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  • I have read many of Sylvia Day's books. While this one wasn't one of my favorites, it is still a good, if typical story.

    The movie, however, is cheesy. The actor playing Jax Rutledge is in dire need of acting lessons. Physically he fits the character, the problem is his acting skills and facial expressions are not convincing.

    The rest of the cast seems pretty good and it was nice to see the author of the book make a cameo appearance.
  • I gave out 5 out of 10 -- it cause The book was pretty okay and imaginative but for the movie -- I find really cheesy and as Fifty Shades' fan -- I still can feel the vibe here, in this movie. But for all the story line was pretty easy to process and I was hoping for one her book can become a movie and she chose this one
  • Full of innuendo, entendre, and old-fashioned chauvinism. However, the bodies are beautiful and the sex is very ...ummm, soft-core. Abrupt ending. I wouldn't watch it a second time.
  • This movie was horrible! Why would h Th e author let them hack this movie up like they did! Trust me read the books skip the movie! This movie made no sense went to fast and basically it was stupid. Poor acting also
  • I gave it a 3 because the book was so much better. The main actor needs acting lessons, it felt like he was just reading the lines. There was no chemistry between the two main leads. The supporting characters held this movie together. Thank God for the book.
  • nadinechucri8 September 2018
    Never read the book, but my gosh who wrote this script?? I mean it is unimaginative, flat and downright horrible! I think the issue with the bad acting stems from the crap tasting and cringe lines that Jax has to spout. It may looked ok on paper (though I doubt it!) how could anyone be ok once said out loud is beyond me. The story was ok, I did like the female lead... I may have to read the book though cause this is mediocre at best!
  • Horrible movie. Horrible acting. Such a waste of time. No story. No plot. Nothing happens. Horrible.
  • I couldn't get through this movie. The acting was real bad, especially the male lead.
  • jeloja82040915 December 2019
    I loved the Rossi family dynamics and the love scenes were hot, hot, hot!
  • Caitlyn Leahy plays Gia Rossi the sexy, self-assured businesswoman who is trying to sign brother and sister chefs to a new restaurant with her business partner and boss Lei Yeung. Unfortunately her high power ex, Jackson Rutledge, is brought in by the competition to prevent that from happening. This brings Gia and Jackson back into each other's very explosive spheres and their chemistry is electric.

    But what makes this film...besides Caitlyn Leahy, is the Rossi family who are themselves restauranteurs, Vincent, Nico, and Angelo really sell the tight knit Italian-American family.

    Not the heaviest in terms of plot, but enough to make the sexy story based on the book of the same name by Sylvia Day come to life and be enjoyable to watch. An early entry in the Passionflix lineup, I am hoping that we will get to set Caitlyn again because she was great m, giving a lot of urban energy to this film.
  • I love Sylvia Day. Her writing is amazing but I don't think that this money did the books ANY justice. The actors in the movie where terrible. My husband walked in while I was watching it and said, "Oh my Gosh., when did Lifetime movies get so bad!" This is a man who will sit down and watch girly and Lifetime movies with me.

    I was just really saddened by these actors and movies. I have watched other Passionflix movies and they were very good.

    This one just wasn't good.
  • Ranacien3 June 2020
    It is not a movie wonder, but it is clear that it is very faithful to the book. So I can recommend it, especially for lovers of romantic-erotic.
  • Awful in every way.

    Terrible script Terrible acting.
  • I enjoyed the book but sadly could not make it to the end of the film.
  • Well... I have one question. Why is he wearing a Rossi t-shirt on a family gathering which all the other members of the family are dressed up? About the rest of the movie... The story was okay, nothing we hadn't seen before. The acting wasn't bad, it was near to beleveable. The songs were nicely played to the background. The intimate scenes of the couple was pretty hot. It was a nice movie.
  • Definitely this book is not one of my favorites by Sylvia Day, however I think Passionflix did a good job based on what it had, I liked the casting but the screenplay didn't live up to a better movie because in general the book was not that good to begin with. The adaptation from the book was good, they took the storyline, with the actor portraying how I picture them on the book, hope they take on better a book by Sylvia Day in the future.