User Reviews (90)

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  • Neon_Gold22 November 2020
    My biggest recommendation I can give is if you are thinking of watching this movie go and watch Spree (2020) instead. That movie handles every subject in this movie 10% better. It's so much more satirical and bitting than this movie.

    My biggest praise is the soundtrack at the beginning of the movie. The music department really understood the basic premise of the movie more than the actors or the filmmakers. It is full of "neon" dreamlike songs that really capture this youthful, whirlwind, runaway in the night fantasy. Now only if the movie captured that feeling.

    The characters are really childlike and really directionless. This is also not helped by the acting. It is really cartoon like.

    I did warm more towards the movie when Amber Riley appeared. It got a little better but I still wouldn't recommend it.
  • A wanna-be and watered down version of Natural Born Killers for the Generation Mimimi (or better Mememe). Best part = hot Bella. That's it. Disappointing.
  • bigbadbri994 February 2021
    I rather liked it, something to watch after a long day. Brain power not required.
  • Oh my dear Lord, this was pretentious tripe.

    It's in the Hey, look as sexy as possible while committing a crime garbage that has no relevance or point.

    Bella Thorne loves herself some Bella Thorne. This movie was made so she could pout, parade and prance. Some guy was in it, too, but I can't be bothered to know is his name.

    They do terrible things while looking cool. That's all that really matters, right? The filter you choose when you post the pictures.

    Also. She covers her face when robbing people, but leaves that unique sleeve tattoo uncovered for the world to see. No one is going to recognize her from the videos, though. Because ... lame movie.

    I'm mad that Netflix suggested it for me. What did I do to deserve that?

    Ugh, horribly lame movie. What a waste of resources.
  • Bonnie and Clyde for a social media generation could been a really good film. The use of music makes you think it is going be stylish. Sadly it's very dull. The leads look good but can't act. The film fails to get you to connect to or care about them. So you end up not really bothered about what happens to them. Ironically a social media generation will be on their phones and lost interest in a few minutes in and it doesn't get any better. Watch Spring Breakers to see how it should have been done.
  • This movie makes Legally Blonde look brilliant. A rip off of many older movie scripts and remade terribly for social media loving millennials. How is this actress still getting work? 100 mins I will never get back. Actual rating: -5
  • My girlfriend picked this movie to watch and I don't think I've seen anything this terrible since Glitter. The whole movie we were screaming wtf as each scene played out. Completely unbelievable even for today's, "facts are no longer relevant" society. The best part of this movie was when the credits finally rolled. After watching this, I wish there was a way to permanently remove movies from my Netflix.
  • 1 out of 5 stars.

    Infamous is one of the worst films about a young adult girl Arielle (Bella Thorne) who wants to escape her home town and become famous. She meets a guy Dean (Jake Manley) which he is out of prison and on parole. After an incident. She and him go on a robbery spree while posting on social media and getting many followers.

    Like a bonnie and clyde idea with using social media to get people to like them. Even when body counts rises. However, these characters are so unlikable. Bella Thorne and Jake Manley did not help create an emotional connection with there characters. Bella facing her moms boyfriend who may or may not stolen her money. Jake having father issues. It was difficult to care for these characters.

    The plot is dumb. The acting is horrible. Stupid dialogue. And a very boring ride with these characters that has a soundtrack that may be attracting to a younger female teen crowd.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was decent, from a storyline perspective. Tons of plot holes, plot Devices, etc. The summary is poor freebird stoner waitress meets ex con, falls in love same night, then some unexpected unfortunate circumstances push both of them to a Bonnie and Clyde crime spree across several states while posting their crimes to social media. The story is primarily the "love and crime" story of the two main characters, with a short side story of when they meet a very likable fan, Ellie.

    The male lead was ok, servicable, and even though the female lead was steering the ship, he didn't come across as a moron or a simp, just a lost dude with no moral compass.

    But where this movie shined, for me, was the production values and soundtrack (had a bootleg Michael Mann feel), and an absolutely killer performance from Bella Thorne as the fearless, lost, fame hungry teen who has one priority in life, her followers. As she gains more and more fame, she becomes crazier and more dedicated to her end game (which minor spoiler, she gets in the movies last scene). She steals every scene she's in and quite honestly was captivating to watch in this role. She can change her personality as quickly as she changes her All Stars, and if someone told you about this story occurring in real life and you had to guess what "Bonnie" acted like, it would've been Thorne in this movie.

