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  • Some young american's get stranded in the wilderness where according to legend witches lived.

    So, Jill's best friend, Alison, has been the victim of some unspecified sexual assault.

    Jill is like, "Hey, Alison, to get your mind off things do you fancy coming on a road trip? You will be stuck in a car for hours on-end with my overly aggressive boyfriend and his dumb mates. Well at least you know them, as two of them are implicated in your sexual assault. One of them is bringing along their new girlfriend. We haven't met her yet but she is definitely a massive bitch. Oh yeah and I am cheating on my boyfriend with one of his friends, also on the trip, but don't worry he was the one least likely to have molested you." Alison is like, "That doesn't sound like it will be awkward at all. Count me in!"

    Bitch-face has just enough time to read out a pamphlet about witches in the area before they get stuck in the snow and immediately start fighting.

    Not a lot happens in this film; most of the action is in the car. Not a problem as this worked with the likes of "Dead End" and "Wind Chill" Not here though.

    These setups rely on you actually caring about the people in the car. Here you just can't. If this bunch of moody, opinionated, arrogant, narcissists had made it to their destination it still would have been a horror movie.

    The acting, production and camera work are all very good. A fair amount of tension is built up and what little story there is twists enough to keep it interesting. The dialogue is also pretty well written and a few times it feels like sanity could prevail. But it is always evident that old alpha-male Derek can't keep his poo together for more than twenty five seconds at a time and everyone else seems intent on pushing his buttons.

    A nice try with some nice ideas but it is hard to shake the feeling that everyone got what they had coming to them - even if their crime was just being really bland.
  • imdb-29202 September 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know what it is about movies with "witch" in the title, but it makes suburban kids act like idiots as soon as there are trees around. In this instance, these dumbasses manage to get lost in western Massachusetts, which is really difficult to do. Sure, these folks choose to go along a closed logging road, but they also (a) don't bother to check their position against a map and obvious landmarks like the mountains, or (b) don't bother to say something like "Check the odometer. If we don't see the place in a mile, we turn back." Instead, they drive for hours (!) before Dude with Rage Issues crashes the car because, well, he's an idiot in a witch movie who's driven for hours in western Mass without managing to cross a major road.

    I'll also point out that Dude with Rage Issues doesn't know jack about driving in snow. He gets stuck and immediately gives up. No tries at rocking the car, nothing about putting branches under the wheels for traction, no bags of kitty litter in the back. But he yells a lot, and has his hair slicked back to signify his douchitude, so he's got that going for him. Dude with Rage Issues carries the action by being an idiot in every possible way, from running his car out of gas, shoving people, and stabbing Competent Guy because Spaz Chick gives him a scare. His trademark acting move is to yell like a bleating goat at every setback.

    Then, of course, once the car is stuck, everyone does the dumbest thing they can. Look for people but don't bother to, y'know, follow their tracks in the snow? Check. Go off in the woods alone? Sure. Oh, and meanwhile, Smart Chick didn't feel it was worth mentioning to anyone that there were bear traps in the woods because, well, this is a witch movie. When someone inevitably steps in one (looking for someone who disappeared with no explanation what happened to him), he spends his remaining time trying to break a chain with a rock instead of opening the trap. Probably too complex to figure out.

    Add in Spaz Chick, who may or may not have been gang raped by the Jock Team, and observed by Dude with Rage Issues. Everyone seems to hate Spaz Chick and it makes you wonder (a) why they invited her, and (b) why she came, other than to act all spooky and mumbly and stuff.

    Spaz Chick kills Mall Chick, who you wonder why she's on this trip, since she doesn't appear to get along with anyone. Happily, she gets a ski pole in the throat to shut her up. How that happened doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but hey, witches, right?

    The scenery is beautiful, and the woods are gorgeous and peaceful. You can't help but notice there is a ton of standing deadwood, which would have made a lovely campfire and shelter if these dumbasses had ever thought to build one. But witch movie, so of course they're all morons and will die, probably a two-minute walk from a Friendly's.
  • ok-patrick29 August 2019
    As noted by others, sub-par acting, and lackluster scares, if at all. Most of the action is set in the car so don't expect much scenery and eery locations when it matters. Women sobbing and crying all the time does not make good horror, or does it?
  • Well, for starters, lets just say that you shouldn't have too high expectations for the 2019 movie "Witches in the Woods". When I sat down to watch it here in 2020, I hadn't even heard about it before. But I liked the movie's cover, and given it being a horror movie, of course I found the time to sit down and watch it.

