User Reviews (6)

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  • Jim_Screechy26 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I came across this film and wondered if I should bother watching it. I tried to find reviews and information but there is very little available. A handful here, little much else.

    To be fair, it makes a lot more sense having watched the movie. I'll save you the bother of having to go through the experience given its not a particularly rewarding one.

    All the experiences of love, trauma and confusion happen within the mind of the girl who is in a coma as a result of the bus ride accident she has at the beginning of the movie, and to be honest all these events she experiences are a little ridiculous and underwhelming.

    I found my attention continually wandering and my interest spent as what little of the plot unfolded. There are so many films where I've seen opinion expressed that the film didn't full fill potential, but I don't think this is one of them. The concept is an interesting one, but the film really doesn't have much to offer aside from beautiful scenery and overplayed notions of love, romance and loneliness.

    It's well shot, with beautiful imagery but that s about it.

    Definitely not worth the investment in time to watch.
  • evahale-572729 June 2021
    That's all you need to know.

    Confusing story, wooden acting. And why was it rated min age 18?
  • My third ridiculous coma film and this one was more ridiculous than the other two. Real nonsensical. But don't take my word for it, go see for yourself.
  • halimgoenawan24 January 2021
    Interesting story! I would recommend this show, as I enjoyed it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I loved it! Great views, perfect playing and an interesting subject!
  • Fields of lavender, garden, stylish house and LOVE show us the life worth of living, but the mysterious EVEL is lurking there and all that is abruptly replaced by violence, hospital and coma. We see suspension between life and death, and we wander: What happens to our consciousness? Do we retain memory in that stage? If so, do we remember happiness, or we are tormented by anxiety? Could that move give to us the unequivocal answer?