    I honestly can't believe I'm saying this about Bella Thorne. Maybe the fact she makes her living off IG makes this a natural role for her. That said, overall, was a decently fun ride, and if nothing else, the "crazy chick" makes it worth while.
  • One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Huge waste of time. Just don't watch it save yourself now.
  • The movie is neither good or bad. it describes anyway a stupid society (ours) obsessed with social media and the way many teenagers want to get famous. How many people got caught after posting their crime on Facebook or snapchat ? This is not a movie, it's a documentary of our idiocracy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Arielle (Belle Thorne) hates her small-town life and is attracted to bad boy Dean (Jake Manley). She wants to be famous and lives for followers. When Dean's father dies in an altercation, the couple does the Bonnie and Clyde thing going out to Hollywood with Arielle uploading criminal activity on her cell phone. It is all fun and games until someone loses an eye or a cop is killed.

    The film captures how inane some people are with Instagram, followers, and being on-line famous. Belle Thorne does an excellent job as a bad girl. Good for what it was.

    Guide: F-word. sex. No nudity
  • This movie sadly confuses clueless yougsters the difference between reality and the fantassy world. I guess that is why we see so much crime nowadays. Most youngsters want everything the easy way. They want to get rich but they don't want to be dedicated and earn it the natural way. They want everything the easy and the crooked way. They don't care who they hurt on the way as long as they get what they want. The sad reality of majority of the younger generation. *Did anyone notice, at the end when Arielle was about to be caught by the police she was holding a brand new iPhone 7/8 in her hand before her last blog, and the moment she let go of the phone and when it hit the ground it was an old, damaged iPhone 6. LoL 😆
  • Overall the sum of the total parts or scenes didn't add up. Solid acting by Bella she's a good actress. Violent and realistic. The social media element was innovative and current but they should've given it more thought. They coulda done more with it. Ending was so predictable too. I've seen worse. I've seen much better too.
  • I heard this was the number one movie and laughed. It's like if a 16 year old girl directed natural born killers. Terrible. Don't watch it!! I only give it a 3 cause I love some bella Thorne
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Infamous is a story about two young adults Ariel (Bella Thorne) who is obsessed with becoming famous and Dean (Jake Manley) an ex-con living with an alcoholic father. They both want to escape their small time life in Florida. As a result they end up going on a crime spree and Ariel records everything and posts it online in order to get followers and become famous even though Dean is against it at first.

    They put very little thought into their actions, wear bandanas as a disguise and don't bother to cover their tattoos or to cover their features properly. As a result they are soon being pursued by police and things soon escalate. If this sounds like Natural Born Killers or Bonnie And Clyde it is because this movie borrows heavily from those two but has social media thrown into the mix. At one point Bonnie And Clyde are in fact mentioned by a tv reporter. The problem here is that Ariel as a main character becomes more and more unlikeable and psychotic and it's very difficult to care for her when you know how the movie will end as this is shown in the opening scene. The acting is mostly fine although Thorne does overact when she is acting angsty and annoyed. Maybe this was done on purpose to show how unhinged the character really is. The rest of the cast is fine but doesn't get much screen time.

    If the purpose of this film was to make a social commentary about obsession with fame it should have had a more likeable lead character because Ariel is not someone to root for. Overall the movie tends to drag and should have been shorter and is as a result nothing special.
  • bostickjason20 August 2020
    Terrible female was terrible. Her acting was good enough for a high school play, and maybe not even that.
  • tkarlmann16 June 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Oh, the movie quality isn't bad -- but the story and the ending really are bad.

    See, unlike most of you young folks, I remember the 1967 film "Bonnie & Clyde" -- when it first came out. A lot of people were saying that that film "glorified the criminals". When I saw the film, I didn't think that -- and Bonnie and Clyde had a rough go of it and were gunned down by police (justifiably) at the end. This movie tends to glorify these type criminals -- with a smile & wink to the camera at the end. They have no after-the-heist shots of this horrible girl-character spending the rest of her young life in jail. She's even worse than "The Manson Family"! (I can see your thumbs smoking looking THAT one up!)