    Now, I didn't know anything about the movie, so I had no expectations. So director Jordan Barker had every chance available to impress and entertain me. I ended up only mildly entertained, however. Yeah, this movie - while it was watchable - just wasn't a particularly outstanding horror movie.

    I will say that it had every premise readily available. I mean, a remote forest, heavy snowfall, encroaching night, no means of escape. It had so much potential, but somehow writers Christopher Borrelli and David Lafontaine just failed to utilize that potential to the maximum possible outcome. And the end result was ultimately just mediocre.

    The acting in the movie was good enough, taking into consideration the limitations of the script and director. But while adequate performances did count for something, it just wasn't sufficient to make up for the shortcomings of the movie.

    For a horror movie, then "Witches in the Woods" was rather bland, bordering on being boring at times. There just was so little worthwhile in terms of scares and creep factor in the movie. Again, a shame, because there was so much potential within reach.

    I managed to sit through the entire movie, but this is without a doubt not a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time. My rating of "Witches in the Woods" is a very bland and mediocre five out of ten stars.
  • Jill is the lead character and the absolute worst part of this movie. The woman that acted her part did great, but her character design was irritating. Someone would tell her something that was obvious but she would rail against it. It's like someone telling her the sky is blue and she would not believe them and argue against it while looking at the blue sky.

    Then people keep saying to wait for help, but the driver said they only had about two hours worth of gas left in the truck and no one knew they were out in the middle of no where in the freezing cold... Who was going to save them if they just waited? Also, the love triangle is way over done and not done well in this movie.

    Anyway, it has pretty good atmosphere, but there was not even one likable character in this movie. I spent my time deciding what order they should die in from the most unlikable to the least unlikable. It did not go in the order I had hoped unfortunately.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just watched this movie. Was waiting for witches to show till the end but not a single one showed up. Some of teenagers got paranoid, started to think one of their friend is turned into a witch but she was just having anxiety attacks. This lead to death of them in not so weird ways. Only one girl survived who killed her best friend thinking that she was a witch. 5 stars only for atmospheric tension.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A group of college kids drive to Western, Massachusetts (filmed in Canada) for a ski trip. Jill (Hannah Kasulka) is our voice of reason, although she is with Derek (Craig Arnold) who doesn't know about Philip (Corbin Bleu). Alison (Sasha Clements) is the victim of some roofie team rape, post the video type of thing. And no one likes Bree (Humberly González) because she is pretty. Brothers Tod (Kyle Mac) and Matty (Alexander De Jordy) even up the group.

    A blocked road causes them to take a detour through Stoughton Valley where there was a witch trial as people who entered that area of the woods had seizures. They get stuck on a posted road and Alison has a seizure. . .

    Most of the film takes place inside the vehicle. It would have been nice if they were stalked by Cujo the hungry bear, but that was not the case. I would have liked to have seen a little more "Yellow Brick Road" effect, but that didn't happen either. It was a little disappointing. And there were no witches either.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A group of young people who all seem to have dark secrets and fresh trauma - it must be tough being a college student these days! - go on a skiing trip to Western Massachusetts (actually Canada). On the way there's a detour and they end up going through the mythical, mystical town of Stoughton Falls, where witch trials (and hangings) occurred in the 1690s, but were somehow overshadowed by Salem's drama. One of the guys thinks he knows a shortcut (one guy always does!) and they all end up stranded in the woods during a snowstorm. Two of 'em go out for help, only one comes back, seemingly possessed. Everybody starts dying either via murder, the elements, or misadventure.

    As far as survival horror goes (the supernatural twist is nominal), it's ok. The major problem is this: all these people suck. Although it's never actually explained, there's a strong indication that the girl who falls under the thrall of the witchy woods was gang-raped and videotaped in a frat-party incident, and that most of the dudes in the car were there, one way or the other. WHY WOULD THESE PEOPLE GO ON VACATION TOGETHER? Every bit of the dialogue is people bickering. Even the (presumptive) Final Girl is cheating on her boyfriend. As people, they are all such unlikeable zeroes that you can't possibly care about their miserable fate.

    In conclusion, if you like watching awful people get hypothermia, this one is for you.
  • kuarinofu6 January 2021
    'Witches in the Woods' is a good slasher with some thriller elements.

    While it is mostly done by the book, you still get your set of absolutely despicable characters you really want to see dead, and they do, eventually.

