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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This wonderful little film is about the boy Jovan, an elementary-school kid suffering from partial cerebral palsy. We are introduced to his everyday activities: the therapies, the over-protective approach of his parents, his relationship to other classmates. Jovan inhabits a world that's separated from the usual one by the restrictions imposed on him by his own body, and he goes to extreme lengths to change it, or at least to fight it- in a touching therapy scene, where he falls down the stairs, he hugs his mother screaming "I want another body!". There are scenes without any text that are powerful by itself, like the ones where he looks through the window at his classmates playing outside, while sitting alone inside. It's his imagination where he's free of all restrictions, and transforms into a superhero. His life slowly changes when a new girl called Milica joins the class and sits next to him. An unlikely bond evolves, and they form a secret plan. The movie is about human needs, the obstacles and restrictions we face every day. A narrative told through the simple perspective of a young boy, which is why it's all the more successful. The director doesn't lecture us on inclusion of people like Jovan and there's no pathetics, or at least not as much as one would expect. I didn't really expect anything and I was pleasantly surprised, especially because the director convinced me that this wasn't really a kids' movie, even if it's advertised as such, since its message is quite serious in its delivery.