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  • This version brings nothing new or worthwhile to the well-worn tale. It does deliver several distracting and irritating elements. Robin Marion and maybe ten other people are "hiding" in the thinnest forest you've ever seen, and they enjoy roaring fires at night, then wonder how the sheriff's men found them. Robin shoots a guy with an arrow, but then doesn't kill him -- has to deal with him later. Marion knocks out a giant, but doesn't kill him -- Robin has to deal with him later. A man attacks Robin's men and they knock him out... see the pattern? Other disappointments include Marion repeatedly demonstrating she can't fight with a sword (even less than everyone else), and on stone floors and reflective walls, everyone can sneak up on everyone else.

    The dialog is predictable, used mainly for repeated exposition, because you wouldn't know (or care) what is going on unless they told you out loud. For a gang of outlaws and a castle full of baddies, the cast is pretty sparse. We get a bit of forest, a stream and some stonework from various periods as a backdrop to the intrigue. The musical score could have come from a video game. It drones on, up and down and fails to add the suspense that everything else also fails to add. Oh, and Robin, Marion and other good guys are all dressed like Ewoks.

    Unless you are close friends with someone in the cast, I can't imagine why you'd want to sit through this.
  • How can this film have rating around 6? This is terrible waste of time. I can't find a good thing about this film. Disaster
  • It seems that at least 222 people were payed for giving this piece of garbage a 10. 306 people are very suspected to be payed for giving this a nine. All of them were in an age group of 30-44, so after watching this movie, (well I couldn't even finish it), I came to a 3/10 (because of one good actor).

    Well I hope this movie will end up as it was intended, and the 528 reviews are nullified. It absolutely can't be a nine or ten.
  • This is among the worst films I have ever seen. I've seen far better amateur films on YouTube. Truly awful. No redeeming qualities.
  • For watching this film to the end, we must be. This is the worst Robin Hood film ever. In fact one of the worst films of all time. The plot, the script, the acting, the action. All rubbish. Only redeeming feature was that Marion was at least wearing something suitable for the forest, it made a change but believe me, that is the only thing I'll take from this film. Total buttocks! 6.4/10? False News! What more can I say?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    From the 1st shot u can tell how bad is that movie if we say is movie its just joke no acting the director must be doing something else the dialogue was the worst part. the actors low level
  • saimonlsn27 November 2018
    Pathetic! This type of film keeps everyone away from cinemas! Films like this should be banned! Do the world a favour an remove the name of Robin Hood from the film!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wanted to stop watching around 12mins in. I made the mistake of giving it a chance.

    It's essentially a student film that was edited by drunkards and written by a moron. Robin hood movies need stealth, archery and cunning, not farcical nonsense.

    FYI nobody would leave a perfectly good sword standing in a river in the 12th century, it would be like leaving a pile of gold behind. Another point to mention is that arrows hurt when they enter your internal organs, particularly the lung. Wounds require treatment and in the 12th century sepsis sets in pretty quickly.

    As another reviewer mentioned none of the main characters seem to be of the opinion that checking to see if you've killed the bad guy is important. Apparently removing an arrow and clothing from a body is achievable without realising that he's still breathing.

    Worst adaptation ever. Men in tights is more believable.
  • Such a horrible, stupid movie. It's an attack and an insult on Robin Hood name. Unbelievable!
  • Bad fights, worse actors and the story is even worse. In the whole movie are around 20 actors. I can not say more than the worst movie ever...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I knew the movie I was going to see, and that's why I enjoyed it more. It's a simple and direct plot (they kidnap Lady Marian) and they have to rescue her. I found very entertaining , and I saw a Robin Hood and Lady Marian fighting relentlessly from beginning to end. Of course we will not see the typical romantic image of Lady Marian. They all fight very hard for their lives, which I find more credible compared to the chivalrous image I've seen in other movies. And I loved the subtlety with which Green (Gareth David-Lloyd) fights in Robin's favor, considering his delicate situation, since he can not afford to endanger his family.
  • Ignore the other reviews. Solid movie telling the traditional tale of Robinhood, set in all the locations you would expect, with a cast that look the part. Brian Blessed is a joy. If only they had used him more.

    True if you want a new take on Robinhood, then you won't find it here. But given recent attempts, that is a fools errand.

    Robinhood (2018) with Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx was a total mess, and Robinhood (2010) with Russell Crowe wasn't much better.

