User Reviews (18)

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  • This film managed to find the fine balance between social critique, a theme that German society is almost obsessed with, and humor. It gives the audience the sense of a theatrical drama, as most of the movie is shot between the living room and dinner table, albeit with varying camera angles, which is a challenge by itself as the audience can easily get bored if the conversation is not engaging enough, which is not the case with this film. You can have a good time without being interested in the underlying political discussion, although you would probably enjoy it more if you are interested in the reflection of German intelligentsia on the modern day impact of Nazi Germany's legacy on its society. The script is well-thought out, genuinely funny, and demonstrates that German cinema has the artistic skill to produce a high quality comedy. I highly recommend it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Der Vorname" is a new German 90-minute film from 2018. Here we have the most recent effort by director Sönke Wortmann, still very well-known here in Germany, and after some not so great works it seems he comes back with a decent movie here. The screenplay is by Claudius Pläging, not the most experienced writer, to be fair, but then again he "only" had to adapt the story here from the French original as it is all based on a French 2012 movie that made quite a few waves. But we shall talk about that one on another occasion. This one here includes a cast where German film audiences will immediately recognize all the male actors, the females maybe not so much. But Herbst, who is probably the MVP here, should also be known to people now who aren't great Stromberg fans like myself. Also there is a great deal of bait here to his character too, especially in the first half. This is also when the film was at its best, when it tells the story of a man who comes to visit his sister, her husband and her best friend to tell everybody that the first name of his unborn child shall be the same like one of the greatest war criminals in the history of mankind. Is it okay to name your kid like that? And if not, then why nobody objects to Josef for example or many other names. There are some interesting points to discuss here honestly. Unfortunately, in the second half when we find out it was just a bluff, and everybody finds out right afterward too, the movie loses itself a bit in arguments between the individual characters about wine bottles that aren't as expensive as they seem (did not fit Herbst's character in my opinion), dog killing rituals and a bizarre relationship between one character and the mother of other characters that to me really only felt like included for entertainment purposes. So i think they could have done better in that department for sure. And somehow, everything is fine in the end again, a common problem in German movies that (seemingly) happy endings feel extremely rushed and not very authentic. I must say I have not seen the French original, so I'd be curious how they handled it there, but everything that happens in the second half makes the film's name also a bit off the mark as the film moves away so much from it and apart from an occasional fun reference about "little A.", the story is gone. Then again that is fine as this joke alone could not have made for a full feature film. I still liked how they occasionally talked about the spelling with "f" or "ph" and this was clearly a reference to the Frennch movie. Besides, this film we have here clearly works well as a stage play too. i think that is what it actually was, so i wouldn't be surprised to see it on German stages in the coming years as well like it is happening with other recent films too like "Willkommen bei den Hartmanns" (don't watch that one, it sucks). If it turns out well-known enough that is. we will see about it. All in all, I think this movie here is worth checking out. The actors all do a solid job (Fitz has occasional weaknesses to stay on par with Herbst in the first half), the script isn't too bad and overall it is one of the better, but not best German movies of 2018. Not a must-see by any means, but if you like some of the cast, then go for it. Germany does not always do too well in terms of comedies, but here they do, which certainly has to do with the fact that it is not an original work, but comes from another country. I give the film a thumbs-up, even if it may not be the worst choice to switch off after the revelation about the real name of the unborn child. The table scene where it is revealed feels a bit cringey too how it is really about nothing but the comedy there.
  • The premise for the film is the conflict that naming your child "Adolf" could cause in your family. That alone would not be enough to sustain a full feature film, and indeed this is only a starting point.

    A whole host of family secrets are unraveled in the process, how they think about one another, what they have done in the past and present. It is like throwing a burning match into the store of a gunpowder fabric and making damn sure it stays alight. The result pushes their relations in way one might otherwise see in a Luis Bunuel film, just staying one step short of surrealism.

    There are small hints here and there that this is French (rather than German) in its origin, and it may have been better (with a German cast) to adapt these subtle cultural differences to place this in a pure German setting.

    Anyway, this is very entertaining for its witty dialogue. The after-the-party events that concluded the piece seemed unnecessary.
  • The first temptation is to define it as provocative. For situations, humor, dialogue, clash between characters and adorable end. But it is more. It is a realistic - precise portrait of contemporary family. Eccentric ideas, secrets far to be comfortable, couple huge problems, wives and husbands - and a mother in not ordinary situation- , love and hate in large portions. A nice comedy for its smart levels.
  • Witty, funny provoking - I absolutely loved this movie from the first to the last scene. I believe I've seen something similar in an Italian context, but the German version was so much better, more nuanced, more subtle and more to my taste. Although the entire movie takes place within a house and involves basically only five people, it never gets boring. The dialogue is very brisk and engaging, the acting is excellent. The topics the film raises, are interesting and are dealt in a clever and genuine manner - the choice of a child's name, the shadow Hitler still throws over German political and everyday life, the hypocrisy of feminist husbands and the difficult choices women make between career and child rearing, etc. All these difficult questions are examined without preaching, with tact, a sense of humor and empathy. Wholeheartedly recommend this movie and would be happy to find other German films of such quality.
  • kaljic11 April 2019
    I saw this movie during a trans-Atlantic flight. This is a German comedy-of-errors centered around a family member's desire to name their new child, "Adolph." This desire causes horror and disgust in the family, but it also exposes the very fragile bonds which exist among the family members. Who says Germans have no sense of humor? The script is witty, the repartee between antagonistic members in these families is genuinely funny, and the surprises we learn about their family secrets are unexpected but do not break the audience's necessary suspension of disbelief. It is an interesting look into German middle class life which does not always receive. Much recommended.
  • Never thought about to use this headline for a review but it fits absolutely perfect to the plot. And yeah, this was one of the funniest german movies i've ever seen so far.