    It gets boring at times but is still watchable.

    I can't really recommend it, but if you have some free time and you have nothing else to do, you can give it a try.
  • None of the characters were likable. The acting was fine, it was well filmed, story was so-so.

    Overall an average rating. It could've been a very good film, had the characters been worth rooting for.
  • OK, I think that I may be in the minority here, but I have to say that I really liked it.

    Who does'nt enjoy watching a group of irritating , obnoxious teenagers, stranded in a hostile and cold environment, and anticipating the bad things that are going to happen to them !!!!

    Yes , I can see that there are a lot of obvious mistakes here, for instance , of course , if they had used their brains they could have moved the car , and they could have come up with ways to survive the cold .

    But then again , they are not exactly the sharpest knives in the block !

    But look , if we pick away at the small things all the time , then we wouldnt have a movie at all.

    I must say the setting was brilliant , it was so creepy, it just added to the tension .

    It had me gripped throughout, a definite high rating from me.
  • We live in a time where their are so many low budget horror movies I've trusted the reviews of IMDB in attempt to sort through the weeds. This however caught my eye off trailer alone so despite its low rating I watched it anyways as I'm glad I did!

    Nothing about this movie screams low budget, there isnt a time in the movie you're not anticipating what's coming next, several things happen that leave you wondering how they will develop. No it's not amazing, it's not a blockbuster film, it's just very entertaining from beginning to end!

    I found this movie miles above horror flicks that recieve twice the attention and get screen time at your local theaters. Again not award winning just an entertaining film in a time where plenty of lousy horror films exist.
  • You know in horror movies when characters mostly do that one thing they shouldn't be doing? Depending on the actors, the story and other circumstances you may be able to forgive these things ... I'd argue it is near impossible to really forgive anyone involved here.

    Especially the inciting incident ... roads taken and all that. You do wonder why anyone would trust someone as obviously out of touch and clueless as the one our "group" believes in here. There is an underlying and depending on your view very well or poorly handled backstory involving one of the girls. She is also the center of many more scenes of "come on" - "are you seriously going to do that?" ... again, suspend your disblief ... because if you don't ... well it is going to be a "painful" watch. It is shot in a very good way though and you can see some merit(s) in it.
  • Stevieboy66631 August 2020
    A group of young friends take a shortcut along an unfamiliar, snow covered road but end up getting stuck in the middle of nowhere (well in the woods actually, where apparently some witches were once tried, or something). In terms of horror it takes almost an hour for anything to happen, prior to that it is mainly the group arguing. The Blair Witch is an obvious influence, it does manage to be creepy at times, there is also a few decent gore scenes. But overall it is slow, boring, the acting is mediocre and there is no satisfactory explanation to the events.
  • I thought I would be thrilled with this movie, but it's very boring. I'm really a sensitive girl that can be scared easily but nah, It was all normal, I was disappointed.

    I only watched this movie because of CORBIN!
  • This movie was unfortunately boring. The acting was awful and storyline predictable. The characters were so unlikable which led to me welcoming their deaths. I highly recommend that you don't waste your time and energy on this movie. Stay clear of this one.
  • A bunch of young people are lost in the snowy forest. The increasing cold and psychological tensions (they are not exactly best friends) take their toll, and then there are legends of witches in that area. The forest is said to make you possessed. The photography is great, so many shots inside the car, even moving within that confined space, and the viewing angles never feel repetitive.

    Despite the title, the movie never clearly shows anything supernatural going on, whether possession or just psychological issues are to blame for the murders is not explained, and I like that something is left open for the audience to make their own impression. Unfortunately, there are no sympathetic characters you'd care about, therefore the danger they get into isn't making you sit on the edge of your seat. OK to watch, I voted 5 of 10, but it didn't fulfil my expectations entirely.
  • It could be argued this movie has absolutely nothing to do with witches. And it says "witches" right in the title! I thought, Scream Factory and witches, there's a winning combo. Boy was I wrong.

    This movie does nothing but grow more and more ridiculous with every scene, starting around midway, until it's a crescendo of ridiculousness. Everybody who leaves the vehicle wanders into the woods. Ridiculous. Two deaths by ski pole. Ridiculous. Can we have one horror movie set in the woods, NOT have a bear trap? This movie's from 2019, for crying out loud. Ridiculous.

