User Reviews (33)

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  • gloopy-452394 March 2019
    Worth a watch, some genuine laugh out loud moments in this, well there was for me.Stories been done over and over but i would still recommend this one, if you're looking for some fun and can't find nothing to watch
  • jnwseatiger2 January 2021
    These two actresses are so natural in these roles its like I am watching a few days in their life rather than a film. Dazed and Confused was my era and I find the differences in both the Music and Culture really interesting. While much has changed from the 70's, much stays the same. Because I teach this age group and could write a book of my observations of a generation which at times seems muddled and lacking in any direction, its films like this that gives better insight into the same quest of every generation... looking for that elusive "unicorn" that Jessie seems to be willing to trip to see but as you come to find out you don't have to go down the rabbit hole to get there
  • Evanoil11 October 2018
    I wouldn't say its an original piece or that its a real gem or something like that , but i must say that i really enjoyed this film . It doesn't have a cheap stupid puns and it somehow provides a sense of an adventure , makes me feel good when i see that you can still make a decent comedy without stupid jokes and naked bodies. Its a good movie for a beer and a snack , i really recommend it for everyone.
  • "Never Goin' Back" (2018 release; 85 min.) brings the (mis)adventures of Angela and Jessie. As the movie opens, Angela has a surprise for Jessie: for Jessie's 17th birthday next week, Angela has bought them a stay in Galveston. "How did you pay for it?", asks Jessie. "I used the rent money", confesses Angela. But the girls can make up for the shortfall if they do all the shifts that week as waitresses. Ala, things don't go quite as planned... At this point we're less than 10 min. into the movie, but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

    Couple of comments: the movie is written and directed by Augustine Frizzell, better known for her acting. This is her feature-length directing debut. Here she brings us the story of these two BFFs who are high-school drop-outs, and share a small apartment with Jessie's brother and a buddy of his. From all the looks and feels of it, they are all losers. But take a closer look, and instead you'll see two teenagers who are at the doorsteps of adulthood, and for whom anything is possible still. We never find out anything about either's parents or other clues as to how they got to where they are now. Beware, there are some very crude scenes in the film, so if that is not your kind of humor, better stay away from this film. I thought there were some truly hilarious scenes. "Dude, I puked him to death!" (comment from one of the girls when she accidentally throws up on someone) is an instant classic line. The best sequence in the film comes when the girls accidentally eat spiked cookies and end up high as a kite just before they need to be at work. Hilarity ensues.... just watch! The two leads (Australian actress Maia Mitchell as Angela and Camila Morrone as Jessie) are charming and have obvious screen chemistry. Last but not least, there is tons of great music in the film, both as the the original score (courtesy of singer Sarah Jaffe) and the many song placements in the film.

    "Never Goin' Back" premiered at this year's Sundance film festival to good acclaim. It finally reached my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati this weekend, The Saturday matinee screening where I saw this at was attended dismally (3 people, including myself). Probably the picture-perfect weather outside had something to do with it. Regardless, if you are in the mood for a truly indie film about the lives and times of two teenagers on the verge of adulthood, I'd encourage you to check this out, be it in the theater, on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray, and draw your own conclusion.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Let's be honest and state up front that the 2 lead (female) characters are smokin' hot. Arguably "elevens" on a scale of ten. The movie opens with our 2 lovely young ladies waking up in bed together then engaging in some extremely provocative, playful quasi-sexual activity, in equally sexy attire. For the majority of the movie, our lovely ladies are either disrobing, partially disrobed, or in extremely alluring attire. Is our beautiful couple in a lesbian relationship? The subject matter is hinted at a few times but never stated outright or explored beyond surface banter. These positives alone are responsible for me eagerly watching the movie more than once.

    The male portion of the cast is led by the surprise (to me) appearance of Kyle Mooney of recent SNL fame. I've never been a big fan of Mr. Mooney's work but then again he's been an SNL "B lister", only getting small bits. In this movie he really gets a chance to develop his character. A very cool surprise! He plays an adolescent high school kid, a bit socially awkward with raging teenage hormones as his most prominent quality. Perhaps a mix of Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World with a touch of Beavis & Butt-Head. It's truly a great role and highly elevated Kyle's status in my book.

