User Reviews (13)

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  • 'Erica (2019)' is an interactive live-action game, essentially a movie in which you control the narrative (or, at least, aspects of it). Using a mobile app, the piece allows you to interact with key story moments and make decisions on behalf of the protagonist, as well as perform smaller actions such as clearing mist off a window or flipping open a lighter. The choices are integrated in a relatively seamless way and the control scheme works surprisingly well, seeming intuitive in all but a handful of scenes. The plot revolves around a young woman who receives a gruesome package in the mail and is sent to her father's old place-of-work as a form of protective custody. Of course, strange things soon start happening and it's up to you to decide how you want to interpret them. The game is ambiguous throughout, with its choices mainly being based around who you trust and what you want to believe. There are no 'right' answers. This is rather refreshing, even if it makes for an intermittently confusing experience. The writing isn't phenomenal but it isn't weak, either. Once you buy into the central situation, it's easy to get caught up in it. The game will take you around 1 hour 45 minutes to finish, about the length of a regular movie. If you're so inclined, you can replay it as many times as needed to see every ending (I believe there are seven in total). You can't turn it off mid-game, though, so each playthrough must be done in a single sitting. To be honest, this is somewhat off-putting. It does seem like there are a variety of diverging paths that may be worth exploring, but I personally didn't replay the piece once I'd finished it. It's one that I might come back to in the future, however. In the end, the thing does a good job at being a movie/game hybrid and is intuitive to play. Perhaps this is a genre that will soon pick up steam. 7/10
  • aldokain31 July 2020
    Awesome game interactions and enjoyable characters.
  • watchm-4429027 December 2021
    Once upon a time I tried to play (watch) the game "Late Shift". It was terrible, I really didn't like it.

    When I started playing Erica, I was counting on the worst. But the game turned out to be not so bad. Nice actors, little interest in the story.
  • AvionPrince165 November 2021
    The game is pretty disappointing. I play this game for mainly the story but it lack clearly of depth and complexity. The plot was quite intriguing in the beginning with the dead body but the mysteries that they tried to install dont work. I didnt feel intriguec at all. Yes i want to find the murder and discover why they did this. But its pretty simple and i feel that the game dont have this mysterious part that keep an audience engaged in the plot. It dont work i guess and it feel very non sense at all. What i like in this FMV its the transition between live video and interactivity because we dont feel a rough cut in the editing and i felt that work pretty smoothly and dont break the immersion. The work with the ritual and the mother it was clearly boring and it felt very unbelievable in my opinion. The actors were pretty great. I found the play of Erica was good for this age. I. Wasnt put of by the actors performance at any moment. Thats a good point. I mainly play FMV games for their. Stories but in this game it was pretty disappointing and i didnt find very interesting.
  • I was hugely impressed when this was released at gamescom. An innovative and fresh take on interactive gaming, beautifully done. I will be playing this a lot to explore all the different story arches.
  • I rated this a while ago, but just now read the reviews after getting (I think!) every ending. First, I'm not sure which platforms this is available on, but I played on PS4 and you do not have to use your phone to control the game - you can just use the touch pad on a normal PS4 (dualshock) controller. My wifi can be really spotty in the bedroom and I can't get my phone to connect to the same connection that I have the PS4 on so this made me very happy. (Plus I'm not really a fan of games that force you to use your phone as a controller unless they're like.. Jackbox games.)

    Next - the story is genuinely mysterious. As the game says on the first load screen, it's impossible to get all the answers with one playthrough. After playing multiple times, I can say with sincerity that you can have a COMPLETELY different experience from one playthrough to the next.

    Oh and before I forget - if you're a trophy hunter, this is an easy grab. It'll take a couple playthroughs and certain parts can get a bit repetitive, but you'll go into certain choices armed with the knowledge of the last run, so it's necessary. Also, you don't get any trophies until you complete each playthrough as to not spoil certain plot points - so you must complete it in order to get them. It's easy to lose track of time when playing a video game, but I THINK an average playthrough is about an hour & 45 minutes. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter.

