User Reviews (2)

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  • With no real plot to speak of, and b-roll scenes that do nothing to move the non-existent story along, this is really just a show-reel peice for the writer/director/lead to show off how much the camera loves her (Spoiler, it does), and for the camera crew to show off that they have a drone. They know how to fly it, but using it for what seems to be every second shot means it looses any value. Same goes with much of the framing, which looks like a first year student film. The shot you expected to see is at about the 7 minute 30sec mark... Rated three stars, one for the focus, one for the consistent colour grading, and one because the camera really does love the lead. But if your a fan of short horror films, watch something else, this had the potential for some Dolcett inspired horror, but doesn't deliver more then a few set-ups without full scenes.
  • donkey_dick2 December 2018
    The cult villains in this short are cheesy. They use cheap Walmart type Halloween decorations as props. BUT it has some really gorgeous women in it and the picture is very clear and well lit. Wish it had nudity though. I would watch another movie by the director though. Seems like there's potential here.