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  • I'm rather a big fan of both Baz Luhrmann and Years & Years so was pretty well predisposed to this from the outset.... It was made to support the launch of Canadian designer Erdem Moralioglu's season of floral pattern designs in 2017 and looks great. The premiss is that two young men arrive at a partially ruined English country house owned by the enigmatic Dame Harriet Walter and once there the younger, Hero Fiennes-Tiffin is enchanted not only by the glamour and beauty of his hostess, but also of the girls and boys - including his friend Tom Rhys Harries - that she has invited to dinner. The "Hypnotise" soundtrack from the delightful falsetto tones of Olly Alexander adds an almost magical quality to this Aladdin's cave of temptation and sexual ambiguity... Not sure it actually made me want to buy a floral shirt, though....
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "ERDEM x H&M: The Secret Life of Flowers" is a pretty long title for this rather short film. It runs for over 4 minutes and is a commercial for H&M. I am not really sure, or I should say I have no clue at all what ERDEM is, but honestly I don't really care either. Anyway, this one probably mostly has an imdb entry because it was directed by Baz Luhrmann, in terms of style certainly one of the most influential filmmakers from the last 25 years. So it is not too surprising I guess that the visual side and style of it all is also kinda crucial here, but sadly the outcome really is a piece of style ober substance. The vast flower gardens and sets are really nice to look at, but story-wise the film is right there at the bottom. It is about a love triangle somwhow and well the shot when the dark-haired guy sees the girl is still pretty nice and all that follows right after in the next seconds it is okay, but still overall, it does feel kinda vain, also because honestly I thought the girl was the sister of the blonde guy, but then the blonde guy catches the two kissing and there is drama right out of nowhere. And as if this wasn't already strange enough, actually they just threw the drama away immediately again as we see the three in harmony again and seemingly the blonde guy made his peace with the situation. Oh well, okay, certainly no quality writing from Luhrmann (and Bromell) here. Even if it is a short film and the focus is not really on the script looking at how this is a commercial, they still could, no should, have come up with something better than this. Aside from that, the fact that this is supposed to motivate you to buy clothes is really strange and there is like no connection at all. Still I was a bit surprised how much I liked the female protagonist here as usually I am not into girls with really short hair. Anyway, nothing about this ays H&M. All in all a thumbs-down from me. Not recommended unless you are a Luhrmann completionist. Admittedly I can say in his favor he has worked on other commercials in recent years that turned out even worse than this one here. But that does not mean it's any good really.
  • This skirt film tells the story of two young men entering a mysterious mansion of flowers.

    The mansion is beautifully decorated, and of course the people are beautiful too. A surprising amount of story is pushed into just four minutes, which makes the short film even more captivating.