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  • I just got back from seeing Instant Family with my daughter and we both really liked it. Truthfully it is a very sweet feel good move about Foster parenting and adoption. I wasn't going to write a review but I read one review particular that just blew me away with its stupidity. It claims that this film is a bunch of Pro-Trump propaganda!!!! That couldn't be further from the truth. It is a very funny endearing film. It is about a couple that decide to be Foster parents and bring home 3 kids, yes they are Hispanic. The film deals mostly comedically with situation, but also has some heartfelt drama. It is as light as feather and very enjoyable. For someone to see this film as anything but what is, a heartwarming family comedy is beyond me. BTW I am Hispanic and there is NOTHING offensive about this film.
  • Alright, well granted I hadn't really expected much from a movie such as "Instant Family", believing it to be just another quick run-of-the-mill comedy with pseudo-action star Mark Wahlberg. But still, I decided to sit down and watch this 2018 movie.

    It turns out that this was actually one of the better movies with Mark Wahlberg in the lead for some time, and I honestly can say that I prefer him better in the comedy genre than I do in the action genre. But naturally he wasn't the sole force carrying this movie. He had some great help by the rest of the cast, and also the fact that the storyline was so warm and heartfelt.

    This is the story of Pete (played by Mark Wahlberg) and Ellie (played by Rose Byrne) whom decide to adopt three children, Lizzy (played by Isabela Moner), Juan (played by Gustavo Escobar) and Lita (played by Julianna Gamiz). And it turns out that adopting three children might be a bit more than what the couple thought they were in for and bargained for. Of which there comes some great funny moments and so clashes of heads.

    While the story is indeed mostly driven by the comedy, there is also a more serious aspect to it, the part of adopting children and the role adopted children have in a foster family. And I think that director and writer Sean Anders really handled that quite well, managing to mix comedy and grave seriousness together in a very nice combination.

    The movie also had some great support appearances from Tig Notaro and Octavia Spencer, whom each individually brought something wonderful to the story, and they had really great on-screen chemistry.

    "Instant Family" might actually have you in tears towards the end. Why? Well, I will not spoil that, although it is quite easy to guess why, given the synopsis of the story and the concept of the storyline. But still, it was a warm and heartfelt story and a very uplifting ending to the movie, although you saw it coming from the moment you started watching the movie.

    If you haven't already seen "Instant Family", then I can warmly recommend that you do so if you are given the chance, because it is a beautiful story, and one that will stick with you for some time.
  • Instant Family Review:

    Instant Family is comedy based on the true story of a married couple, Pete (Mark Wahlberg) and Ellie (Rose Byrne), who decide to foster three kids and they must face the challenges that come with it. This was a very enjoyable happy, feel-good movie. The story was very interesting, yet predictable, that made you feel for the people. Both Mark and Rose did a good job. Isabella Moner as Liszt, the oldest child, was probably the best part of the film. She brought so much to the table and gave it all she had. She was also in the recent summer movie sequel Sicario: Day of the Saldado and she did well in that too. The other two kids, Gustavo Quiroz (Juan) and Julianna Gamiz (Lita), we're very good child actors. Octavia Spencer was hilarious and amazing as always. This movie had some great humor. It could also be serious and knew how to switch tones well. It was a little bit long, just about two hours, and I felt that some scenes could've been cut out. Also we didn't know much of a background for Pete and Ellie so I didn't feel as strong as a connection for them as I wanted to. Another thing is the trailer kind of showed the whole movie with some stuff taken out, which I've seen a lot of trailers doing that lately (Welcome to Marwen). This is a very enjoyable film and I think people will like it. It probably won't make as much money with Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald coming out and many more, but I would recommend it.

    My Grade: B+
  • This film tells the story of a couple who decides to adopt three children.

    The story is funny, heartwarming and just makes you want to watch it. Things can be a bit exaggerated at times, and yet it still manages to be believable. Hopefully this film encourages people to share their love with children who needs a home.
  • A comedy about a thirty something couple who foster three siblings is going to be sickeningly sentimental, right? Wrong! "Instant Family" is sentimental but also has the courage to poke fun at that very sentimentality and is genuinely funny thanks mainly to two first-rate performances from Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne as the couple and an excellent supporting cast that includes Octavia Spencer, Julie Haggerty and the great Margo Martendale. The kids, too, are just dandy and if the comedy is at times predictably broad it balances very nicely with the inevitable saccarine moment. In fact, this might be the perfect movie about kids for people who don't like movies about kids.
  • I've literally NEVER reviewed anything before. I've never felt I needed to...

