User Reviews (4)

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  • This was some kind of take on a Virtual Reality game where you become a serial killer. The game itself didn't make a lot of sense. It really wouldn't have been believable no matter how you tried to SLICE IT! Ha, see what I did there?

    It had a bad script, some bad acting, and a skin shot that turned into a no shot. At least there was a couple girls kissing on each other and that's about the only redeeming thing about this one. 2/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a movie about a very real virtual reality. Interesting premise and back story, using VR to punish people who committed serious crimes or other offenses. It would have been nice to get the backstories of a few of the VGR employees; I can make some guesses, but some clarification about their motivations would have been helpful. The potential for a pretty good horror/sci fi movie is there; too bad it's not realized,
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am compelled to comment as there are no others reviews. I honestly didn't think a movie could be this bad. Everyone involved needs to rethink their careers. I can't imagine that any person could look at this muck and be anything but embarrassed. Nonsensical plot and the worst acting I have seen in a long time. Stunning in a bad way 🙄
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The playboy had a weird speakingvoice and was miscast as he was singularly unattractive. Sometimes the preview is better than the movie. The sneak peek couldn't hide how bad this was.