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  • I actually really enjoyed this, as a made-for-tv rainy afternoon film. It's much better than your average film.
  • There are 10 minutes left of the movie, but the ending is pretty much a given. One thing that struck me throughout much of the movie was the old-fashioned looking house-inside and out-and the old-fashioned hairstyle of the housekeeper. This made me think of both "Rebecca" and "Jane Eyre", and I cannot help but wonder if this movie was an attempt at an homage to earlier mysteries such as those. I miss movies like those. These newer ones rely a bit too much on violence. That being said, I mostly enjoyed this movie, and I wondered for awhile which character was the villain. Some of the acting was pretty good, some was not.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I knew this was going to be a huge low budget stinker in the first scene where you see the same extra walk by in the campus background multiple times. He's wearing a blue shirt and he walks left in one shot, and in the next shot there he is walking right and there he goes again in another shot crossing the other way lol. Surely they could've hired a couple of more extras back there!

    After that it hilarious scene was extremely slow moving when the girl started to nanny the kids in the big old house. Nothing if interest happens for well over an hour that I decided enough was enough and fast forwarded to the climactic end scene, but even that was dull and lifeless too.

    Some of these Lifetime flicks are fun in their over the top absurdity, but there was none of that here. It was all a big serious bore with nothing to even make fun of to keep myself entertained.

    If you skip this'll be missing nothing. 1 star for possibly being the most boring Lifetime film ever made.
  • I have seen worse movies, but nevertheless it is the hundredth adaption of "The Turn of The Screw"!
  • In good thrillers like "Deep Red" by Dario Argento, you probably don't see it coming until the very end. When you know exactly how a movie is gonna end by the 20th minute or so, it can't be much of a "thriller". That said, music and atmosphere would be the only points worth saving here.
  • This is movie about killer of nanny, not vice versa, in case of misunderstanding. It is a bit too typical, that is only reason why there is no 10 stars rating. It is filled with fear, worry, mystery, enemies, lies, crime, disappointment, misunderstanding, jealousy, hate, and evil. In the end mystery is resolved thanks to main character. Truth came into light. Lesson is to beware of lies, enemies, neighborhood, and suspicious relationships. Sometimes our feelings will tell us if something is wrong, then we should take matter into our hands. We should take care of children, as they can be damaged by criminals.
  • svader2 September 2020
    Rubbish. Don't waste your time.

    Babysitter is dumb Rose is a need Jack is a weirdo Housekeeper needs sectioning and thinks she's Morticia

    Total rubbish. No gelvof actors. No dialogue flow. Just rubbish.
  • carolynocean11 February 2021
    I wont say its the worst movie that I have seen ,I did enjoy most of it, albeit a little over the top at times, but all in all not a bad movie. Kept me interested to the end.

    Passes an afternoon pleasantly enough.
  • This movie was so good. Enjoyed every part of it. Recommend watching it. You'll enjoy it until the end. Has a perfect twist that you'll just enjoy.
  • ignasiohplay27 September 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    La ama de llaves esta re caliente bro Calienta mas que la sally de cars bro esta re buena Deberia hacer un remaster con solos escenas de la ama de llaves we
  • I fail to see how this rates a 5.5 When better but still cobbled together shambolic films are rated lower. So much that is wrong with it . Easier to rate the good bits. Only one. The friendly chat between the two young women at the start of the film. That was believable People who contributed to the 5.5 must have questionable taste in films.