    That being said - As I was a foster child this hit me square in the face. It was one of the hardest movies for me to watch. Its depiction of how the kids act is 100% accurate. Its one of the hardest things to see and admit now - Being that I'm older.

    This movie needs more attention and I hope that my rating helps with that. It needs to be watched by all... I was laughing AND crying (I'm ex-Navy and a very stoic person).
  • After seeing way too many comedy films with the same rehashed humor and jokes, this one doesn't bring anything new to the table in that respect. Mark Wahlberg has also played this type of role before, though it's a bit new for me seeing Rose Byrne playing the role of a mother. That being said, if you haven't watched any Sean Anders films (Daddy's Home, We're the Millers, etc.), then you might still enjoy the dialogue in this movie.

    Regardless, I liked the premise of a pair of inexperienced parents adopting siblings from the foster care system; while kids not getting along with new parents / new family members is a trope, I haven't seen foster children, much less LatinX main characters portrayed in such a way. The movie also actually depicts some of the classes and lessons the parents are equipped with, making Instant Family more realistic than a film that attempted to contain only the "meaty" parts of the story. Pete and Ellie, the main characters, are not perfect people. They experience several hiccups throughout the parenting process, but you know that they're really trying.

    My rating: 6.5/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I almost never write reviews but after seeing some of the reviews from ppl talking about how fake it is, and how the foster system isn't like this, or they should've had their own kids, or it's all PC BS, I feel like I have to write this review. I'm a foster mom. Been licensed in 2 different counties, been through the classes and all that twice. This movie is very accurate. It is a Hollywood film and they did add some cheesy lines and jokes, but it doesn't diminish the movie. The classes are like that, they do have adoption fairs like that and the 1st few months of any new placement are SO HARD. If anything this movie doesn't make it look hard enough, but it's supposed to be entertaining. If they made the foster stuff any more real it would be a documentary. Coming from a foster parent, I really liked this movie a lot and would recommend it. To any other foster/adoptive parents reading this, you may want to view it first before you show it to your kids. *Spoiler Alert* There is a part of the movie where they talk about giving the kids back, which is totally real, I've had that talk, but it could be very upsetting to a child to hear that.
  • One of those simple, low-budget, well-written, well-acted movies which most of us can relate to, one way or another. Who doesn't have a few crazy relatives? Hahaha.
  • amyvsings10 March 2019
    I grew up in the foster care system and lived in 7 different homes. This film was refreshingly accurate in terms of what it is like in the system and the adjustment periods when moving to a new family. The teenage daughter's rebellion, the honeymoon period, the awkward reactions from the other relatives, all of it is the real deal. I cried my eyes out throughout this film because it brought a flood of memories rushing back to me. I finally have a film that I can show someone when I want them to understand what it was like for me as a foster child. I loved it so much. If you want some insight into how the foster care system works, or you're just looking for a heartwarming film about family, this film is a MUST WATCH.
  • 'Instant Family' is definitely predictable and clichéd every step of the way, but that doesn't really matter when it's done this successfully. Its engaging throughout and offers a fun and heartwarming look at adoption and families in general, leading to a very entertaining experience. For better or worse, though, it's certainly a crowd-pleaser, which means that although it's sure to give audiences a good time, it's all surface level and some of the dark, culturally important themes are brushed over in service of keeping things light and friendly. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but, had it scratched below the surface more often, it could have been a far richer, more affecting piece overall. The other thing is that the film certainly works better as a family-drama than a comedy, yet it tries to do both which sometimes isn't too successful. There are several 'funny bits' that generate from the characters and situations which work fine, but it's the forced humour (the improvisational kind of jokes that Anders is used to working with) that don't really fit. Overall though, 'Instant Family' is highly entertaining throughout and offers some heartwarming scenes, despite how generic and surface-level it is. 7/10
  • First, let me say that my wife and I go to the movies every Friday. We see a LOT of movies. We usually agree about how good or bad a film was, and we both agreed on Instant Family. It's fantastic. I wish I could give it more than 10 stars because the current score of 7.3 is really not doing this film justice. It's simply a perfect movie. My wife and I cried a lot, laughed a lot, and left the theater happy. Based on a true story...they did a wonderful job of re-telling it for the screen. Reminds me of Wonder, which was also underrated. If I could vote for the Oscar's, it would've been Wonder last year and Instant Family this year. I don't even need to see the other contenders. Wish movies like this would get an Oscar nom... but it's usually the serious dramas that get them. Wahlberg should be very proud. He produced it and co-starred in it. Very happy for him. Hope this means more films like this and less violence in the future. Please go see it and give it your review here. It will help get the word out.
  • PennyReviews7 March 2019
    Instant Family wasn't bad. I expected a boring story, but they managed to create a sweet, emotional story after all. It was a nice, not over the top, presentation of a how a family is created. Plus, the performances were good.
  • It's not very often I feel the need to review a movie I found average, but the reviews here are so skewed in both directions, I thought I'd contribute. If you have an experience with adoption, you might have a soft spot for this movie and that I could understand. But if not, it's just very very average. It's mildly funny, work ok on a dramatic level, and is watchable. I have an open mind, but I just can't agree with any review calling this movie 'hilarious' . It's just watchable basically. It tries too hard to teach some sort of life lesson, and it's running time is too long for what it is.

