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  • Love the concept of the show, the contestants & their stories. Why they are there, why they compete. These men & women are literally inspiring goals. Not only are they incredible athletes but it's just so many individuals you can relate to on a personal level. The Titan Games is one of if not the best competition show on television.
  • I was unable to get totally engrossed in the show because there is just too much production going on.

    The competitions are head-to-head but there are more camera shots focused on the audience or isolated on a single competitor than there are of both competitors simultaneously. In some of the events the competitors are less then 10 feet apart and they still show isolated camera shots. It make the viewing experience very choppy and un-enjoyable. They should look at the production of the head-to-head ANW competition and follow suit.

    I also think they would be better off doing less background stories on the contestants and having more competitors and competitions in each episode - again see ANW.
  • Please do yourself a favour and IGNORE all the low/negative comments about this show. I watched the first episode of this NBC show and found myself hooked and followed the entire season.

    The show is beautifully designed, decent commentators, difficult and unique obstacles and not to mention the added bonus of The Rock (DJ). The backstory of each character is brilliant for an emotional hook and it shows clearly what is the driving passion behind each of the competitors.

    You do not have to be an athletic person to enjoy this but it certainly helps to motivate you and uplift your energy.

    Thank you DJ for a great show and really hope we can look forward to a second season (and many more to come).

    Ps spelling is from New Zealand in case you notice the extra letters :)
  • The show 90's kids needed. It's a little bit of Global Guts, a little bit of American Gladiators, a little bit of Legends Of The Hidden Temple, and a lot of fun.
  • Shows like this can be fun to watch. I only wish they'd cut out the usual seen it all before hype, flash and flare and over the top pictures and videos of the contestants. Just get on with the competition.
  • What an awesome event! The Titan Games is positive and uplifting...incredible stories of every day hardworking people. A true display of athletic ability, heart, and power! Show is amazing 👍 good job! NBC & Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Loved Season 1 and really enjoy watching. However I find that the format of season 2 is completely unfair on the main competitors. After 2 gruelling events they are then required to go up against a past titan - someone who is completely fresh. When you watch the past titan win by seconds this is just gutting. The only reason they have won is because the other person has muscle fatigue from the previous events.
  • I struggle with weight loss so they show is very motivating for me. Will Sutton is my favorite you got to win this "Country Strong"!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Titan Games" is a lot like an update of "Gladiators", and it's equally entertaining, though with all the cheering crowds, the flashing lights, the slow-motion replays and the pop songs, it may also give you the occasional headache. This show features the strongest, sexiest women on TV (athletically superior to the WWE wrestlers). Personally I found the changes in the format of the 2nd season unnecessary and unfair to the contestants who entered the game early (as they had to win a lot more challenges for a shot at the championships), but the 2nd season also gave us a phenomenal female winner - so phenomenal, in fact, that there isn't much suspense in the final episode because it is abundantly clear that one woman is in a whole different league compared to the rest. As for the men....well it's certainly fun to see a schoolteacher beat a UFC champion! My favorite challenges are Lunar Impact, Launch Pad and, of course, Mount Olympus. The Rock is a charismatic host. Obviously the show was cancelled by COVID (there is no point in making it without a crowd), but it might return and in that case I'll be watching. 7.5 out of 10 stars.
  • Someone get this man a shield! And that woman a Magic Lasso!

    The winners were nothing less than super human. This is what the Olympics should be. A demonstration of humanity at it's peak of perfection doing insanely impossible things.
  • Excellent and Creative challenges, motivating ones and Dwayne Johnson make it more special with his presence!
  • Straight to the point, here's what I didn't like about this show: 1) 4 announcers, why? Dwayne Johnson, Cari Champion, Liam McHugh & Alex Mendez. That's at least one too many, if not two. 2) DJ's lines are too cringy, and they get too repetitive as the episodes pile on. His motivational speeches right before every challenge look completely scripted and you never truly feel like he is connected with the competitors. I genuinely got the impression that Dwayne treated the show like any other job that he's part of, which is odd given that he's the creator of "The Titan Games" so I felt that the show deserved more from him. 3) You can easily tell from the competition's format that the creative team didn't really care about variety. The entire show consisted of the 6-7 challenges, which is very low considering that one of them is constant in every episode (Mount Olympus). 4) You can also easily tell that the creative team didn't really care about competitiveness, with some of the games being design to end within 2 minutes tops. I'm sure every game is challenging, but the show fails to convey that to the audience. 5) The competitors are being presented as average, when in reality all of them have rich athletic backgrounds that most certainly make them above average. 6) The backstories of each competitor take a lot of each episode's run time, maybe almost half of the episode if not more. This is outrageously long, and happens in every single episode. Why not shorten those segments and instead focus more on making the challenges longer and more challenging?

    This show proved to me once and for all that Dwayne Johnson's name sells pretty much anything. Many of us followed this show just because it had Dwayne's name attached to it, and it mattered very little if he created/produced the show or not. With that being said, once you do watch the episodes you'll notice that it's average (just like most of DJ's movies) and is far too repetitive for a season that is just 9 episodes long.
  • This is an hour long show with 8 minutes of action. The sets are outrageous, the challenges underwhelming, there are 4+ announcers for no apparent reason. The focus is on the characters and their personal lives rather than the competition and at the end of the day I just don't understand what they are going for. Is this a human interest reality show, or is this a Gladiators clone?

