User Reviews (2)

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  • When I say "poor man's" I don't refer to cheap, low budget or anything like that. The camera work is quite good, you couldn't really tell it apart from a more professional production, good editing, nice cuts, it all works.

    But the rest of the movie is somewhat ridiculous honestly, people that make such bizarre decisions, so much dialogue that does not belong there and one laughable ending.

    Very few good things to be said about this one, it has a Strangers vibe mixed with You're Next, but it really didn't work whatsoever, also, something that particularly stood out is the fact that the eye candy comes from a guy, obviously ripped and probably a natty too, who is topless a little more over half the movie. The camera really focused on his physique a lot, it reminded me a little of Return of the Living Dead with the permanently naked chick.

    Anyway, it is not something to recommend, not even to pass the time. Luckily it does have one trait that always betrays bad movies: right at the very start, there is a song by a band on stage, and the song, is full. Not a few seconds or scenes for the atmosphere, but an entire song. Now you know.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I like some bad/mediocre movies like Wrong Turn but this was a really really bad movie. Acting was so bad, a lot of yelling, loud voices for no reason and shirtless guy. Like the first comment said, decent production but such bad acting and terrible lines. The "scary" (WAS NOT SCARY WHATSOEVER) parts of the movie take place in broad day light and they couldn't just make a run for it? Break the windows maybe? There's 7 of them and not 1 of them has a brain, the men had a 2 V 1 multiple times and did absolutely nothing but scream and run.

    At the end of the movie one of the guys says he's going to make a run for it but somehow ended up upstairs when the garage door was literally right next to him. Again ladies and gentlemen, the whole movie took place in broad daylight guys, 7 V 2/3 and they all died. How dumb can one be. Coulda been a good movie but wasn't. -_-