User Reviews (2)

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  • A delicate, profound, seductive short film. Impressive performance of Shalini Bathina. And, more important, a coherent , splendid story about lost, about pain, about friendship, about the fundamental choices defining us. Something like a sort of aura defines this admirable short film. Out of words, great scene by scene. A refuge more than a good short film. Describing, in wise manner, a deep sufferance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have never rated a short as a 10 before, but this truly deserved it. Shalini Bathina's performance was extraordinary. In less than 13 minutes she was able to build a character that was believable and emotionally evoking. The script was wonderful.

    The plot is simple. Lady is hurt by her loves death caused by depression. She dedicates her life to try and stop others with depression from winding up liker her boyfriend did.

    This very simple plot turns into an emotional ride that I found stirring and authentic.

    I hope you like this short but emotional film as enjoyable as I did.