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  • Of course this is an ooooold topic, but normally you don't see it have too much of an effect on the story. In this episode it definitely does. And it's so cringey aswell.

    Atleast in the movies Clarke changes his looks quite abit, but Supergirl an Kara seriously look the same...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So let me get this straight....Supergirl lost her powers suddenly when the Worldkillers-induced solar eclipse was at totality? dumb can that be? Supergirl DOES NOT lose powers right away just because she is not bathing in the yellow's sun's radiation. For example: a) she has powers AT NIGHT...when the side of the Earth she is on, is facing AWAY from the sun, b) She has powers indoors, c) she has powers when in an underground facility. So why would she SUDDENLY loser pwers when there is a total eclipse? That is purely dumb....I am insulted that the show's writers thing the audience must be a bunch of idiots to buy that part of the storyline.

    This has been a great season, but the above part just turned me off.