User Reviews (7)

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  • These words still resonate days after I've watched this film. It's the first one in it's kind that addresses a dark page in Belgian history, you know the hellhole/Chocolate factory.

    This takes us back to the mid 80's when a local gang committed several robberies on supermarkets, all with excessive violence and low loot. This 'Gang of Nijvel' always made a lot of casualties with military grade weaponry and precision.

    Storywise this focuses on one family and their pain as they are all gunned down except the little boy who survives after he witnessed the murder of his entire family. A this is a true story, this is also very real as this person is still alive today and fighting against all odds to get it solved.

    The movie does a great job in recreating these events and you can't help to cry a couple of times to the injustice in the investigation. You really feel the pain of the lead characters. Stijn Coninckx is truly our greatest director and once again he proves his worth in the shooting of this terrible tragedy.

    Main lead is Jan Decleir, our greatest actor, and does a fine job as the grandfather who takes care of his grandson after the murders. Jonas Van Geel however does a terrible job as the grandson, he is a comedian and not suited for a drama role. Terrible miscast and the only downside in the best Flemish movie of the year(s).

    Conspiracy has always surrounded the dossier, the movie also shines a light on the several 'errors' in the investigation and the lack of goodwill to solve it. Since the tragedy the police has been rearmed with better material and a political drama was in the making. It seems there is some truth in this and that there were greater powers at work to destabilize our country. The movie doesn't end in a closure as it's still not solved.
  • Helemaal stil van geworden!! Echt pakkende scènes!!
  • The film starts in the mid 80s during the terror of the still unknown Gang of Nijvel in Belgium. This gang committed very violent robberies on supermarkets with no focus on looting, but more on causing victims and chaos.

    Instead of choosing the big take on this dark history, this movie follows a young victim and his grandparents (especially his grandfather). In this way, the movie can focus more on the very personal pain and the suffering from a terrible familydrama. Not only feelings of loss, but also anger for the injustice of the slobbing police investigation and no communication towards the victims and family. Director Stijn Coninx succeeded very well in making a deep-emotionally touching connection with the victim and his grandfather. We can feel the pain, anger, sense for revenge and justice from the grandfather. A sometimes intimate cinematography emphasizes this even more.

    It takes a real effort to keep this sort of special emotional band with a character throughout the whole duration of a movie, but Coninx succeeded with is work. The whole movietheater was sileced by the end, a proof the movie delivered it's message and reached most of it's goal.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A grandfather and grandmother lose three of their closest family members by violence. Only their nine-year-old grandson survives, although in a woefully battered shape. During the next years the grandparents struggle to take care of their grandson, which will prove very difficult. However, trying to obtain some kind of justice or retribution or reparation will prove impossible. Even asking for an explanation feels like asking for the moon...

    "Niet schieten" is based on a book, which resulted from a collaboration between a reporter and a real-life survivor of the 1985 attack on a supermarket in Aalst. (Aalst is a city in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, known for its rich carnival tradition.) The blood-drenched attack was part of a series of raids and hold-ups committed by, or attributed to, the "Gang of Nivelles", aka "The killers of Brabant". These crimes shared two highly disquieting characteristics : 1) the gangsters used a level of violence rarely seen outside of a drug-infested war zone and 2) they kept on going and going and going, even while obtaining little loot.

    None of these crimes have been properly solved, in spite of enough official reports to pave the way from Belgium to China and back. For the various victims - or for the friends and relatives of the various victims - this meant unending suffering without any hope of closure. Lacking an explanation, Belgian citizens have had to use their imagination. By now dozens of competing theories exist : was this a coup d'état, a terror operation by the extreme right/left/whatever, or even a successful marketing campaign aimed at selling heavy weaponry ? Probably the truth will never be discovered...

    It is clear that director Stijn Coninx has done his best to treat the material with the patience and respect it deserves. The result is a moving portrayal of a once happy family, the surviving members of which desperately try to understand what happened to them. These same people do not receive much in the way of legal and financial support. Instead they are left to navigate a treacherous quicksand of malice, incompetence and inertia. (Well, "quicksand" might not be the right word - "slowsand" might be better.)

    Viviane de Muynck and Jan Decleir are deeply moving as devastated grandparents asked to raise their grandson at an age where they expected a well-deserved rest. The movie also includes a shocking reconstruction of the Aalst attack, what with a bunch of masked criminals moving through an unsuspecting crowd with all the speed and voracity of a fire disaster.

    The first half of "Niet schieten" is absolutely riveting. Sadly the movie loses some of its power and impact during the second half. Still, a brave movie on an important subject, and a moving monument to the many innocent lives destroyed by the "Gang of Nivelles".
  • guido-cremie23 June 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    How do you feel, when in one day you lose 3 of your family members. Not by accident, but cold blood murder in a supermarket. The murderers are still not found.
  • Minnesota_Reid11 April 2019
    This film follows a grandfather whose family suffers losses during one of a series of violent robberies that happened in the 1980s. This is a deeply felt and masterfully acted examination on the toll that external violence takes even on its survivors. It also convincingly indicts the indifference, incompetence and corruption of the Belgian police and politicians.

    The movie is a bit too lengthy, with a long speech at the end. Our film festival thought the film would be 20 minutes shorter. One wonders whether the final speech wasn't included in some releases of the film.

    The other problem is that while it makes a good case that an official cover up happened, it doesn't make any clear case for the why of it all. I don't really buy that police were themselves doing violent hold ups of grocery stores so that there would be generally more funding for the police and SWAT teams.
  • I read some critics, mostly because they don't know what the movie is about !!

    We had a notorious gang around 1985. They hold up some grocery stores, and shot just many innocent people. All done with weapons, classified for specific highly trained officers. They were stolen, it's involved with a corrupt minister !! And extreme right people inside these 'legal' forces. It's untill today,.. still not clear!! And still in people's minds. It's a cover up without a doubt!!! And the truth will never come out !! Because there was also one of the royal family involved... !!!!

    It's Belgian worst crime in decades !! And it shows how corrupt a system can be when it needs to !

    The movie only shows the human loss and grief....