User Reviews (5)

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  • Kids deserve adults in their lives looking out for them & they need to hold on & believe in their dreams. This was so heart wrenching & touching. I shed many tears & the kids in this movie have a special place in my Heart. I wish them NOTHING but the very best in Life
  • Sorry but "mentoring" a boxing program for children is no different than mentoring a prostitution program for kids. Every single fight, even sparring,causes permanent brain damage. And the younger it is the more damaging and the more the damage affects the entire lifetime. This was anecdotally obvious 100 years ago, and for a couple of decades has been shown in all the science including brain scans.

    This film celebrates child abuse. It is disgusting.
  • jamesfarabelli24 December 2021
    This coach made it bout him f#@k him hes a p$%%y,always using his jail time. Calls peanut n cusses him out when he wins but says he fought great when he lost. Rather than console him he talk bout getting back in the gym. Ur a p.o.s. Bro,hope u realize kids need a role model bot a loser n n cocaine addict who yells at them. Bye felicia u deserve the worst you.
  • It was hard to watch the movie a little. Just knowing it is real life and happening. But, to the coach that hasn't turned his back on the boys back. And the other coaches in the DC area for stepping up. Walt, we are praying for you sir you can get over this. Just remember what you told the boys. They need you, and you need them.
  • Boxing isn't just associated or correlated with lower IQ and higher crime commission rates -- we know it is causal to those effects. It results in about 10x more brain damage than football. These kids will have a higher incidence of Parkinson's, earlier onset dementia, stroke, and a host of other TBI (traumatic brain injury) related disease. Even sparring with sparring equipment including head gear results in brain inflammation and any brain inflammation causes brain damage.

    Is it really helping kids to give them lifelong loss of cognitive function?

    As another reviewer noted this was something widely understood to correlate for a century, but today the science has made the association starkly clear, the mechanism understood and the causality clear as well. With each drop of thee points in IQ by three points the likelihood of committing violent crime goes up.