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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Animating photorealistic humans is much, much harder than animating robots, and I guess that is the reason of why one could consider that compared with its two predecessors, the visuals used here are a little bit uneven; the results are quite impressive anyway, but most importantly, the story reaches a rather fascinating climax which once again, feels like a mere fragment from a much bigger story.

    A mere teaser, if you prefer. But still quite intriguing, anyway.

    It really would be nice if Neill Blomkamp turned the Adam series into a feature-lenght movie, or a videogame. Or maybe a CGI miniseries. A continuation is definately needed, as the story of both The Mirror and this third episode ended with a cliffhanger.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "ADAM: Episode 3" is a very fitting title as this one already tells you that here we have the third chapter from Neill Blomkamp's/Oats Studios' Adam short film series. I wasn't too big on the previous two I must admit, but this one here grew on my fairly quickly. It is basically a 2-character movie and very essential from beginning to end. I liked the landscape animation and also the transformation at the very end, but the characters still look a bit too much "video gamey" for me if you know what I mean. But it is definitely not bad or so. And while I would give this film a thumbs-up overall and recommend it to those who like SciFi and animation, I must say I am still a bit disappointed by what Blomkamp has done in the last almost 10 years since District 9, which is close to a masterpiece in my opinion. He sure took a bit of an unusual route, but honestly I expected more and the success of this one here (over 3 million views in under 2 years) cannot make up for it. Then again, are these numbers a success still today with forgettable pop music artists racking up billions of views? Anyway, Adam 3 runs for 9 minutes including credits, seven of which are movie action. And it does not only look good, but sound good too in terms of both audio effects and voice acting. Go check it out, especially if you liked the previous 2 (more than I did). Then you will perhaps really love this one.
  • Most of the series were scenes out of a greater milieu. They introduced the snippet of a story, but had no story. Just the sound-stage for a future story. This was the only episode that actually contained a semi-contained story within it, even if very short and blunt.