    The reality is that it is neither and it is so overproduced that it is almost unwatchable. The contests are poorly conceived so that the outcome is clear within seconds which renders the competition boring, and it is difficult to get invested in characters when they are dispensed with in one or two competitions which last less than 2 minutes each.

    This needs a lot of work and should have a much lower budget.
  • I'm amazed the score is so high. Guess it's The Rock fans. The build up to each challenge is painfully long. The games themselves are dull and over so quick it's embarrassing. Poorly produced rubbish.
  • Way too much talk and backstory, not enough action. The hosts are simply terrible.

    Granted the obstacles are unique but they are so contrived that in no way to do they accurately showcase how athletic these people are. Winning is just as much or more about luck as you couldn't possibly train or practice to become good at these.
  • Thank God for DVR, I can take a 1 hour show and watch the actual "battles" in 15 minutes!
  • trueblueeva22 January 2019
    I had high hopes but this is a massive let down.

    Uninspiring challenges that last no time at all and every now and again they just skip over 2 competitors like they ran out of time. DJ looks and sounds like he's reading off a script and every so often they throw the other presenter on for what seems like no reason at all.

    The absolute worst part is when they show you a preview of the next challenge but you actually see the competitors so can guess the winner before it even comes on!

    If you like this type of show watch Ultimate Beastmaster or Ninja Warrior they are far better.
  • Unfortunately, one can't help but compare this show to Broken Skull challenge and American Ninja Warrior and this show doesn't live up to either.

    The semi-final competitors only need to win one completion then it's off to the grand obstacle course. However, the two sets of semi-final competitors don't compete in the same challenge to see who moves on. Two different head-to-head competitions isn't the best way to equally determine a winner.

    The Rock is a great entertainer but shows a lack of motivation. He's too calm and he's far away (distance) from the competitors.

    Too much time on backstories and not enough on people actually competing.

    Finally, the show bills that these are average Americans getting their shot but all I've seen are ripped athletes dedicated to the gym. Skull and ANW competitors gave off a more "average" American look.
  • csbuyak12 August 2020
    Everything about the show seems staged and scripted. Awful!!
  • More tears and sad stories than actual competition. Typical American BS. Kind of the same way WWE has more to do with acting than wrestling.
  • The biggest challenge of this show is getting through Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's jabber about how he designed and created each challenge.

    As American Ninja is a clone of the Japanese Ninja Show. Titan Games is a clone of the American Ninja show. And with any clone of a clone the outcome is often less than desirable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The outcome is already known from the production standpoint beforehand, just like wrestling. Fun to watch but it's all total BULL."DJ" (ha!) rooting for one contestant is never done normally. All flash. Behind the scenes, the competitor's kids are asking Daddy if he will be the next Titan. This is the first season and those clips must have been filmed weeks/months ago. Leave your brain at the door.

    One woman blew her knee out on 01/10/19, but she won that round. Lots of fun that she may never compete again, let alone walk. Bet she had to sign a waiver first to participate so she cannot sue the network. Next!
  • latinfineart30 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Prior to this show somehow I always thought that Dwayne Johnson had some integrity, but this sure feels like such a sell-out. It is so overly commercial, it is just so fake and so contrived there is a fake sense of sincerity about this thing with all the hugging and congratulations and high-fives it just feels like the worst that America has to offer right now. Granted, I am not a fan of reality TV of any sort but this feels like it's debased even reality TV itself, if that's possible.
  • With NBC promoting the crap out of this show I was eager to see it. After watching 4 episodes, meh, I'm bored and don't care who wins. It is very repetitive. They have the same 5 or 6 challenges swapped in and out. Many of the matches are very lopsided, with Dwayne Johnson's wrestling background, possibly even scripted. For example, in one challenge where 2 women were pushing on opposite sides of a wall that slides on a 45° arc: Woman A has pushed Woman B almost off the platform (the goal) then like Hulk Hogan rising from the mat after a brutal beating, Woman B recovers and wins. ??? Whether scripted or not, these contestants are incredible athletes. But it is just boring with the same bunch of challenges over and over again leading to a monotonous "Mount Olympus" showdown that almost always ends with someone running away while the other person is bogged down somewhere. It is exciting the first 2 or 3 times I saw it now it is just predictable and boring. With American Ninja Warrior, it always feels fresh and new because they have all sorts of clever obstacles to get through. Even though that is basically the same show each broadcast, the contestants wear outlandish, homemade costumes and the banter of the hosts is enjoyable. With all the variation of obstacles and them adding new ones all the time it always feels fresh and exciting. The Titan Games are a titanic snorefest.
  • Oh look, another average reality TV show. I get the point of this and all the similar ones, but the lack of creativity is starting to annoy me.

    Facts: 1. There are better ways to motivate people to hit the gym than having them waste their time on the couch and watching others accomplish these feats.

    2. People who train regularly are close to or already have the mindset that you try to convey, so stop bothering us, Johnson.
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