    It's a good story that keeps our attention with some truly funny lines and scenes. I'm a tad bit disappointed in the ending. It changes the overall feel of the movie from "all this stuff could really happen" to "ok this is a fantasy". But a big hats off to the movie's creators for showing us that girls can hang with the big boys when it comes to making great "buddy flicks" with a stoner edge. Like Wayne's World, Dude Where's My Car, Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob, etc. And the added eye candy here is just a bonus.
  • This was a very low budget Indy film but it had class in a way that it didn't completely suck! It was funny at times, but I think it was for a younger generation. Crazy cuz how they acted in the movie is exactly how my older friends act in real life lol. Loved the two leads they were not great actresses but they did their best. Was not sure if they were together or just sleeping together. Lesbian appreciation movie? When the brothers friends started humping the ground, that was hilarious. Looking at this film it almost looked like they were in downtown Fort Worth. Signs said River Oak though, so who knows. I think if you can appreciate a good Indy film and your from a younger generation, this is a movie for you. They did get one thing right though, Galveston beach is nasty, take if from someone who lives in Arlington and has been there before.
  • westsideschl12 November 2018
    Yes, some humor. Not demanding acting roles. Stereotypical fast food workers need money to go on a vacation. Usual drugs; good looking guys; not-so-good looking guys as counterpoint. Drug deal goes awry; get in trouble at work; irresponsible at times. Steal money as if it's OK, but not a good message in this make it real tale. Forgettable, but if you like this type script it's a good time waster.
  • Never Goin' Back is a raunchy, ridiculous, and wildly entertaining film from top to bottom. The pace is fleet, the characters are fun, and the writer/director was able to capture a lightning in a bottle slice of life (for stupid people) on par with the greats. Think 'Tangerine'. Getting it even closer to its comparison, the audience isn't begged to love these two dummies, but it's impossible not to. For all their hare brained ideas and bucket pooping, the inescapable fact is that these are two nearly homeless 16 year old girls with apparently no parents, no direction, no safety net. They've truly slipped through the cracks of the system and have to make or find everything they have; money, rent, furniture, and most importantly joy. I love this film.
  • Whoever made the trailer for this film really knew how to get my hyped for it. Looked like a stupid film about teenagers who did nothing but do drugs and do dumb stuff. Its pretty much exactly that and its good enough in that regard. The laughs don't come at all times but when they do its absolutely hilarious. I had a good time with this, might give it a re-watch some time down the road. Its like a Pineapple Express but with teenage girls, an enjoyable 90 minutes.

    The film is about two teenage waitresses who are looking forward to go the beach and relax. They put their rent money into that vacation. In the meantime they are affiliated with their drug dealing roommates, and mix into that lifestyle themselves. Along the way, the girls get fired, get stoned, puke, and party. You know, the typical stuff. Oh yeah, and one of the leads needs to take a crap for the entire duration of the film, this is a legit storyline.

    I liked both lead actresses in their roles. These are two girls who are looking for short cuts to get ahead. They are at a dead end job and just want to do drugs and party. The characters are annoying at times but overall you want to see where they go next. I think the chicken shop robbery was absolutely hilarious. The comedy isn't effective everywhere but when it is, its hilarious. The moments where the two leads have edibles and are stoned the rest of the way is incredibly accurate.

    The film is legitimately about nothing and has no stakes. Not that problematic because its still funny. Have you ever needed to poop really badly but had to hold it in for a long period of time? Yeah, so that's a plot point here. The film is just going to fade away as swiftly as it came but it was an enjoyable effort. Side note, Kyle Mooney somehow manages to become the MVP once again.

  • Looks like I'm clearly in the minority here, but I found little humor in this stoner "comedy". Two teen BFF"S (Maia Mitchell and Camila Morrone), working as waitresses at a diner, are trying to get enough cash together to go on dream trip to the beach at Galveston.

    The chaos and misadventures that follow might have been funny, but to me they just deteriorated into gross, crude, and moronic elements that were more annoying and painful to watch than anything else.

    Not for me.
  • nathanpendley19 August 2018
    This is a great buddy flick. It's full of hilarious moments, the actresses killed it, and I felt good when the credits started rolling, and it never got boring. If you're looking for some fun entertainment with a heart, check it out.
  • I really, really dislike what this movie represents - lack of respect for responsibilities and other people, no real accountability, etc. I felt anxious, irritated and/or uncomfortable for most of the movie, and I disliked the girls quite a bit. However, whether or not I like or agree with the topic and characters, I don't think it matters as much as the reaction they provoke. With that said, I think I was supposed to feel all those emotions, unless I could relate (I couldn't), so job well done.

    The lack of sex and nudity (especially considering the type of movie) shows they were actually trying to tell a story, instead of using cheap tricks for shock value, so kudos for that as well.

