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  • I was skeptical when i first got my hands on this title, but it is really a breath of fresh air! Hooked me up from episode 1 - fun, cleverly written and very different from all the rest of the series we see lately! Very positive and makes you think about your connection with others! Hands up!
  • Good locations, good situations, easy going acting and a feel good factor. God or no god, humanity is about helping each other. Who doesn't like a good emotional tale? Even if there was God, would he be more worried about what we think of him or what we think of our fellow beings? Enjoy the show and allow yourselves to feel good sometimes.
  • rallen013 October 2018
    First, I never give anything a 10. Nothing in the media has ever moved me enough to label it as perfection. I currently (to be adjusted after more episodes) give this a 10 because I feel the current 6.4 is way too low for this show. I felt good after seeing this, is that so horrible. I never felt preached to or that I should believe this or that. The actors fit well together and the writing seems way above average. Wish there were more shows like this. It's nice to feel good now and then without having to think about it.
  • My husband and I watched this during lunch today and I'm so glad we did. It was interesting, fun and left us wanting to see it again. We absolutely loved the characters. We hope the writers continue to keep it up-lifting. Shades of Eli Stone, Joan of Arcadia and ? I plan to come back and re-review the show after I have seen more episodes. Update: The second episode did not disappoint. In fact, it might have been even better than the first! Love this show.
  • roachhockeymom2 October 2018
    Wanted to see this after the previews and was not disappointed. Not preachy, great selection of actors and light comedic touches. Can't wait for the next episode!
  • Perhaps God has tapped into the AI that enabled Person of Interest. In fact, it's like a melding of that show with Kevin (Probably) Saves the World. I'm hooked.
  • pj-195473 October 2018
    Sometimes I think people ruin shows and movies by trying to explain every little detail. What happened to just enjoying entertainment without having to have every last detail covered? I see this whenever I'm looking through reviews. This is a feel good show if you allow it to just be. It's not the best show that I have ever watched but I enjoyed the first episode and find myself looking forward to the next. Maybe take in a few before condemning it:)
  • felipechocair28 April 2020
    I just watched a couple of episodes and then... I found that CBS cancelled the show. It's hard to believe that during a time like this (2019's pandemic), they were so "clever" to cancel a show that was about faith, hope, love and a lot of positive attitudes/feelings. I just can't believe this...
  • ravmeltt3 October 2018
    I thought at first this was a sitcom and I didn't plan to watch it, then I decided to tune in online. And I'm so in love with it. Someone mentioned something about if you like a show that is saccharine. Well maybe I do. Maybe I'm a touched by an angel kind of person, but I loved it. I can't wait to watch it, and this time in real time.

    Maybe it's saccharine. Maybe it's too sweet. But maybe it's time we get back to some of those kinds of shows when all we see now is killing and forensics and drugs and terrorism.

    If you're feeling for a sweet, clean kind of show, then maybe this is it and it's time to tune in.
  • atlasmb10 October 2018
    Would you like to have God as a friend? If you are a "believer", of course you would. If you are an atheist, you would answer, "The question makes no sense."

    "God Friended Me" starts with the assumption that a deity exists. Then the plot strings together a series of events in a nearly impossible chain of coincidences that the viewer can only understand by acknowledging the basic assumption of the show--- that a deity exists. This is a feel good formula for those who prefer appeals to the emotions (and not appeals to logic). As such, it will certainly have an audience.

    We might ask why the protagonist is an "atheist". Actually, he isn't. As explained in the first episode, he is a believer who, in a time of disappointment, reacted emotionally and denied the belief system that seemed to fail him. But the concept of an "atheist" being humbled by the omnipotent hand of a deity will definitely appeal to certain viewers.

    A voice over says, "In these crazy times we live in...", invoking the common perception that things are worse now than ever---a perception that people have always had. This provides a setting in which an answer, a purpose, can feel even more needed.

    Needless to say, the plot is wrapped with a pretty bow of resolution when the first episode concludes. Do you think it's coincidence that the main character's name, Miles Finer, is an anagram of Life Risen? (Actually, it's not exactly.) But you can find magic or providence in anything if you want to find it hard enough.

    This show offers no intellectual challenge, but then again sometimes we just want to be entertained. As a comedy, this show is tame. As a drama, it is predictable. There are better shows on television, but---for the reasons stated above---this show will probably have its niche.
  • beachy-384311 October 2018
    I was a little hesitant to watch this thinking it might be too sappy, or preachy, or not address real life, or that is was produced by Greg Berlanti who in my experience can be at least inconsistent with shows from the great "Everwood" to the horrible "Brothers and Sisters". I really enjoyed the show and did not even try to check it for facts. It reminded me of Joan of Arcadia which did last a few seasons. It also reminded me "Life Sentence" another great show that CW did not have the taste to renew. All of the actors were great though they were new to me. I plan to watch every week.
  • I really enjoyed the first series of God Friended Me, I thought the idea was novel and different. But the second series, so far, is very disappointing.

