User Reviews (14)

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  • I saw the American version first and read the script but when it came on tv in Australia the episode had been reworked - there was more Andy and Dylan relationship, Lizzie and Katie relationship, more of the amnesiac girl and almost nothing of the Amish-like background of the victim. A fascinating piece of re-editing - and it worked. But I don't know which version will end up on the dvd - perhaps both?
  • I enjoyed it. Bones became boringly predictable. Gore after gore on Bones. At least Instinct has a plot.
  • The plot of an (almost) Amish lad wanting to play piano and leaving the community was taken from another television show. It also has a near identical ending where the family is accepting of the musical talent despite it being against their religious practices. However they are not Amish despite the dress and beard; they have electricity. And in this case a sociopath is involved who lacks empathy. I lacked empathy with the superficial characters particularily for the sub plot sister of the FBI agent who shows up to bring some personal connection to the lead. Here's hoping she is not a recurring character. Where was Whoopi?
  • cjonesas27 June 2021
    The reviewers made it abundantly clear and rightfully so. A sad farce of a series, with some good acting and lots of cliche and junk materials. I'll continue watching, but I've no more expectation on the show.

    It has many flaws and a tiny amount of entertainment with some good VFX.

    Secrets and lies of writers bubbling around?!
  • colel26772 April 2018
    Love this episode when I saw it the first time on Bones!
  • Loved the first two episodes and then comes this one. It's a rip-off of Bones Season 5 episode 3 right down to the Amish piano boy with the sticks he used as imaginary piano keys. Hopefully lazy writers won't ruin this series.
  • Almost word for word rip off of two Bones' episodes "The Plain in the Prodigy" and "The Con Man in the Meth Lab". If I were original writer, I would sue...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    And the plot's been done, on Bones. Almost point for point copy, from the Amish like community, piano keys hidden under the bed, the kid leaving to study music against his parents wishes, etc.

    This show is derivative, combining elements taken from Bones, Castle, the Mentalist, and more. I wanted to like it, I really did, but it's just not worth it.
  • pasmithx2 April 2018
    Elements in the plot of this episode are almost identical to elements in a 2009 episode of Bones called "The Plain of the Prodigy." Even some of the dialogue is similar. We've run out of interesting story ideas?
  • stepmark3 April 2018
    As it has been said this episode was done with bones S5E3 the plain in the prodigy with 1 thing changed the Amish to just a religious & the dynamic between the cop her sister some as booth & brother what wasn't said was this whole show is basical a rip off of Castle the Detective am& writer even using his book as clues
  • aggie80-14 April 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Not only was it a clone of the Bones episode, I could swear it was the same footage being used in the last scene. It is really too bad that the writers couldn't come up with something original, I think the basic premise of the series, as well as the actors, is promising, but this faux pas is going to turn off a lot of viewers.
  • emmita_bonita4 April 2018
    The first two episodes were almost good, not quiiiite there, but as I could see where the show was trying to go I still recorded episode 3. What. A. Sad. Disappointment. I am completely in awe as to how the blatant plagiarized plot could have gotten past any and all of the many levels of production that a script must go through from the writing room, through set production and even lighting, all the way to filming. Had not one person ever seen Bones? Or did they not care, and went through with it anyway because they had already run out of material? I did love Bones- not a super fan, but even I know about the referees episode, and even I know that the show had, and still has, one of the biggest fan bases of all time. Forgetting all of this and back to the point/plot/show... dammit, Cummings. I thought you would add depth to a character who could be interesting. However sadly, no. When you say "it's a piano!" at the desk it was worse than someone with no training going to a Broadway audition. Storylines, characters and just general cheesiness (quite literally no other word for it) just make this a show that I, personally, believe will be on for one, MAX two seasons. If it goes on for longer than that, it will be to my complete surprise. Dammit, Alan. You were much better in Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As noted by several other reviews, this episode rehashes the plot of Bones S05E03, "The Plain in the Prodigy." Looking up writer Christopher Ambrose's credits, it's worth noting he was a writer/producer on Bones until 2007, two years before the episode in question. I would speculate this was a script he submitted that went unused till after he left Bones.
  • Writers should be ashamed of them selfs. Stolen from a episode of bones s05e03 almost verbatim. Plagiarism should be a crime.