User Reviews (11)

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  • the banshees of of Inisherin although it isnt quite as good. The story is simple and well written and executed and the subject matter is treated with taste and respect. There is humour and sadness and the acting is superb and flawless. I have seen many professional critics seem to dislike it and I really cannot think why, nor do they really give their reasons in their reviews. I loved it. The 90 odd minutes flew over. I really think this is going to be one of those where you are betting off trusting the publics opinion as I get the feeling the critics tend to band together as they are afraid to go against the grain for fear of looking silly. Give it a go, it is well worth your time.
  • In the quirky "My Neighbor Adolf" David Hayman's a Holocaust survivor who after losing his entire family in the camps 30yrs prior lives in rural South American seclusion... 'til right next door, into the only other house nearby, moves Udo Keir - who Hayman grows to suspect is Adolf Hitler (despite local Israeli intelligence officer skepticism). As Hayman reluctantly gets closer to Keir to gather evidence against him, so the two forge an uneasy but interesting relationship. Is Keir Hitler tho? And where may it all be heading? Props to Hayman, Keir and co-writer (with Dmitry Malinsky) / director Leon Prudovsky on what is a gently dark yet touching lil' human dramedy.
  • Stumbling upon the 2022 comedy drama "My Neighbor Adolf" by random chance, I must admit that I immediate wanted to see it. First of all, the title was interesting, and then seeing that movie was starring Udo Kier also helped to add to the interest, and of course the movie's synopsis was just a sure win.

    Writers Dmitry Malinsky and Leon Prudovsky put together not only a good script and plot here, but also one that had many layers of various aspects of enjoyment to it. The foundation of the story is one that I had heard before, about Adolf Hitler not actually having died at the end of World War II, but he had moved to South America, so there was a sense of familiarity to the script.

    The character gallery in "My Neighbor Adolf" is really great, the writers did amazing jobs at fleshing out the characters, making them believable and adding elements to them that the audience can relate to and associate with. This makes for a very enjoyable viewing, as the characters are so nicely fleshed out and feels like real people. It is a relatively small character gallery, but it works because the characters are so detailed and layered.

    "My Neighbor Adolf" has a great cast ensemble, with great performances by the two leading actors David Hayman (playing Mr. Polsky) and Udo Kier (playing Mr. Herzog). These two actors are nicely cast and they bring so much life to their characters that they alone make it well-worth watching the movie.

    While "My Neighbor Adolf" is listed as a comedy drama, don't expect to sit down and be laughing until you have tears streaking down your cheeks. Nay, the comedy in "My Neighbor Adolf" is very subtle, but director Leon Prudovsky makes excellent use of these small comedy nuggets, and it works very much in favor of the overall of the movie.

    I was more than genuinely entertained by "My Neighbor Adolf", and this is a movie that I can warmly recommend you to sit down and watch, should you have the opportunity to do so. However, it is hardly a movie that warrants more than a single viewing.

    My rating of "My Neighbor Adolf" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
  • The movie is both well produced and directed and filled with great acting and a few really interesting spins.

    While the subject matter is serious and brings up some mind-boggling aspects of history the overall story is positively inspiring and a tale of kindness and empathy.

    If you are looking for a heartwarming comedy about friendship despite the odds, I would highly recommend this film. It is a particularly unique plot that has never been explored before (at least not that I have ever heard of previously). Compared to the same typical plot lines that post-ww2 narratives usually explore, this one is refreshingly original!
  • My Neighbour Adolf (2022) Set in South America (Columbia) in 1960. We find a lonely old man, who is a concentration camp survivor a Polish Jew called Mr Polski. He's lost his whole family in the holocaust and now he is hiding from the world and his past. He falls out with his new elderly neighbour whose house borders his, when they argue over the the deeds of their respective houses and the building of a fence. Suspecting that the neighbour is Adolf Hitler, he can't convince the Israel embassy of Hitler's existence. Polski has to find the proof.

    What we find is the developing relationship between the two men. Despite their obvious respective histories they slowly become friends.

    The film does have its comic moments, I suspects it is marketed as a comedy. The underlying sadness prevails and that along with the two leads, David Hayman and Udo Keir are excellent and they make it a great gentle film. PS there is a twist which I won't give away. 7/10.

    Summary: a film about friendship.
  • "My Neighbor Adolf" seems quite refined in its treatment of the subject of Hitler's possible escape to Argentine , or having doubles across the world,, Feels to me this film unfolds like an earnest, low-rent "Rear Window," which is more psychological than suspense-driven in nature, which is admirable, if disappointing in the end. Instead of escalating to a dramatic and potentially violent confrontation, this film seeks to offer its protagonists some respite from the trauma each has experienced - to bury the past, and that's never an easy thing to do, if not outright impossible as this movie clearly demonstrates to us.
  • 'My Neighbor Adolf' - a rather average flick.

    I was anticipating something more comedic and more dramatic, but in the end it is neither one nor the other. It holds a decent premise, while leads David Hayman and Udo Kier give good performances, but there isn't much else worth noting unfortunately. This 2022 film is, in my eyes of course, limply paced and doesn't have nearly enough meat on the story for it to be suitably interesting. 6/10 imo.

    ///// s/o the cast list: David Hayman Udo Kier Olivia Silhavy Kineret Peled Jaime Correa Tomasz Sobczak Danharry Colorado Cortes Eyvar Fardi Jan Szugajew.
  • Heartfelt and moving film about two neighbors. One is possibly Adolf Hitler and the other is a Holocaust survivor who is trying to understand his neighbor by spying with expensive photographic equipment and daring break-ins. Excellent acting, directing, overall a very thought-provoking and creative approach to a subject that is sensitive to a large audience. Highly recommended. I especially liked the portrayal of the new suspicious neighbor by veteran actor, Udo Kier, who is a very well-known actor in Europe and in the US for his many films, including Andy Warhol productions ("Flesh for Frankenstein" and "Blood for Dracula"). In his early 20s he was considered the world's most handsome man.
  • The movie "My Neighbor Adolf" is a comedy-drama that follows the story of a Holocaust survivor who believes his neighbor is Hitler and embarks on a mission to collect evidence to support his theory. Despite the heavy subject matter of the Holocaust and World War II, the movie manages to maintain a light tone. However, it falls short in terms of depth, direction, and script. While the plot has some originality, director Leon Prudovsky's inexperience may have contributed to the movie's lack of coherence.

    David Hayman as the Polish character Mr. Polsky, and Udo Kier, as the German character Mr. Herzog, deliver very good performances in spite of the film's direction.
  • Light comedy, well paced, cleverly scripted , difficult balance , albeit cleverly written narrative worth every second of an open minded viewers time.

    As mentioned by others, ignore the so called professional reviewers , their salaries are controlled by their bosses ,!

    Great under stated acting, no real tension, only gentle tense moments and thoughtful characterisations. The ending or finale, is also handled with lots of thoughtfulness and tact. Unique idea, even possible reality , this could have been a true story, albeit not, followed on from the private investigators in the TV documentary .......
  • How to characterize what I've seen? Nothing special, but still something what won't leave you without a smile. Great actors will fill the story and make you smile watching their shifting relationship as between hunter and victim. Its plot surprisingly grows in sweet taste and it is made to take your attention as the main actor is doing to himself, what if! You will for sure hear and see that Jewish dark humor and between their approach to each other who is better. At the end through all of their obstacles and doubts you will have conclusion that the story is about old men who are reckoning with that what remains to them.