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  • If you've seen the Super Bowl commercial that almost looked like a trailer for the next Dundee movie, then you've seen this one as well. Chock full of the hottest talent in Australia, this fake trailer is well done and shows viewers what's really down under. It also raises the possibility of a reboot set in the Dundee universe.
  • I would love to watch this movie with this cast. Why isn't it being done already?
  • This is a short film about the next Dundee movie, that features numerous famous faces.

    I really thought it was a real trailer! I have been looking forward to the film, and yet I found out there was in fact no film to look forward to. The short film is funny, and I really liked it.
  • They got it just right not too long not too short. Packed with stars instant love interest and the bad guy
  • This would be the best movie, but is it cost $30 million to make a 3 minute commercial can you imagine the budget for a full length feature film? 🤣
  • eldougorashid11 February 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    One thing about it, some marketing director has the proof that there is indeed an interested market in a "Full Feature Length Movie."

    When my wife and I saw the very first trailer of this my wife and I looked at each other and said "DATE NIGHT"!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was brilliant!

    For those that whine about the movie NOT actually getting made... You DID get new content. I saw the outback, I saw the Dundee. Too bad it was so short, but before this came out, we had nothing. Cheers!
  • sam-mpb12 May 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    WOW! this campaign is the most incredible piece of advertisement ever done! If I could rate 11 I would. So much effort from Droga5 agency to put this together. This should be celebrated yearly in Australia day! Go Aussies!
  • Margot Robbie has choosen great roles and her performances reflect her excellent talent and 100% dedication to the character and the project as a whole. Bravo Margot and thank you for your tireless effort. Brandt
  • Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone play with the fans like that? This is just cruel... If they would have made a tourism spot they should have not made it to mess up with people. 99% of the people who watched the spot thought it was a movie trailer and were excited for it to came out. I think this can even be cataloged as SCAM. Very disappointed and very angry about whoever had the idea to mess with people like this.
  • When's the movie 🎥 coming out or when they gonna make it Cant just be a trailer been searching on Internet juts to find out there no movie ..😒 Come on movie please.
  • I was very very sad and disappointed when I found out that this wasn't a movie

    If this was made in to a movie it would get a 10
  • What the F is going on lol .. I'm searching online how to watch this movie and it's not even a movie lol .. please make this film words can Express how much I would love it
  • If you have a heart you will make this happen, either you or I will.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Tourism Australia: Dundee - The Son of a Legend Returns Home" is a very long title for a really short film as this one here only runs for a bit over 2 minutes and it was released about 10 days ago, but the reference to Crocodile Dundee and the inclusion of so many famous Australian actors had this one propel in popularity. Danny McBride, a non-Australian though, plays the title character, the son that nobody, especially Crocodile Dundee himself, wanted to know existed. Early on, the "really" jokes were pretty funny, but quickly afterward, it becomes relatively boring and unfunny. The references about Australia or the Hemsworths etc. alone are not enough to make this one work. By the way, it looks like a trailer, but I doubt thry will follow up on tthis one and even if I like McBride, I am not too sad about that from what I saw here. All in all, the material is not even good enough for this very brief runtime. I recommend skipping it unless you really love one of the cast members. Or well.. I do love Hugh Jackman and still it was a weak watch, so yeah... skip it.
  • jbabel-8582826 January 2021
    I first saw this in whatever it came out i said this wow they are making another dundee movie than it was this tourism ad i said this thats f###ed up don't fool us like that you SOBs