    This film has absolutely NO redeeming qualities whatsoever. (well, unless you want to see the girl in lots of really short-shorts.) If I could give this film less than one star, I would. It is a waste of film stock.
  • audyb-1338414 September 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Kept me interested. Her need for likes got her lover killed and ruined her life but she was fully satisfied. Bella made me believe she was that dumb and trashy. Jake Manley was a believable teenage boyfriend with issues letting a girl wreck him. Worth a watch.
  • Now kind of resembling a young Stephanie Seymour, surgically-enhanced actress Bella Thorne stars in this crime drama.

    She plays a wild-child teenager living in Florida . There is a mutual attraction between her and the new kid in town- a bad boy ex-con. It doesn't take much to send them on a crime spree; fueled by internet notoriety, more than money.

    She is the more reckless of the two, but is no real explanation for her sociopathy. There are no surprises in this movie and the violence, although sudden, is not shocking because this story has no semblance to reality. In comparison, a Tarantino fantasy seems like a documentary.

    Today's worlds of technology and instant fame have been explored much better in other films. 3/10 stars.
  • mariekevanderleij4 November 2022
    Stylish in a sense. I liked the music and rythme to the exploding social media comments - well done! Two kids from a broken, violent upbringing trying to out run their bleak prospects. Sure, the universe may have plotted out an exciting new destiny for them, but could it really be so different to the slippery slope they've been on since birth?

    Cutting out the irritating ff'ing in almost every line would have made a better, less boring script. But the movie is spot on with the addiction to social media - even to the point where it zeniths logic when one's life and that of others is in jeopardy.
  • I shouldn't have really liked this film, but I did. For the most part, it kept me engaged, and the 100 min runtime was paced just right. I do feel that 10-15 mins trimmed/cut off the runtime may have done this justice, as well as not having such a rushed and disappointing ending. I also would've rated this film higher if it had more substance and less filler. The directing was on point, as was the cinematography. The score and soundtrack was fitting. Casting was decent, with Thorne stealing the spotlight, and her character worked great with Manley. I was left wanting more, and I wish the writing had delivered that. Not sure why all the wannabe critic ninjas rated this so low, but it's well deserving of my 7/10
  • missbestworst27 January 2022
    This movie is horrible. Bella thornes acting was terrible and a lot of her "being intimidating" is talking like she's Michael Keaton Batman. Awful. Do. Not. Waste. Your. Time. I'm exponentially more dumb having seen this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Trying really hard to be Kalifornia and Natural Born Killers for the new millennium, this is a movie about two idiots who go on a crime spree and hope to be famous.

    So yeah, you don't get "famous" by commiting crimes, you get as the title suggests, "imfamous," but these leads are too stupid to comprehend it.

    It's just two completely unlikeable characters, which isn't a bad thing if they were at least interesting, which they are not in any sense. The lead female is annoying in every way. You want her gone in the first two scenes she is so awful.

    It's literally impossible to get through this poorly acted and written movie without the fast forward button. I don't know why making your lead this annoying was a good idea, but she is painful to watch.

    But the dumbest thing of all was the big "crowd" who is cheering her on and waving signs for her - when in reality if someone was killing human beings and committing the crimes this nitwit was, they wouldn't be cheering her on like she's a famous actress. It's insulting.

    Would her Instagram have a lot of followers? Oh yeah. Would it still be up after a day? Not remotely. This movie is stupid beyond belief.

    I don't know if the lead female actress would be good in other roles, I only know she was terrible in this and the role itself was terrible. Unwatchable.

    Yeah, that should be the title - not "infamous," but "Unwatchable."
  • westsideschl13 September 2020
    Basic premise was crime inspired by the desire for seeing how many social media & 'Tube followers/likes one can get as our ego driven female w/boyfriend post their Bonnie & Clyde crime spree. Really poor acting (well, none required with this script). Lots of obscenities & tough posing w/the usual fillers of partying, drugs, & alcohol to fill the hour & half (fortunately there's FF). Oh, and cold shoot a cop & a couple of others; rob a few places. Dumb ending.
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