    I was mystified as to why these people were together on a trip. All kinds of relationship drama, PLUS a subplot where one of the girls was gang raped, possibly involving people in the same vehicle! Typical of modern horror, no attention to detail. And talk about a lame, nothing of an ending. They didn't even try.

    I will begrudgingly give Witches in the Woods a few minor things, because I want to stay positive, right? It looks genuinely cold, and our college bickerers are freezing to death (Ontario substituting for western Massachusetts). There is one scene where you can see a face outside the frozen SUV window. That was creepy (and it lasts about 5 seconds). There's a cool establishing shot inside the car, at the beginning of the film, where we're introduced to the characters, done in one long take. Does not amount to much, unfortunately. Two stars.
  • Witches feels a whole lot like Blair WItch Project, without the 'found footage' aspect and could be seen as the semi-decent follow up that Blair Witch never truly got.

    A bunch of college kids head into the mountains, to party in a cosy cabin but their journey encounters problems when they head off-road whilst taking an ill-advised short cut into some (as legend goes) haunted woods. The situation gradually turns from bad to worse and it slowly dawns on them that there is something threatening their survival more than the cold wilderness.

    It's very nicely shot in the snowy mountains, which adds realism to the plight of the stranded kids, whose performances are all solid. A few scenes at its world premiere were enough to make the FrightFest audience gasp, so there's some good horror moments in it but nothing that a mainstream crowd will find too startling.

    The film builds tension nicely, if a bit too slowly and I did find myself repeatedly questioning the plot turns but on the whole it held itself togther and stuck to its guns without the need for cheap CG effects and random boring jump scares - although I did jump out of my seat at one point.

    Not a ground-breaker like Blair Witch but if you're a fan of that classic, as I am, there's enough genuine intention in this movie to keep it interesting.
  • a-nasir28 August 2019
    No story line, acting was very bad, why directors and producers even bother to make such a movie. If you guys have enough money just give it to those who need it. Waste of time and money.
  • IndieZeus22 October 2020
    Creepy atmospheric horror about a group of friends who get lost and stranded on a snowboarding trip after their SUV breaks down. Ultimately as the situation deepens the group dynamic begins to splinter.

    Beautifully shot, well acted and nicely staged. Good tension building and storytelling. Bit of gore and twists that keep coming. Kinda has the 'Wind Chill' vibe but with a bigger group.
  • clairelouise531 December 2019
    I really enjoyed this film, it was authentic, subtle and entertaining. I thought the cast were really good and found the tensions and interactions to be convincing. Anything to do with witches is automatically creepy and this had the horror of the actual situation to compound that.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    WTF I've seen this movie and stil couldn't tell you what's it about. Friends get lost in the woods on a skiing trip - something about a witch one girl gets possessed kind of irritating and dull at the same time. They turn on each other and all die that's it. What a piece of crap- I gave it two stars as I was intrigued enough to watch the whole damned movie
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ... is that filmmakers keep thinking that if they cast 30+ year olds to play 20 year olds no one will notice.

    This film isn't scary at all, just lots of scenes of people yelling at each other. It's 30 year old actors playing 20 year old college kids who act like they're 10 year old children imitating toddlers.

    And the characters are written to be dumb as well. An example is that their car breaks down in the middle of a snowy forest, and they sit in it until it's dark before 2 of them decide to go look for help. Makes sense doesn't it? While they're gone the rest sit in the car running the heater until the battery goes flat and then light a small candle to keep them warm while constantly complaining about how cold it is. Not once does anyone suggest huddling together for body warmth, or using some of the textbooks inside the vehicle as kindling to try and get a fire started outside, a fire that could not only keep them warm but also attract any would be rescuers to their location. Nope, instead they just yell, fight and complain. Riveting stuff. They were so dumb and unlikable that it made me look forward to seeing them get killed off one by one, but surprise surprise the kills ended up being a disappointment that lacked any kind of creativity or originality.

    Zero tension, dumb and unlikable characters, no scares, boring kills, it's a failed attempt at making an even slightly engaging horror flick.
  • NijazBaBs31 August 2019
    Nothing interesting to see in this movie except environment which is ideal for horror and survival and most genre movies. Also few good scary ideas such as crowns, hunter, stuck door etc. But most things look fake, predictable, annoying. Holes in the story. Not based on any exact science, story, idea. Just some random fake unexplained stuff with a lot of questions. Almost has nothing to do with witches, and even title is scarier than whole movie. I am more disappointed than satisfied. Waste of time. More positive and realistic beginning, and gets worse towards ending. Bad.
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