    And finally, it really feels like A LOT of work went into this. Not only is the story incredibly complex, but the gameplay, mechanics, pathways, and yes - even the controls feel like they were crafted with great care and detail. I'm not sure of the budget for this game - but it LOOKS like it was at least 7 figures. If not- then even more kudos to the devs.

    I'm a fan. I really need to look into the streaming rights for this one.
  • Erica is absolutely a passing project on the PS4. An interactive film in which there is no strong main plot, weak acting and a minimal amount of interactivity as such. There are 5 endings in the game, only the first 3 are of interest. The main 2 is "player torture" to receive a platinum trophy. Why did I not understand such terrible control, playing from a smartphone is uncomfortable. There are of course pleasant things in Erica - a great picture, good camera work, but there is nothing else here. Erica is positioned as a thriller, but in 2 hours of the film there is not one tense moment.
  • mmuggi6 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is the first Videogame movie that I have played. It's a mysterious and exciting story, which takes place in about two hours, and you do not get bored. There are many playthroughs available.

    You use either an app or the touchpad on the controller. I used the touchpad and it worked okay.

    Erica is really good at setting the pace, and mixing the quiet moments, with the quite intense ones.

    Erica, played by real-life actor Holly Earl, is a relatable, if malleable, protagonist. Earl regularly looks like she's bewildered or uncomfortable, exactly how you feel as a viewer in most of the situations. She seems thoughtful and patient, but other than that there isn't too much of a set personality for her. You decide through your in-game choices if she's more passive or aggressive or unhelpful during the case, and because of the high stakes murder circumstances, switching her attitude and approach never feels abrupt nor out of character. Even if you spend most of the game being rude, you can be friendly to someone and it doesn't feel weird. Your reactions, and in turn Erica's, are likely to change frequently during a playthrough every time new information pops up, objectives change, and new, incredibly peculiar characters enter the picture.

    An excellent experience that understands when to stop and what to do along the way.
  • barrymw11 March 2023
    Great idea but it is so slow, the game mechanics are fiddly at best but are so few and far between you can ignore it. The biggest problem, is the pacing and the acting. It's so slow snails are speeding past. It is completely devoid of any atmosphere or tension, and all of the actors phone in performances that are so wooden they are sprouting leaves.

    In any story you have to care what happens to some or all of the protagonists, even if those feelings are antagonistic toward them it gives you a stake in the story. I gave it a shot but I just didn't care about how it was going to end or what was going to happen to anyone. I'm just thankful I got this as part of my PS subscription because if I had paid full price for it I would have felt cheated.
  • I thought it was great apart from the phone part, also I think it's funny people are saying how good the graphics are when they filmed it with real people
  • arcadrian30 November 2020
    This is the new way to play interactive games and we need more of this out there. So much better than that lame and weak bandersnatch episode too.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I purchased this game because I liked the premise of an interactive film. I was intrigued at first after playing Until Dawn. One thing that bothered me is that Erica never seems to smile (unless she does after the guard scene which I doubt). Sure it's supposed to be a horror but the fact that there are real people makes it a little too real for me. To get all the trophies you have to slit that guard's throat and kill everyone.. Hardly seems worth it considering how disturbing it can be. I stopped playing this part way through after finding out the trophy requirements and disturbing nature of it all. I know it's not real but it's still pretty disturbing.

    If you like this kind of genre then great, you'll love it. Just be warned that it is a pretty messed up, disturbing game. Not for the faint hearted (like me)!
  • mbboka25 July 2020
    Erica tries to innovate with a new way of playing through the mobile app, but she doesn't shy away from other games that we already have in the market for a while, with normal production, not exceptional history, performances that can leave something to be desired, but she can leave you interested enough to want to see its completion, and play a few more times to discover other possible endings.