    Think about a usual family dinner with friends, cozy small talk, good dinner and some glasses of whine in relaxed atmosphere. At some point one couple offers the name of their unborn child and it's "ADOLF". Now everybody in the room is triggered, exactly like you. You can feel the moment, when the whole mood in the room is going to a complete different direction. Everything's getting a bit more aggressive but also funnier with every minute.

    But no worries, this is not the complete plot, it was only the warm-up. Be prepared and listen carefully. This kind of comedy is all about the dialogues and i loved it.


    Cheers, Fletcher
  • German "How About Adolf?" (original title: "Der Vorname", 2018) is the latest remake (in my count))) of the Italian "An Italian Name" (original title: "Il nome del figlio", 2015) which in turn is the remake of the French "What's in a Name?" (original title: "Le prénom", 2012), but I think the German is better (more mature)) than other two. Well done!
  • You could tell the whole plot in 20 minutes.

    There were some critical themes in the first few minutes. They were expendable. After that it was just a bad family story plot. German film is dead.
  • I had no idea that germans can be funny 😃 Soooo funny and every 10 minutes something new happens ! I had second thoughts cause of the language, hard for me to listen, but i am happy i ignored that. Great movie !
  • Really enjoyed it. It has a brilliant menu of fun for a perfect movienight you won't forget!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie addresses a German society issue as it relates to WW2. A family gathers for dinner to celebrate the upcoming birth of a family member. Characters are a UNI prof and his wife who teach VolkSchule. Her brother who is the antagonist. His pregnant partner and a Musician who was "adopted" by family of the wife and her brother at early age. All I will say... what we name our children can scar them for life... but jokes can get out of hand and can cause more secrets to come out. Watched movie twice on a flight. Once subtitles the second time without ..Movie is not North American PC and not for all, but maybe we need to laugh at our stuffiness Found myself without subtitles laughing more. ONLY spoiler "mit ein ph " Oder accent augou.
  • I found this movie on DVD at my public library.

    As a foreign movie is should be a good fit for me. I studied 2+ years of German in college, including German literature. This is a German movie, in German, with English subtitles. I could understand much of the dialog.

    It is a straightforward premise - a progressive young man and his girlfriend are going to have a baby boy and at a family gathering everyone wants to know what the baby's name will be. They try to guess and even when told it starts with 'A' no one guesses 'Adolf'. Of course when that becomes known everyone else is upset, it is too close a reminder of the infamous Adolf Hitler.

    I would guess, from reading a few reviews, that Germans and perhaps Europeans in general find this to be a really good, entertaining movie. But I don't, it is a lot of talking about a political subject and this is just not the kind of movie I enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One could really think after the first half of the film that a clever and socio-critical German comedy was made here. That alone is almost unbelievable. German comedies are rarely clever and even less socio-critical. However, the debate about the use of the name Adolf in modern times is exactly that. Well done!

    Unfortunately, the film completely loses its credibility in the second half. An outdated view of the world is used, which locates the woman as a supporter of the man and in the kitchen. In general, only the problems and sensitivities of men are discussed anyway. Finally, the crowning glory is the last scene, in which the main actress is holding exactly that up to her husband: she takes care of the children, has given up her doctorate and doesn't even get a thank you for it. The inner feminist is already jubilating and still hopes for a satisfying ending. But no. "Families argue and then it all continues as usual because you love each other." Everyone lies happily in each other's arms. No domestic revolution, not even a thank you.

    This was a disgrace.
  • kosmasp16 September 2023
    No pun intended - this is just the first step for a downspiral ... and a movie that is quite talky. And maybe a testament that Germans can be funny - just kidding, no wait they can be. But also, this movie is based on a French movie - which I have not watched yet. I did not know this existed until after I watched this - I only had heard that this was supposed to be good (and it is) ... so original movie and sequel to this one are on my list now.

    Really well played and nice twists, with relationships being strained and truths being dragged into the ... light (or whatever you would call it yourself). The characters like to tease each other (especially one of them) ... not knowing what avalanche is coming from one ... not so innocent joke ... which goes to show you: be kind to each other ... don't be mean - it might come and bite you ...
  • The whole script feels like someone wants to be so desperately funny, but is not. The turns feel achingly trying to put another level of stupid escalation onto a flawed baseline of a ridiculous story.

    The cast does not a bad job, but the characters felt unidimensional and flat. They have no shades, no ambiguities, they are simple archetypes.

    After all, some of the dialogues are still funny, but the whole thing doesnt achieve anything for me.

    Its not particularly witty, deivers stereotypical characters, has no particular asthetic and doesnt get close to the best that this cast might be able to deliver.

    Skip it.
  • Waste if time! If it will be my will i will ban cheap movies like this! Acting 0, funny 0, boring 3000!
  • chris-farmer-3254816 February 2023
    Wow, that was bad.

    The cast doesnt believe in their bad lines. The camera doesnt trust the cast therefore, keeps distance, moves around constantly and doesnt produce a single memorable picture. The plot is so awful and thin, wow. The premise itself could work, but the script doesnt even try to create characters that have a sound motivation and psychology.

    Why are they all so invested? No answers given. Why is the father so keen to call his son Adolf? They try to explain that, but it doesnt fit with his stereotypical character.

    Not a grain of effort, creativity or even seriousness to be found.