    You can't keep playing around with the format and looking to add new things. Robinhood: Prince of Thieves was different, but the cast was strong enough and likeable.

    The two other versions that tried to do something different failed rather badly, and the deviation from the story provider nothing worthwhile.
  • fashahi24 November 2018
    I'm sorry for this director. He changed an old and beautiful story to an awkward movie. this movie was awful...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is probably the worst movie ever. A few people doing a movie in a small forest and in an abandoned ruined castle and with some borrowed props. The sheriff of Nottingham must have executed everyone except a few poorly equipped soldiers and few villagers. The props are few and poorly made. Since no people and no things exist in the movie except the characters and the stuff they carry, the world is very flat and unconvincing.
  • Are you people crazy! I will review after I watch the whole movie. Incredible. ----------------------------------------- OK, I watched it ---------------------------------- So after my previous critical comment seen above, tonight I felt obligated to watch the entire movie. I carefully chose Oscar night and watched while the TV Oscar show was on.

    This movie has utterly no redeeming qualities. Perhaps the biggest surprise was the certification give all of the male nudity.

    Acting and direction were abysmal. The plot was unremarkable, totally lacking interest. Although I remain committed to always watching a movie end to end this severely tested my commitment.

    Never just watch the first few minutes ... and in this case skip this movie completely.
  • Everything, really EVERYTHING is the worst of all Robin Hood movies ever made:

    Horrible Story Insanely stupid dialogues just to fill time Insanely stupid enemies. Worst choreographed fighting scenes I have EVER seen. And really bad acting.

    By far the worst movie of the last 20 years!
  • Without doubt the worse film I have ever seen. The acting was different class, the directing was out of this world. At what point someone seriously thought we have something not worth deleting I have no idea. Netflix giving it for free is too expensive
  • goku_ss5 November 2018
    Watching this is a waste of time. bad scenes. bad acting, bad fighting. nothing is good about this movie.
  • Probably the only true thing they say through out this movie ROBIN HOOD IS DEAD
  • raymj7778 May 2019
    The acting was amateurish and the fight scenes look like they were choreographed by an eleven-year-old. The 12th century women all have 21st century sensibilities, of course, and dispatch just about as many soldiers as Robin and his men. Find something better to do with 90 minutes. It shouldn't be too hard.
  • Totally and utterly the worst film I've ever seen!!!!! Please don't waste your time.
  • zorro2a2 May 2019
    At last a film about Robin Hood that is gritty, no fancy costumes, just really good acting and a good story well written, well directed, l must admit l had not seen any of the actors only Brian Blessed as Tuck, and using actors who are not all that well know made it more realistic, of course my favourite Robin Hood is still Errol Flynn but that was Hollywood, this film was UK made in Wales, there was no fancy sword play, and that's where a lot of Robin Hood film let them selves down using moves that are out of context for the 12th Century, but there was plenty of action both with swords and bow and arrows, this is a good film in my opinion and l give it 8 out of 10.
  • BascoKay6 November 2018
    To all movie lovers, when you hear a movie about Robin Hood, the prince of thieves, you expect somehow a movie with good amount of thrilling and shivering during the movie. This movie doesn't even begins with good acting, let alone a good script to follow. I watched maybe 12 to 15 min max and then im out, it's over to me, it's bad bad bad bad and then one more time it's bad, skip it for God's sake
  • I didn't think we could find a worse retelling of the Robin Hood story. I was wrong.

    The dialog includes far too many pontificating, soapbox speeches. Action sequences broken by long winded political blather probably should be illegal.

    The acting is marginal at best. The lead us not so much an anti-hero as a non-zero. Hardly the charismatic figure painted by folklore. Marion is unable to carry off the "liberated woman" apparently intended. Her sword handling is pathetic. Little John is far from the strong man of story. And I get so tired of stupid villains.

    Part sc of the film are quite grainy. Inexcusable these days.
  • As an archer and a swordsman I was shivering in anticipation for this movie.

    What a disappointment.
    • The swords action was poorly done, even for lower standards than mine.
    • Archery: what a waste of time. Not even the bows were authentic.
    • The plot was so boring an predictable.
    • The costumes so cheep.

    Don't get me wrong: I know very well that the figure of Robin Hood may be a fictional all together but still: It's considered to live in a certain period of Englands rich history. And at least this could have been a little bit authentic.

    What a waste of time.

    Ah, one good thing: Some actors had a very nice English...
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