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  • I actually subscribe to SOME of the theories shown in this series (ep1-8)... and i WAS digging this series UNTIL the crazy channeler starts talking about what Thoth looks like, etc etc I mean i DON'T subscribe to Hancock and Michael Nemo (?) bc as an archaeologist they're renowned crazy and discredited. So there are a few talking heads from Ancient Aliens shown (a show i DON'T subscribe theories from) but at leats Hancock is well presented and a sightly better source...
  • The obnoxious music is too much!! In places where it's hard to hear what anyone is saying, the music is being over dramatic for no reason, and it never ends! I could do without it entirely! I understand if they want to add a bit of flavor with some music in the background, but there's gotta be some limit! Come on!
  • This is for those who no longer want to be confined by rigid religious belief and mainstream academia. There is so much unknown about our past and our beginnings, and with Ancient Civilizations, some of the pieces are being put together to give us a far deeper understanding of the human mystery. With the discovery of Gobekli Tepe alone, history is being re-written. And no doubt there are many more truths to uncover as time goes by. Thanks to the intrepid investigations of those who dare to ask, the bigger picture is slowly coming into focus.
  • I personally found this series to be intriguing, thought provoking, exciting and strangely familiar. It is a great reprieve from the constraints and limitations of the widespread religious and historical story that we have long been told and made to believe. The perspectives given are refreshing in that they seek to fill the holes in the traditional viewpoints, focusing on patterns and similarities in architecture, philosophies, mathematics, technology and astronomy in ancient civilizations across the planet in our remote past. It expands upon the ancient literatures of ancient races and provides renderings that create parallels and connections in an ancient world we are told was not connected. In the least, this series presents a fascinating take on the question of "who are we." At most, it finally sews together those obvious "holes" and introduces a coherent, intricately intertwined and inclusive theory of our ancient past. For me personally, it substantiated and resonated strongly with something felt since childhood. It touched on topics and ideas i have been curious and inquisitive of my whole life. This series was met as a familiar friend to my own personal experiences, understanding, and evolving beliefs. I realize that a study of ancient past is no easy feat, that what is presented is by no means completely accurate or absolute, but i feel it is on the right path. With an open mind we can move beyond our mandated or accepted boundaries to realize something bigger. I believe we find what we are looking for. It is highly personal. If you are looking for a broader picture of beautiful design, you have found it in this series. If you are looking to doubt and disprove and without question keep the boundaries narrow, than you will find this series "rubbish" and all you need to know about is in the negative comments below. In my opinion, if you have read this far, then you found what you are looking for. Outside the veil, we remember.
  • Specifically, of how society has been lied to and manipulated for generations with transcripts, mantra and other things most people take for granted as much as the age-old (and incorrect) saying of "seeing is believing". In these days of holography and apps such as Expressions Cam and Face Swap, seeing is not, if it ever was, representative of what is actually there. Great points of view expressed on the Bible and the history of homo sapiens sapiens in general.

    While I may not agree 100% with all the representations they give to historic, in some views mythic characters such as Thoth, nonetheless I highly recommend this series.
  • The name of this show is very misleading. While it does talk alot about civilizations pre-dating the Egyptians going back tens of thousands of years before, it also has a lot of pretty crazy people deemed as "experts" talking about crazy things like "spirit traveling" and remembering things from thousands of years ago both on earth and on other planets. I would treat this show as containing both facts and complete fantasy.
  • If you have enough of the academic stilted and limited answers scientists give about the story of humanity, you will enjoy this show that opens all possible answers to the mysteries no one has found answers to yet. Consider this a heap of interesting hypothesis and some hard fact answers that defy the old scenario. This is for people who feel inspired and intuit that there is more and who can handle many possibles answers at once and are not threatened but stimulated o revise acquired notions. Allow yourself to go through the miror and be challenged by intelligent alternative researchers. You will find it worth it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Remember when Venus was full of life, because we had no idea what's going on?

    That's what these guys do. They prefer to fill the void with idiocy and fantasy. Even the most stupendous lies are better, than accepting our own mortality. We can't be smart animals, we ought to be godlike, eternal spirits...

    Season 3 is MOST LIKELY going to slaughter another animal on every episode, so we can read the truth about the universe in these animal bones.

    Season 4 is ALMOST CERTAINLY when all of us learn to spirit travel on the highway of Castaneda.

    Season 5 is ALL BUT A MATTER OF FACT. The gathering at Stonehenge on a day of a terrible storm will end with them being struck into eternity!

    Now take a guess, why this show was cancelled.
  • Was pretty interesting until they added that nut case Sonja. Having to listen to that windbag tell her completely insane delusions for any extended period of time has ruined all decency of this show. You might as well throw the series away at this point, shes ruined it
  • This is not National Geographic production, we would be wrong with it. The National Geographic workshop is a series of the same name (even having the same number of episodes) but in 2008. So much for clarification.
  • If you're a history buff and want to learn more about Ancient Civilizations this is not the show you are looking for. If you're an uncritical conspiracy theorist you'll probably love it. This National Geographic series is as fact-free as the History Channel's Ancient Aliens series. Just one more American, falsehoods-as-facts, "documentary" series that wouldn't have a market in an educated society.

    The founders of National Geographic must be spinning in their graves.
  • Someone went of the deep end to make this ... utter nonsense. Either Billy Carson needs to visit a shrink because he is batshit crazy, or he isn't and he knows what kind of drivel he is putting out there and that's even sadder.
  • Don't waste your time on this silly drivel. New age mumbo jumbo with zero credible science.
  • greygalah23 March 2022
    Imagine blending the "aliens started life on earth" from Scientology with the crass "lizard-aliens are amongst us." It sounds like bad science fiction and is. Now imagine this being claimed to be scientifically proven with reliance on stories and plots of tv shows and movies. If you think this looks like fun or might be true, watch this nonsense. The 'experts' place heavy reliance in episode one on Sumerian language being an isolate - "the only one!!" Well, it isn't, and even if it were, the other members of its family are likely to have died out as with other languages. The Attempt to explain the existence of human chromosome 2 is gob smacking and inane. I gave it one because of the pretty landscape shots and the selection of still photos from other sources (incl. Wiki) which gave it the air of authenticity.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first few episodes I genuinely enjoyed and found enlightening. There was one or two crazy conspiracy theories embedded in there but the content wasn't too bad overall so I didn't mind. The show begins to get carried away with itself in the latter half of the season and by season 2 it's just mainly conspiracy theories that stretch the limits of my suspended disbelief too far. The show stops being about empirical facts or historical evidence and instead becomes about alien intervention in human origins and secret portals to other universes. Something even the flat-earthers would struggle to believe.
  • The most interesting aspect of this series is trying to discern if the pseudoscience 'experts' (none of whom appear to have any education on the topics on which they claim to have expertise) actually believe the tripe their spouting or if they are perpetrating outright con-artistry.

    I feel, unfortunately that it is largely the second, mainly because of the way in which they obscure facts and reality and determindly ignore evidence. Its a shame, because if they were people who actually put their heads down and studied and became part of the reputable academic community then they could potential shift the paradigm; but that's not really what they're after. They just wanna sell books and trinkets to new wave seekers, conspiracy fed paranoids, stay at home 'sleuths' and get their face onto these kinds of show. If them and their fans realised that the truth is stranger and complex and interesting than fiction, you might be able to get them into a library or peer reviewed journal but as it is it'll be self published pamphlets of weird extrapolations.