User Reviews (37)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The tormented kid who comes back to take his revenge upon those who have hurted him has been repeatedly told before but this time with holes in it. Why the detective didn't question the husband when Nicole told him a woman he knows threatened her? Why didn't anyone ask the mother anout her relationship with Paige? And how did Paige get sentenced over the first two crimes while there was no evidence against her, while the evidence in the third crime was circumstantial at best? So not woth the watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This isn't a good movie at all. It drags on and the acting by the husband is horrible. He isn't even convincing in his role as a good husband and then (don't read unless you want a spoiler) we find out he's Peter? LOL. OKAYY?! We could've seen it coming. Thriller? Nope. Drama... Sure. Anything to wrap up the movie. They wasted Wood Harris in this movie. He's too good for this.
  • More like a drama movie. The acting is bad. Apart for the 2 main characters, no one in the movie seems to convince. The police investigator plays in such an awkward way. Avoid this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I would say "A for effort"; however, it does not appear Chris Stokes put as much effort into the script as he did into the clothes, hair, scenery, etc. Here we have the stereotypical characters in another slick movie on BET: all beautiful, thin/shapely/muscular, apparently super successful with a money to burn (look at the houses, cars - nothing wrong with that but oh come on...smh). This movie is super slow and drags in the beginning. Bad dialogue and even worse acting. The wonderful Loretta Devine and Wood Harris are definitely miscasted as Brian's mother and Detective Tucker, respectively and the dynamics between the characters are not only predictable (of course there would be a successful professional lawyer who is friends with a ghetto hood chic, eye roll) but sooo lazy and overdone.

    Crazy loopholes all over the place, weird plot lines, unnecessary attempts at suspense that are laughable, oddly place music, uncomfortable silence (people don't talk like this!) and don't get me started on the flashbacks. No continuation, strange pacing and just plain weird set ups (Nicole talking to Brandi in one scene but then she's shown in the next scene dead due to an apparent overdose - huh??). Murders happen but the audience doesn't see them (just the aftermath)...I could go on.

    Here's my list of issues with this, um "movie" (I definitely had to shorten this, otherwise it would have been 10 pages long):

    1. The beginning scene at the camp - no details, no history, no introduction to characters (who the heck are these people?). And where are the camp counselors?!

    2. Nicole's a lawyer yet she won't have a conversation with her husband who she thinks is cheating (talking is part of her profession for goodness sake). Really? They tell everyone they have this wonderful relationship yet they apparently have no communication on what really matters. Oh, he leaves her several times to go on business trips after a break in, even after she expresses her fear of being alone. Come on Lawyer. Ding, ding, ding. RED FLAG!

    3. Ghetto Tammy is too much, but it's BET so there has to be a ghetto Tammy who does too much.

    4. Why is Detective Tucker interviewing Brian after Brandi's death as if he knew her or had a connection to her??

    5. Again, weird flashbacks inserted at the oddest times.

    6. Hmmm...that's a pretty huge house for a criminal lawyer and her husband (I didn't care enough to remember his profession). I'm just saying. Geez. Can someone say overkill with the scenery.

    7. Nicole's (again, she's a lawyer!) arrested after Sommer's death and she willingly answers questions without being read her Miranda rights. She DOES THIS FOR A LIVING y'all. UM, KEEP SILENT so nothing can be used against you, remember?

