to end, to compliment.
  • veron-361118 February 2019
    The movie is great. It is action packed, much action is happening, but in a different and better way then Hollywood does it generaly, I wouldd say, and I generally think that French make good movies and this a good confirmation. I would definitely recommend it. One thing I didin't like, it is a bit confusing at the beggining.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story is very well told but I felt that the characters should have more intensity in order to mark their presence . I really enjoyed the last action scene !!
  • angelogialou13 August 2023
    Fast paced and easy to re-watch. Only downside would be the dialogues which weren't that notable. However, the characters, both villains and the good guys performed well enough and fitted the feeling of this particular era.

    In some cases there was not enough time for character development, especially in the case of Roxanne, but the quick pace helped to keep you from being bored. The costumes, the sets and all the scenes kept giving quite an image of the post-revolution streets of Paris.

    Based on real events, I found the film to be quite an enjoyable ride in order for people to meet an interesting persona of the French lore.
  • Great Film based on true storyline, indeed is very dark and realistic picture from the France Revolutionary Era. Very long and detailed story, not for 21 century auditory who grew on Transformers and Spider man. The film MUST be not only for entertaining, the watcher is ALSO MUST to think. And this kind of films are brilliant and deserves more stars.
  • Totally agree with the positive reviews.

    Super entertaining with a very original story and ''old style'' action extremely well done.

    Magnificient decor and atmosphere, really makes you feel as if you are in Paris in the beginning of the 1800's with all the thugs and the underworld.

    100% totally recommended !!!!
  • ph-nijman31 March 2020
    Good movie, wel performed And shot. There May be some holes in the story but scenery and achting make up for that. Waiting for the directors cut.
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