    The focus appears to have changed. Whereas much of the first series was about finding who was behind the god account and how they knew so much, they seem to have lost that drive altogether in series two.

    I am not so keen on the new character, Joy. She is a far less sympathetic and appealing persona than the original lead roles. I am also getting a little sick of hearing the "The God Account". The number of times that the characters use that phrase is becoming irritating. I am sure if anyone organised a drinking game for each time they said it, they would quickly be under the table.

    I am not sure if the acting has got worse between the series, or the lines and links are just clunky.

    I am hanging on with this second series, but only just.
  • youguia14 November 2018
    The sound is excellent. Love the music in it. really cool sound
  • justinperry-6659921 June 2019
    This show is poorly written, ridiculously plotted, and terribly acted. It also has no originality whatsoever. It's as if the network went to the creators of this show and said to them, "We want a ripoff of Joan of Arcadia for morons, without anything that made Joan of Arcadia original, heartwarming, enlightening, or universal for all religions. This show sucks.
  • This show deserves a 10+ for the direction this show is going.

    Any show out there right now that deals with ordinary people coming together to support one another to deal with the good and the downsides to life that can overpower the best of us at times deserve a 10+

    The show raises questions to support all sides to the major questions we all face in life. has fantastic script writing in showing the benefits of working together to achieve a common goal and the downfalls of not working together. It's all about choice and how each one of those choices has a different outcome. is on the cutting edge of showing how people who thought they were chosen to step forward to support another, end up receiving more support from the one they thought they were helping. extraordinary work bringing in THE FIBONACCI SPIRAL to help bridge the gap between non-believers, believers and most importantly the ones on the sidelines who are waiting for that clear sign that it's time to enter the game of life.

    It's the messages within the messages that really draws you in. Where you see it doesn't matter if you believe in god or not, if it's a great script that has been carried out to perfect by the actors or not....what matters is that you show up with an open mind like a true friend who's willing to listen, who's willing to take a step back and fully view another point of view without judgment before making a decision to speak up or not.

    Watch every episode to really see the difference from episode 1 to 10, then 11 when its released, in how the actors are becoming more in tune with their character and their characters connection to the bigger picture, to you.

    One of the best shows out there, proving that you don't have to be a superhero to make a difference and that difference can be as simple as showing up, to asking another person to show up with you.

    This shows about you, me.....ordinary people having faith that we can make a difference no matter what our or their stance is on religion or beliefs, or how we were raised or what we did yesterday, what matters is that we have this moment to decide to just step forward to be there as a friend, whether it's the first time we're meeting or the 1,000 time.

    Right now you have the power to change the course of this show with your support......give it a 10+ stepping forward to show that everyone has a gift to share, that everyone's deserves to be added as a friend. Make sure they have the opportunity to move forward to make changes by your comments, by being connected to something greater than ourselves that will help the next person.

    Trever McGhee

    CEO Take2seconds 2Growit4ward Inc

    Connecting 3.12 Billion Students & their Teachers together in 2020
  • What amazes me about the 1 votes listed here is the sheer hypocrisy. First of all, a one vote tells you they are voting emotionally rather than honestly. Secondly, they are raging about their personal ideology while condemning other for theirs. The biggest trespass. in my opinion, is why watch a show with this title and comment at all if you are am anti-God person? There are tons of cooking recipe reviews from individuals on the internet. The ones that drive me crazy are when a person rates a Mushroom soup recipe 3 out of 5 stars (or worse) because "she hates mushrooms", but her husband said it was wonderful so she gave it a 3. If you hate the main ingredient, DON'T EAT IT. This is exactly the same. If you "hate" the idea of God, don't watch and don't comment. The show is very much like an Early Edition update, so it loses points for creativity there, but it is sweet and the cast does a good job. I've seen the first three episodes. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that a big message is to Listen to each other and keep an opened mind both ways. That is always a timely and valid message.
  • Can't say enough good about it!! Just watched the first episode bc I stumbled upon it or did I? Lol. It's rare to find a good show these days that leaves you inspired and feeling good!! So much cussing, violence and sex on tv these days so we barely watch TV anymore. However, this show touched my heart many times and made me tear up a few times. My kids will LOVE it too. Finally a show we can watch as a family that I don't have to tell the kids to close their eyes every few minutes!! My favorite show back in the day was touched by an angel and it's frustrating that there aren't more good shows like that....until now!!! Thank you CBS!!! Highly impressed and so excited! It's full of surprises!! I can only pray this show stays on for a long time!!!!!
  • wt0643 November 2018
    As a christian, it is really hard to find a good tv show to watch. But This amazed me. I like it does not show any too inappropriate scenes at the first episode, and I love it talk about God. Definitely want to see more and hope it can keep having appropriate scenes suitable for kids.
  • sagetwo27 May 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I only started watching this television series because my friend recommended it to me. The first few episodes were fun and cleverly written. It is about Miles Finer, an **atheist who was friended by God, and later met several suggested friends in-person and in need. Despite thinking it is a hoax, he continues connecting and helping these friends. Of course, it leads me to question if it is actually the God character or some random person. The foundation of the narrative is interesting enough. I give it 6/10. Give a like if you think the show is good throughout the seasons. I will continue watching.