    8. Again, the police. Laughable. They must have trained at the Barney Fife Academy.

    9. Nicole's friend dies in their home yet she's not more distraught? Wow, life goes on I guess.

    10. They tortured Peter as kids, yet revenge took that long? Why not try to avenge the torture as teenagers and why just the girls and not the boys?! Was there anyone who didn't figure out Brian was Peter after the Paige revelation? And why the weird voice change Peter? He waited 4 years after marriage to finally snap? Um, okay. Oh, and the end scene? Too much to even write, but Detective Tucker going out alone to find Nicole with no back-up and Nicole could still fight back after being punched and thrown around like a rag doll? Pure tomfoolery, which pretty much sums up this farce of a movie.
  • The story could have went well, but it didn't. It left too many real unanswered questions, bad acting.. come on detective you're usually a great actor! It wasn't just him either! The movie ended even worse! If the actresses were pretty with decent acting and I wasn't bored I would have turned it off. Definitely not worth $7.99 on demand. If you can watch it free and have time to spare. Maybe.
  • Wow, might not be the worst movie I've seen, but close. The story is full of nonsense. I'm not going to get into the details but save yourself the brain damage.
  • rddbftjx24 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    There were numerous unexplained unrealistic holes in the movie. How do you not recognize someone you knew and played with/ picked on from like 10-15 years prior. Why wouldn't certain info about someone's family ever be mentioned? I wanted to enjoy this movie sooo much but I was disappointed. The build it was fantastic and intriguing only for the conclusion to be so predictable and off the wall unrealistic. I wouldn't say it was a waste of time but won't ever recommend it to any of my friends nor watch again. Wood Harris was great as always tho 💕.
  • This movie is poorly written, directed, and acted. It's not even a bad B movie. It's just truly boring. The suspense that they tried to build in didn't translate and the momentary jump scene didn't carry through. Extremely glad I rent this and didn't buy it.
  • I have never seen such a horrible movie, the storyline is terrible, the acting is just as bad and if you rent it this movie I feel bad for your pockets even though it was $6💩💩💩💩💩
  • It wasn't that bad, but so much eye candy for us guys!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is so low budget like most of the money was spend on the scenery like the houses and cars. People are dying in the movie but you never see the actually death. The acting is mediocre. The plot is similar to many other movies. Something happens in childhood.. someone comes to seek revenge. I have so many questions because some things dont make sense to me.

    1.if you see someone standing in your front yard and They start chasing you why would you call your boyfriend instead of the police? the phone was right in her hands

    2.why didnt they also go after the boys?

    3. why wait 5 years?

    4. he was acting all good then when he revealed what he had to he started talkin different like something was wrong with him.

    5. why is one cop showing up to a scene with a murderer?
  • With a better budget, it could have been better!! Overall, good in my opinion
  • linkedin-7168113 January 2021
    I liked the movie. Beautiful cast. This was not the worst movie and wasn't the best. But I liked it.
  • doingbell18 September 2021
    I'd start off by saying the actors in this film were well polished and easy on the eyes . I was excited to watch this film because it starred some of my favorites , Lauren London & Wood Harris... But the story line was very predictable. From the beginning I already know the "plot twist " and that's always bad! The man character (the husband ) acting wasn't believable and a dead give away. The scenarios were unrealistic and didn't come together very well. I'm surprised any one funded such a pointless movie. I love flashback films but even the flashbacks in this movie did nothing for this film. If a little more thought was put into executing the plot the overall idea would have probably came together and better and made it less cheesy. Everything from the court scenes to the deceive Interrogation was off. I mean it's something to watch if you're bored but I was very appointed.
  • Too many plot holes, extremely predictable (I figured it out within 5 minutes) and the story was all over the place.
  • Predictable and bad script. Funny at times when it's not supposed to be. Not great but could be worse. Mildly entertaining.
  • I fortunately saw this dumpster fire for free, and it was still too huge of a price to pay for this debacle. I don't want to spend a lot of time on this review, as I've already wasted enough time on this title...suffice it to say, it was straight garbage. You can dismiss my warning and watch for yourself, but the plot holes you can drive a truck through and ridiculous story overall along with many unanswered questions will make your head spin. Shame on you Marques Houston and Chris Stokes! Don't quit your day jobs. AVOID THIS "MOVIE!" It's horrible!
  • queeriodic10 January 2022
    I could literally tell what was going to happen 100% of the time. Too predictable and the acting was absolutely terrible. I watched this with my sister and we actually started to make a game out of who was right about what would happen 10 minutes after. There was never a time where neither of us were wrong.
  • duranegreen-7113623 November 2020
    We figured this movie out 5 minutes in. The acting is trash and the writing is as well. Too many holes, and honestly, with this cast should've been at least a 3.5 star rating
  • jeanmartin-727865 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed this movie. It was somewhat predictable. Although it did keep me guessing about the killer even though I was right. Still it had some good moments. They could have shown me how the detective knew at the end though. Intriguing enough though. I'm about to watch it again since I rented it. Could have been cheaper Amazon!
  • ks-605007 December 2020
    A teenage girl writing a horror story to be asked by her teacher "write a horror story". Very childish for this movie.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and the actors/actresses as well! Awesome movie!
  • Despite all of the negative feedback, this isn't a terrible film. It was entertaining and had a few twists. A dark story that might be based on a true story, and it felt a bit chilling in places with the ghosts. I found this tense and weird. The acting was just not awful as people make out.
  • jordandorothy-3073911 December 2020
    The main issue for me was the story / script. The acting could have been a lot better. Also not sure what genre to place the movie in. So many plot holes made the movie very confusing for me.
  • DPoole725 January 2022
    It wasn't as bad as other reviews indicated. It was predictable though. It had a good cast and I watched because this cast has performed in better movies. I wanted to support. It wasn't great, but worth watching.
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