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  • This film, also titled Sorority Stalker, is about a lonely girl (pullos) who meets the owner (webb) of a luxurious health spa and charms her way into her home by claiming she belonged to the same sorority chapter. She deceptively gets a job at the woman's health and beauty spa and systematically gets rid of anyone in her way by any means necessary including murder. This is one of those obsession types of films that we have seen many times. Just this one sort of struck a nerve with me by feeling sort of sorry for the young girl who turned out to be an orphan. Haley Pullos did a pretty good job as the insanely jealous houseguest in this one.
  • A young woman who owns a successful business feels sorry for some perfect stranger that she just happens upon and... the young woman's life is of course turned upside down. This one requires a lot of suspension of disbelief as only a dummy would put themselves in this type of position with a perfect stranger. You'll see what I mean if you watch it. On a positive note, the production values are excellent and the wardrobe department did a fantastic job as everyone looks great in the film. Not a bad film, just not great either.
  • dequalizer24 April 2024
    Mediocre at best, I'm giving this movie a generous 6/10, it is based on the same old formula, cou cou foster girl who's delusional and murders people who catches her lying or are suspicious of her actions.

    The crazy girl actrees is an amateur and overdoes the character but has her momets, the main protagonist does a good job with the character and comes across more beleivable, the support actors are not too bad.

    While this is more like a tv b film, it's actually enterteining and has a couple of interesting suspense moments. If you have nothing better to watch or you are too tired to watch a movie that will make you think, this is a perfect candidate to kill 90 minutes of your valuable time. .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I get that Lifetime movies are targeted at the Peg Bundy's of the world who want to chillax and get horny watching hot bods making it with glitz and make-up in a 2 hour soap opera psycho drama. As a male I sometimes enjoy the hotties running around. This turkey shows a salon full of honeys before the first break but a salon full of honeys doth not a good Lifetime movie make on it's own.

    Even the most jaded Peg Bundy's still want to achieve some semblance of the Suspension of Disbelief. Just even 10% might be enough. This clunker has zero % Suspension of Disbelief.

    Stalker or not...set-up or not...nobody is going to buy any story that a cute girl from New York moves to LA only to get dumped and be left hanging around outside the beauty salon. What...was the bus station nearby? Did she taxi from the airport to this spot?

    What was her plan in moving to California? To live with the guy who dumped her as she was moving there? "Yeah...I'm a ditz! I was going to live with Mr. Fabulous but he dumped me and I don't know where I will spend the night! know...I'm not mad because I know I will get picked up by the Sorority Sister if I hang out here."

    Women know all about beauty salons. The beauty salon here is like none other on earth. Sure the fixtures are there but nothing about the salon is how salons actually look or work.

    They enter the salon and 2 hour late arrogant bitch is there but nobody can be bumped to take care of her because the salon is booked....but nobody is waiting for the next appointment. Past reception into the salon and nobody has a bib on for cutting and styling hair. Nobody is in mid-service. Half the salon is empty.

    They go to the back and chat with another non-busy person. They are so busy they decide to treat the waif to a facial. But...they couldn't do ANYTHING for the 2 hour late lady!

    Psycho girl goes to wreck the car of arrogant 2 hour late lady in the parking lot of a busy grocery store. Arrogant lady parks her BMW 2 seater convertible like an M6 and goes inside the store. Somehow Psycho girl gets under the vehicle and unscrews a nut and drains the brake fluid.

    Now...the ground clearance on a BMW M6 is 4.3 inches Maximum! How does a fully made up dressed in nice clean clothing girl crawl underneath a BMW with 4.3 inches clearance and drain the brake fluid from a car parked in a busy grocery store parking lot and not get noticed by anyone? Good thing she knew to get metric tools! Or did she know...unscrew a screw with her hands?

    Before you say "It's a Lifetime movie; you are supposed to check your brain at the door"...NO! I have watched tons of LMN movies and the vast majority of them are NOT THIS AWFUL! Even Peg Bundy would turn this clunker off!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    They could have swapped sorority for glee club for all the difference it made to the plot. First off, something positive: I love that house. Way more believable than the McMansions that do not match the careers or lifestyles of the owners.

    OK, that's done. How dumb is Aya? She just takes Taryn's word about the sorority as gospel. Surely she has "sisters" in New York that she could have asked about Taryn. Helping her with a meal and some words of encouragement, sure, but beyond that, get real. They're also not talking one bit about the sorority, which would have obviously caught Taryn in a lie. There's still no way in normal conversation that it wouldn't have come up.

    Some silly stuff. How did she mess with the dramatic client's brakes in a grocery store parking lot in broad daylight? How did she know where the client would be? Do people just know how to tamper with brakes?

    The look on Aya's face when she meets Steve and realizes she's let a nut into her life is everything. It's the look of a person who just got smacked in the face w/their own stupidity. She bears responsibility for everything that is transpiring. Even after everything, including being told Steve was killed and knowing something happened to her roomie, she won't connect the dots. Even when a trusted friend reveals that Taryn is not a sister, she still won't accept reality. She's almost too dumb to live. I get tired of protags doing their notGoogle searches near the end of the movie when any normal person would have done that straightaway. Honestly, Aya's aunt should tell her to find another place to live, since she can't be trusted to not invite psychotic strangers to stay with her. And poor Steve....this might be the most played straight Lifetime warning of "don't stick your thing in crazy."

