User Reviews (3)

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  • For many reasons, a great film. First - as recognizible story for a part of public. Second - for game of apparences. Three - for precise definition of hero. Not the last - for cinematography and acting.

    Portrait of a sort of loneliness not easy to define . About honesty and past traumas. About public image.

    Short, just admirable bitter perspective about the clash between the image, public one, of war hero and the traits of a father after terrible traumas.
  • It's amazing what this film accomplishes in less than 12 minutes. I definitely could see it becoming a feature film. Incredible production value and tone. It's keeps you interested and guessing.
  • The world can only see a hero, but the son knows better. Brooding, dark, surprising, and a teaser of a much bigger story. I want to learn more about this character as he discovers his own self and his own power. Excellent directing, cinematography, lighting, setting, acting, and storytelling. I want to see and know more!