User Reviews (4)

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  • Irena_Spa24 November 2018
    I saw this movie today at Auteur Film Festival, Belgrade/Serbia. I am surprised how it looks totally realistic. Kids are beautiful and they are in their roles as they are a parts of the real family. And next to them, Zsófia Szamosi in the role of Anna is magnificent!!! Every feeling you can see in her eyes. As a mother in chaos of her life she shows how many women, mothers, would act. She will suffer all emotional wounds made by her husband's cheating, just because she loves her children.
  • Efficient and trueful presentation of the miserables and struggles of being a parent, wife and average Hungarian citizen.

    I especially like how the makers managed to show the vulnerability and subordination of being a mother.

    Honestly I am amused, that this movie was allowed to be made and screened in the current Hungarian situation, where the Fidesz builts its propaganda around getting more and more children.

    Best and most trueful Hungarian society criticism that I have seen. Amazing touch with the callsupport from the insurance company.
  • This very realist film tells the story of a Hungarian mother of three little children (the oldest being in elementary school and the youngest being in pre-kindergarten). Anna's, the mother's, day is completely full, starting 6 until late in the night, with taking care of the kids, working in a language school and worrying about her marriage, because of her cheating husband. I think the filmmakers used very real experiences making this film, which piece of art is also very Hungarian in the experiences it depicts. The last scene is the best one, because that is the moment when Anna finally gives in and, in a way, takes care of herself.
  • xmkqsrkf12 January 2022
    Could be my life although I'm at the other side of the World. 2 daughters, one son, same problems. It's so interesting how we look the same. Well, I have no problems with my wife but the rest is the same batch of problems to fix, all day long, every day, in every single detail.