    The brother was my favorite character; he was so terrible and ridiculous, he had me cracking up throughout the movie. Kyle Mooney was funny, of course, playing the same character as always.

    If you liked American Honey and Spring Breakers, give this one a shot. It's not as good, but I liked it a lot more than I expected (judging by the first 10-15 minutes).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Two teenage girls want to go to the beach . They do drugs , go to jail and lose all of their money . They do more drugs and attempt their hand at robbery which goes horribly right . They continue to drugs and go to the beach .


  • missbestworst6 January 2019
    Highly enjoyable, fun movie about what feels like me and my friends in my late teens/early 20s. Has a linklater feel, partially bc of youth, partially bc of Texas( which is subtle, but awesome for a native like me). Super fun, natural and highly watchable.
  • amgee-8955130 November 2019
    Hilarious coming to age flick! It's just a fun time movie! The both female leads was great init. 6/10
  • I can enjoy a dumb movie (I thought the recent Baywatch was ok), but this was not enough for me. Actors aren't funny, and every 10 min or so there's a weird "woke" topic brought up that falls super flat and is cringy and hamfisted.

    Honestly my guess is that this movie was just made to show teenage girls in underwear, they spend 1/2 of the 30 min I could sit through scantily clad (I didn't even finish the movie I was so bored.)

    Wouldn't recommend anyone watch this
  • joriethomas7 April 2022
    There really aren't enough stoner buddy female movies and this one was great. I love the girls' personalities and both actresses nailed it. It's frustrating that all these types of characters are usually written for men so it's refreshing to see women break out of the norm.
  • For everyone calling them best friends or buds the two girls in this movie are clearly a couple. It's referenced multiple times that they make out and have sex and are dating. Stop assuming when two females are close that they could only just be friends. Now in terms of actually reviewing it I enjoyed it though the humor is quite cheap/raunchy and the audio wasn't sinked very well at times. The life decisions Jessie and Angela make are so poor and cringe worthy it's almost hard to watch at times but are very in keeping with their characters and what gets them into hilarious situations. It's not a super well made movie but if you are looking for a fun movie to not take too seriously then it's great. I will say this film does not do Maia Mitchell(who plays Angela) justice. Her acting skills are definitely above it.
  • This movie shows some skin, if you can get past that, it's a great ride. No big name actors, gritty camera work, and with all that the movie is entertaining from start to finish. Has a good dose of comedy as well, plus the two girls do a really good job acting. Would defiantly watch again.
  • So it opens with one girl drawing a penis on the other girl's face, they get up and walk into the other room and now the penis is gone? What? Is there any rhyme or reason anymore?

    Let's forget that we have to believe these girls are playing 16 despite them being 21/25 respectfully . Let's also forget that no one would actually behave the way these girls do. Let's also pretend we believe that her mom is out hooking in the street right in front of their house. The brother is a dealer, and she seems to have a problem with that despite her raunchy behavior and herself doing drugs?

    Their relationship? Ambiguous. It's one situation after the other that is just so ridiculously not believable. All this stuff happened within 12 minutes. Two young black guys break into the house and trying to get money owed and then steals an OLD TV, because that's what they would do. And then the insanely unfunny cop scene. All enough to turn it off before the 15 minute mark. One cop had a 70s porn mustache. right... 70s porn mustache.. None of it made any sense.... A24 get it together!!! Who the hell green lit this script??

    I could write an essay of why this was wrong and bad, but I think I said enough. No wonder why this was a failure...
  • Save yourself some time and read the spoilers. There is nothing to be gained by watching this. The cute girls aren't naked enough, the comedy isn't funny enough, and the plot isn't even a little bit compelling.
  • djones-9443919 October 2018
    Really enjoyed it, fun and simple. Really captures a feeling. Worth a watch.
  • The girls are cute. But the bases for the movie is insane. Young people age 16 snorting coke like that's a normal thing? Sad. And the seen with the mid afternoon party? That doesn't happen! As well as there is not parties like that with white and black people together lmao. And then the two pretty girls leave and get on a city bus? Lmao never would that happen! So I just call bull on this movie. Other then the cute girls the movie is nonsense!
  • Overall fairly good go nowhere flick about 2 chicks trying to make rent. Stoner humor but well done for the most part. Found the characters enjoyable enough to get through it. There is nothing new here but it's a decently told story about nothing important.
  • The movie was a pure instant classic which combined humor, drama, and not to mention a few twist and turns. This film was very well written and was very fun and enjoyable to watch.
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