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  • degaswilson27 September 2018
    This show delivered on what it set out to do.

    I was cracking up at the jokes and the kids are really talented.

    Where did they get these kid actors. Really really good.

    I just like vibe of the cast. They are a mixture of good, bad, stupid and funny.

    I will watch again in the coming weeks to see if I am pleased with the overall show.

    Brad Garrett is still my favorite.

    I mean, this is life. Children, emotions, living and child care period.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everyone writing reviews about how the kids are not realistic blah blah blah cmon dude it's a network sitcom not band of brothers
  • WilliamofTexas3 October 2019
    I was prepared to dislike this show but this cast is great and the writing is great, too. Let's see how season two goes.
  • dianamarinelli26 October 2020
    I love this show it is so refreshing and cute and the humour are actually decent. It's a shame this show got cancelled had so much potential
  • I was very shocked by how much I loved this show. It has a GREAT cast, it's funny, sweet, and very relatable! It's just one of those shows that make you laugh while making your heart all happy! I highly recommend!!
  • Fun and easy going family sitcom. They really should not cancel it after just 2 seasons. I know there are a lot of great shows about zombies and drog cartels, but they just not the same and I don't think that is too strong competition in the family sitcom genre as everything is either concluded or cancelled.
  • I love this show. I don't know if I enjoy the kids more or the adults but Single Parents is a smart, well written and funny show.
  • I can appreciate that any new comedy TV series needs a few episodes under their belt to determine if they can sustain a reasonable audience in the ratings game. My initial assessment of Single Parents is that I will give it a few more episodes for two main reasons:

    1. The show does not use canned laughter which tells me that the producers are confident in their show and would prefer to rely on the intelligence of their audience who can determine for ourselves if the show is funny and if the story lines are interesting.

    2. Although I have only seen the first episode I was quite impressed with how professional all the single parents young children performed. Not only are the children funny, they have good comedic delivery with great facial expressions.

    As for all the single parents, the jury is still out on them as we learn what baggage each of them carry which is why they are single parents in the first place.

    I give the show a 6 out of 10 rating.
  • The kind of show you watch when you can't sleep and and then you realize adam brody stars on it so you want to see him and then you realize you have finished the show
  • bgar-809323 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    More than anything I enjoyed the cast. I didn't find it super funny or anything but I liked all the parents at least, they were all pretty likable. The kids weren't bad either. Not real laugh out loud stuff but really watchable. I got invested in the characters and was wanting Will and Angie to get together at the end but I guess it got canceled after the second season. Worth a shot and shows some of the difficulties of raises kids while also ignoring that they have kids pretty often so they can have their own side stories.
  • wisse-tolsma27 October 2019
    It might be a cultural difference since I'm from the Netherlands, but I really find this show unwatchable. Extremely superficial, no character development at all and the children are annoyingly smart mouthed. I find the show extremely cringy and not funny.
  • This is the first new show to make me laugh in a long time!! Don't listen to the people ragging on this show because they mention feminism and *gasp* SINGLE parents!!
  • jaqsn31 October 2018
    Okay, it's cheesy, and kids don't really talk like that, but it knows this and that makes it fun. It's not laugh out loud, but it's warming, like a bowl of cheesy soup. Me like.
  • Want to like it. Over the top, cringe worthy acting makes it hard to watch. A fabricated diva melt down in a pet store is not entertaining.
  • lindsay218197812 November 2018
    I hardly ever watch live tv anymore so this was a surprise when I found it incredibly funny and smart. The mix of characters is great and the way Brad Garret plays a father of 2 adorable little girls is so awesome. The kids aren't over acting and are peppered into each storyline perfectly. I can't say enough about this show. I hope it gets picked up for a second season.
  • Yes the show is a bit cheesy, yes the kids are acting like adults and the adults are acting like kids, and yes some of the kids are waaay too much (Rory! (who writes this stuff?!)) But for what it is, a simple, lighthearted, feelgood sitcom, it's doing fine. Perfect for a lazy sunday afternoon
  • The kids were as funny as the adults. Please bring it back for a season 3. I've never laughed so hard in my life.
  • NicoletteSteele27 September 2018
    I had high hopes for this show based on the cast... But nine minutes and I'm already having a hard time watching it. It's nothing but a bunch of one-liners with a very weak storyline.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Single Parents *is* funny but humor is always subjective, so that's not enough info to properly review this freshman comedy gem.

    First off, I'm not a Single Parent; I'm actually childfree, so you don't have to be a breeder 😉😬 to enjoy this show.

    So let's get into the guts of this show. There's an amazing cast w/wonderful chemistry, both among the parents themselves and w/the kids & parents in the cast. The show is well-written enough, meaning yes it can be predictable at times & a bit cheesy as such, but there are plenty of LOL moments and fresh one-liners to keep the pace.

    It does take a bit for the show to grease its wheels and move along smoothly, but that's true of anything, really. Giving a show a crappy rating based on a bad pilot, or not giving it a real chance beyond a couple episodes isn't exactly fair anyway, as most people know. Stick with it beyond a couple episodes and you may be rewarded, as I was, because once Single Parents finds its groove, it becomes a can't miss each week.

    The key to this show, imo, is that often the kids act more like parents "should" while the parents act like kids. I don't mean that the parents are irresponsible or immature, just that the kids help the parents grow & become better people. This applies to both the kids of the actual parents & kids from other parents. They eventually become a found family and their adventures are quite entertaining. Kudos their casting directors because the kids are paired well w/their fictional parents & chemistry works well all around.

    My only concern is where this show can go in future seasons. There's plenty of material out there, of course, but hopefully the writers & crew keep creating fresh comedy that keeps pace w/similar shows.
  • I have been binge watching this show and loving every minute i beg of you let us knou hou it ends, we definitly need another season
  • There are few things I care about less than raising children, and my initial thoughts on Single Parents, which is about only that, is "this is kind of cute and moderately funny with a bland but likable lead so I guess I'll watch another episode and see how I feel."

    8 episodes later I'm still watching.

    The jokes are often funny. Brad Garrett is great as the opposite of the bland leading guy. The kids are surprisingly neurotic and amusing.

    At a certain point I went from, "guess I'll try one more episode" to "guess I'm just gonna keep watching this." It's not the best comedy on TV, but it's much better than it has any right to be, and improves as it goes along, so I'd recommend checking it out.
  • Like others have mentioned, it's like the writers have never met a child. I get they're trying to be funny and all but giving the kids adult personalities makes the show unwatchable. I work with first graders daily and imagining any of them saying a single thing that comes out of these kids' mouths makes me laugh (with ridicule). No child talks or acts like this!!!! They eat their boogers and mess up! I understand the importance of diverse representation but having an extremely flamboyant gay six year old who acts like a caricature should seriously offend LGBT people.
  • lineilskov14 January 2021
    Loved the show. It was funny and cute. The cast was amazing, Taran's and Leighton's cemistry. And even the youngsters, such talented kids. I am so unbelievably upset that it got cancelled!!!

    Especially after that cliffhanger...
  • I found this series hilarious with crazy but loveable characters....except for one- Rory. This child character is demanding, bossy, dismissive, over the top dramatic, has an ego that knows no limit and all the characters pander to him as if he's being adorable or they're scared of him. This character spoils the series for me unfortunately.
  • Why, oh why do people write kids as if they're adults? It's totally unbelievable. Have the writers ever met a child? I don't want to disparage the young actors, they do a good job. It's the writing, the awful, unrealistic, tacky writing. 3/10 for hiring a great cast, shame about the rest.
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