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  • I LOVE these roasts. There are a few missteps in the jokes, but most are pretty solid. These roasts aren't afraid to delve into MANY different continuities and make jokes only super fans would get now and again. For the most part these roasts are well cast, are very profane, and the comedic timing is near perfect. You will NEVER see a roaster as bad as "The Situation" was on that one Comedy Central Roast (google at your own risk, so bad...). Expect to have favorite roasters, many of the actors keep coming back in the others and are heavy hitters. One comes back as Negan, Professor Snape, Leto's Joker, and The Emperor of the Sith. Another is Rick Grimes, Peter Pan, Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier), and Anakin Skywalker. Another is the Hulk, Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and Hagrid. Expect to dread the roast's having to end, clearly everyone is having fun and it's always sad to have to stop watching. I really hope they make more, and soon!