    Approach it with realistic expectations, and it's probably a good movie to zone out to. But the reviews on here stating how hilarious it is definitely made me expect something else. It's just an average drama/comedy.
  • anilk00723 October 2019
    What it feels like to be with foster families. See from children's point of view as well as those that make the arrangements. Gut-wrenching at times. Overall=Good family entertainment.
  • I watched this film thinking it could be a family comedy movie, but oh boy I ended up in TEARS. I loved the storyline, acting, and just everything about this heartwarming movie. 100% recommended!!
  • Another Mark Wahlberg gold. This guy just adds greatness to everything he touches. I don't know so much about his action movies at the moment, but his comedy films are the best around. Completely entertaining, and this one may even go beyond that. But not by much.

    Instant Family is about a couple who adopt three older children from different backgrounds. The movie explores how they bond, and the struggles they face.

    It's a super entertaining movie. It has lots of laughs and lots of emotions. It's not even entirely about Wahlberg. A good family flick.

    In my book, it's a must see. For you, maybe, maybe not. I don't know.

    7 stars
  • Instant Family is an instant hit. It was so fun to watch. I found myself actually laughing out loud during the course of the movie. Usually, I don't like movies where everything ends up okay but I liked this one. As a child who's experienced adoption and family court, I felt like this movie, albeit a little dramatic, saw how it felt to be a part of the system. A great movie!
  • Ok so it's a bit sugar-coated in places but Instant Family is a surprisingly powerful tearjerker featuring a lot of well-crafted jokes and unusually poignant performances from both Rosie Byrne and Mark Wahlberg.
  • Josef Tura-216 November 2018
    I didn't expect much walking into this movie, but I have to admit I was floored by the extremely nuanced and heartfelt themes of this movie. It's not the fluffy comedy that the posters and trailers might lead you to believe
  • Instant Family was surprisingly a very well thought out and heartfelt family movie. It's unique because it's a family movie with all the feels but also a slightly more inappropriate and crude sense of humor. I genuinely thought it was funny throughout and it successfully evokes emotions. Some of it is extremely corny and a little over the top but regardless it's enjoyable throughout. This movie is perfect for families and kids of all ages. Finally, it actually was filmed relatively well with good production quality. All and all, definitely worth the watch. IMDb needs to relax with these character limits.
  • Absolutely hilarious movie with elements of depressing, sad, funny, and downright how do you not laugh. Perfect film. Critics that dont like it literally have been paid to say otherwise or do not have any hearts. Probably funniest movie ive seen in 10 years. No way someone could not like this movie or find humor in it. I call BS.
  • A really good feel-good movie based on a true story about fostering kids. Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne are great in the lead roles supported by a superb cast, especially the kids.A movie that give you a wonderful warm feeling at the end. Would suggest to anyone who has a pulse.
  • I did not at all expect to love this as much as I do. I heard it was better than it seemed on the surface, but did not expect to be so emotional about it. Instant Family really moved me and did great with balancing the humour and the seriousness that entails the themes explored in the movie. It's not the most detailed look at two people adopting three children possible, but in my opinion definitely has enough believability and lovely moments in there. I cried so much during this emotional rollercoaster and toward the end it just broke me, in a deserved and good way. The performances are great and you can tell the director actually knows what he's depicting here. It's far from a generic rom-com slapstick sort of thing, and actually a lovely film that will uplift you for a while. I'm so surprised and glad I gave it a chance.
  • bombersflyup22 February 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Instant Family is almost a good film, with terrific lead performances by Wahlberg and Byrne.

    A bit too soppy, cutesy and silly in my opinion, with stereotypes and pandering. The two leads make it watchable and likable, but when they're not at the fore, it really struggles to stay above water. Trailer purposely avoids showing any of these things.
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