User Reviews (12)

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  • Noticing all the accolades for this movie. As all of us know, these are fake. Probably they are people from the families or friends who worked on the production of the movie.

    Some of the conversations are amusing but overall nothing to write home about. Not much happening and overall dull. At least they had decent production values. I would skip...
  • All the people with gushing reviews have only reviewed this and nothing else.

    That should make you suspicious.

    Some kind of vanity project reviewed by those who took part.
  • Having lived in Sydney, Glace Bay Nova Scotia for a while and spending a few summers there, I know what hanging at the beach and drinking beer is all about.

    Glace Bay/ Sydney is much like Prine Edward Island - full of unemployed people or on welfare - going to the beach, driving their cars up and down the empty roads and just getting frunk at people's homes.

    This movie holds true to plenty of that in small towns across Canada.

    What I didn't like about this film was all the unneeded swearing. There was just too much....far too much.

    It needed less swearing and more story.

    What I loved about this movie was the red Ford Bricklin...boy, that's a sweet ride...always wanted one.

    Anyway, no award winning movie here - but for a low budget film - and a film that's not about some red haired little girl picking apples and feeding horses and living on a farm in PEI, this movie is good enough.

    It's not great - but it's far better than so many huge budget movies with overblown effects.

    The actors were good enough for their roles - and since a brewery financed this movie, you will probably see more than enough labels of a certain type of beer.

    Far too much swearing though...far more than needed.
  • dixonj-566235 August 2021
    Really enjoyed Pogey Beach in the Just Passing Through series. The movie version was dull and I struggled to stay awake. Don't waste your time.
  • Spoiler: This movie is embarrassment on so many levels. Especially if you're Canadian. Its truly not worth a Canadian's time. Letterkenny is entertaining. Trailer Park Boys is fun. pathetic.
  • jimilee_197119 February 2022
    The only positive to this movie was having Celia Owen in it...and her acting was rigid and flat, but at least she is pleasant to see on the screen. This was a wasted 95 minutes and a loss of time I regret!

    The storyline had potential to be funny and a little rambunctious, alas, it was neither. The cheap one liners fell flat and the occasional zinger had little zing at all.

    I would not suggest wasting your 95 minutes, I already did it for you so you wouldn't have to!
  • matt_knox2 August 2021
    A movie about life in the Maritimes, I laughed the whole way through.
  • PiercedSpirit2 August 2021
    I gave this film 10/10 because that's as high as the site will allow, but really, it deserves at least an 11. For the uninitiated, it plays like a comedy. As such, it really shines. It's up there with the likes of the great Monty Python films of days gone by, or more modern masterpieces like Talladega Nights. But for those of us who live in the area see it for what it really is; a hard hitting dramatic piece that tells a story so true to life, you'll swear you got sucked into Schindler's List.

    If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, this is it. If this isn't your pick for the one movie you could bring with you to a deserted island, then you're just flat out wrong.

    Watch it right now, then watch it again. You won't regret it.
  • wskssfvvpf2 August 2021
    Highly recommend this movie for a hell of a laugh watched it over and over... 15/10 is what I would rate this movie. Wish they would make more... check out just passing through as well.
  • Pogey Beach is a great low budget humorous film from the producers of "Just passing Through" the web series. The Pogey Beach movie is an expanded storyline from a scene in just passing through actually. I am an Islander who has never drawn pogey but the references are great.

    I imagine this movie will be a cult classic at least in eastern Canada.

    I will leave the storyline to the movie promos. What I love about this movie is that a portion of the funding was crowdsourced on kickstart. The fan base helped pay for the production of the movie and we received cool rewards and the option to be in the film as rewards.

    The movie was filmed on beautiful Prince Edward Island so there are some beautiful shots of PEI. The locals got to take part in the movie as extra's so they had some fun and movie experience.

    I was in the kickstart funding group and also as an extra and the production team treated us great. It was a wonderful experience being on the set and seeing how much work goes into making a movie.

    So watch the movie and have a few laughs. Also check out the web series "Just Passing Through" ( also the name of the facebook group) . Please also check out "Wharf rats " from most of the same group and watch for the upcoming "Who's yer fader.

    And if any of you "Come from away" people have a chance to visit our beautiful island I know you will love it. We can go down to Pogey Beach and have a few beer.
  • This is the best summertime coming of age/destination tourism/employment insurance gag movie out there. Following in the footsteps of campy teen movies, Pogey Beach combines elements of Meatballs, Baywatch, and Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel, delivering an experience greater than the sum of its parts.
  • jkniff4 October 2021
    For real . So damn funny. Canadians are just like Californians after all. The Hawaiians are the best at collecting though.