    Taryn's body count was too high and sloppy for her to get away. She didn't even change her hair! How is there are there no manhunt for ya know, a killer going on? The age gap between Aya, Taryn, and then Sarah doesn't seem large enough. The makeup in this movie is really heavy bc I was shocked to see Aya is only two years younger than me.

    So many recognizable faces. I recognized Lily from Y&R (not a fan, but she's ok here). I also recognized Molly (GH) and Kate, I think, from DAYS. Ironically, some of the sillier elements of this movie are totally plots that soaps would use, so I guess it was just another day for this cast. The villain's actress was very good at playing delusional to the point of being dangerous and unpredictable.

    Good grief, the ending. Taryn puts on a convincing performance claiming to be abused....why not help her get to a shelter?! What a dumb old lady. I have no doubt Taryn will not only cling to her, but she'll end up in the will, and the old couple will have separate and tragic "accidents."

    There's a 2020 movie called No Good Deed with the same kind of dummy for a protagonist and similar plot elements, but this one was better and more believable. Would I watch again? Not sure.
  • ACA1330 May 2022
    The actress who plays the evil character is terrible and the rest is bad as well. That ruined a movie that would have been otherwise OK.

    How can all of them except one be so stupid?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The plot was promising and I thought it was not a bad movie. Until I saw the ending.

    Aya is the owner of a beauty salon. When a young girl stumbles upon her just outside her salon, Aya invites her to lunch. When she learns that Taryn was a member of her sorority, Aya takes her home and begins to treat her like family or a very good friend.

    Finally, although Taryn killed so many people, the movie ends with her sitting on a bench in the street, exploiting her new victim. I expected the film to end with Taryn being arrested. Since Taryn was not arrested, maybe Aya should get arrested or her friend Lauren.

    The fact that nobody goes to jail, although Aya called the police, makes no sense at all.

    The psycho Taryn character was overacted. And Aya was just too naïve and this is how the movie continued. A promising plot wasted.
  • For once the title "no good deed" is accurate. When a beauty store owner (Haley Webb) lets a stranger in distress room with her she gets a wacko who won't let go.

    The wacko of the week is well played by Haley Pullos. She is quite effective and it's good to see how she worms her way in and obsesses about her victim past man Friend and present so called sorority Sister.

    Well done.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Sorority Stalker" (a.k.a., "Good Deed") is all about sisters. In the chic Dylan Keith full-service salon in Los Angeles, the female employees have a motto that goes, "Sisters before Misters." The salon is run by the dynamic Aya Stevens, who has a penchant for expressing a kindness to strangers. But that is nearly Aya's undoing when she meets young Taryn McGivens.

    Taryn conveniently shows up outside the salon, and Aya takes pity on her after the young woman was stood up by her boyfriend, Steve Reicester. Aya not only buys Taryn a meal, but gives her a place to stay in her home. At first glance, the two women share the experience of belonging to the Omega Nu sorority, Aya at UCLA and Taryn at NYU. But soon, the experience will turn into a nightmare for Aya as Taryn attempts to take over her life.

    Taryn was an orphan who had one nurturing relationship with her foster mother, Sarah. When Sarah died in a tragic fire, Taryn was never the same. Ironically, Taryn set the fire herself, hoping that her abusive foster father would die in the blaze. But it turned out that Sarah died while trying to rescue her husband.

    In the course of the film, Taryn's proclivity to violence includes breaking the leg of the salon's receptionist, Deanna. She also kills Aya's roommate Vicky, so that she will not have to move out of the house. Steve Reicester is another victim when Taryn takes her revenge on him for getting her fired from a hotel concierge job and for dumping her.

    Aya is the slowest to recognize the danger signs of her obsessive housemate. Aya's bestie and co-worker Lauren is onto Taryn right away. Vicky also knew that Taryn was a phony. It was Aya's positive outlook on life that stood in contrast to the Taryn's neurotic vision that led her into a world of fantasy.

    At one point, Aya spoke about the importance of "adjusting one's outlook" to conform to the realities of a situation. It was the contrast of two philosophies that made the pairing of Aya and Taryn an intriguing drama. The true sisterhood of Omega Nu alums was that of Aya and Taryn's foster mom Sarah.

    In one of the film's major revelations, Sarah wore the Omega Nu necklace that Taryn later claimed as her own. It was tragic that Taryn could not emulate the two mother figures in her life in the essential goodness that they represented.
  • I didn't have to go to IMDB to find out about many of the cast, unlike numerous Lifetime flicks. Immediately recognized Hayley Pullos (General Hosptial), Christel Khalil (The Young and the Restless), Lauren Koslow (Days of Our Lives) and Lilan Bowden (Andi Mack), the lovely and talented Haley Webb, and Lily Anne Harrison, daughter of two famous TV actors of the late 1970s/early 1980s, Gregory Harrison (Trapper John M.D.) and Randi Oakes (C*H*i*P*S). Definitely worth a watch for the name factor if nothing else; however, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • Initially, it's pretty easy to think Lethal Beauty will be another wash, rinse and repeat Lifetime drama thriller but this time the sweet nut job is wonderfully and aptly played by Haley Pullos (who might I add, you can easily fall in love with) until things start to get ugly.

    There aren't any twists or turns that will blow your mind (or your hair dry) but all up an enjoyable cast, with a decently written script, which is well produced and directed for a Lifetime movie.
  • Tragic house fire, stabbing vegetables, tampering with car breaks and killing all the people. What more could you ask for in a Lifetime movie?