    ** Like God is not Dead, the main character is not an atheist. He is a non-practising christian. He is angry at God because of a parent's death.
  • We are a species with a proud tradition of willful ignorance, so the reviews should not surprise me, even in this day and age, yet they do. Mostly because said ignorance tends to have a volume. I admit that the first episodes were a bit hard to tolerate and they are, most likely, the cause of the mentioned volume, but if one knows little, one should stay silent and not shout reviews. This show has the guts to explore subjects in much need of scrutiny and many of them need a very fine balancing act if the series is to survive as a commercial enterprise. Some episodes are not so great at doing it and tend to offend (me included) but we all need rough incentives to think sometimes. Who are we as a community beyond the labels of nation, religion and color? What drive brings us together and what motivates connection, good deeds, communion beyond the motivations supplied until now mostly by religions? We are slowly growing up and growing out of the ideas that held civilization together until now and we need to find new reasons to connect to each other. Simplified, each episode is basically a case study of how we have been reasoning, crystallized in religious views, and the ever-growing complexity of modern reality. Sure, the show is flawed- the tech parts are laughable, the value of religions is sacrosanct and the need for everything to be painless is painful (!) to watch, but a TV series that keeps asking us "What can God do, that and AI can't?" is too priceless to miss. It seems we need to grow the complexity of our concept of God, too. But we all have the sacred right to choose ignorance: if you don't like this show just watch something else, or get religion. I've surely missed things and offended people but I hope this is brief enough.
  • Of course this pulls at the heart strings but we knew it would. I like how it has us focus on what God's plan is for us rather than "us" being the ones in control. This show reminds us to ask "Why are we here? What is God's purpose for me?" and there is nothing wrong with that.
  • OK, so a low quality Atheist (who only became so because God upset him, not from any reasoned logic) is contacted by god and engages in a series of heart-warming shenanigans that both prove God exists and that he is a nice fellow.

    This show will literally devolve rapidly into saccharine miracle-of-the-week series where tear-jerking stories end with instant happiness and resolution. Hooray!

    It LOOKS like it might become cool and edgy, but I think thats to attract the younger crowd, not because anywhere under the surface there will anything cool or edgy about.

    I mean if you like the sort of show that makes you feel sad then happy in the exact same formula week to week, then this is probably an 8/10,

    But for people seeking something more interesting, it starts off as a 3/10 and I think will sink lower pretty soon.

    Perfectly attractive cast, no-one ugly, or too ethnic, or scary, or old or anything and they all did a perfectly adequate job.
  • 3 episodes in and really enjoying it.

    I approached this show with some trepidation, but after really enjoying Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, I gave this a go and have no problem saying that I am really enjoying it and look forward to more episodes.

    All of the actors have really good chemistry and they have all put in really good performances so far. Most are unknowns to me, but a few I have seen before and enjoy seeing them again.

    None of the religious overtones are at all overdone which would have turned me off straight away.

    Highly recommended, 9/10 so far, hope the standard is maintained.

    EDIT: After watching episode 4 my rating for the show has to be amended to and 8.
  • When I first started it would be something new and a new perspective about spirituality but all I see is the Bible/Bhagavat Gita/Quran/Torah or whatever religious text, the words "help other people" fed to the audience with the style of "Person of Interest". The Person of Interest had a higher risk factor so that it becomes mandatory to help and the design of the software was to help them in such a way. The God account in the God Befriended Me suggests the protagonist to help with simple deeds. If this becomes normal, people would loose free will. I don't know whether the script writers have taken this into consideration. The greatest gift given to humans by God is Freewill. Restricting Freewill brings a bad twist to the story. The God Account could dictate the daily lives of everyone.

    This is still a decent story and the romance is simple and very predictable. The mystery is decent.
  • Like any good religious propaganda, this show spends a lot of time doing two things: (1) pretending to be "spiritual, not religious", and (2) portraying atheists as people who aren't actually atheists, just secret theists with petty reasons for not liking gawd or whatever. Pseudo-christian fan fiction at its best. That being said, the pacing was good, solid direction, cringe inducing dialogue, the acting was ranged from "meh" to "high school theatre", all wrapped up in a premise that is not going to age well.
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